Thanks to MeeyersPrezz for voting on Pen x Pin!!!
Also thanks to maya-moonstone for voting on Pen x Pin!!!( Btw I finally know how to tag people)!
Paintbrush's pov
Nickel was walking up to me, for some reason, I got this sting in my heart and turned around to a corner. I've never felt this feeling. What is this tingly, warm feeling? I looked this up and was shocked on what this feeling is. It was love. Love of all things? Am I really in love with Nickel? Well I guess I am. I just hope he feels the same. I go up to him, my heart pounding like a volcano. My sweat is going as fast as molten out of volcano. He blushes a bit. Blush? Is this a sign of love? Why is my face feel hot? I quickly go to the bathroom. It's the kind where it's boy & girl. Whatever I don't even need go to the bathroom. I pull out a mirror. I am blushing.Well I guess it is a sign of love. That's a good thing then. I go out. He's still blushing. I see something behind him. I go sit next to him on the bench. He blushes more and hands me flowers. I blush more and hug him. He blushes more. I say " I love you." He says " I love you too!" He then leans in. What is he doing? I guess I should do the same. Aprantly doing more research I learned what we did is called kissing where two lips intertwined for love. I then kissed him. He blushes uncontrallbly. After I pull away I walk him home. I then go home having learned a lot that night.
Review time! They were good friends in season 1 but I guess they could be friends in hotel OJ. So this is a o.k ship in my book.
Final score: 4/10
Cuteness: 4.5/10
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