Microphone x Suitcase

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Thanks to diamonddacute for writing a Needle x Pin, Coiny x Firey, Bubble x Leafy, and making a drawing a lil' comic of a part of my Bubble x Ruby all for me! Thanks so much! 

Microphone's pov

                             I see Suitcase walking around. I felt my heart skip multiple beats and my cheeks sting with blush. For some reason I really really like like her a lot. I don't know why even when it seems like she likes Balloon. I really don't know why I like her but I just do I guess. She comes up to me and I blush a light shade of pink. She asks " Do you want to go to the alliance party?" I say with confusion " Isn't that only for you, Baseball, Nickel, and Balloon?" She blushes a light shade of pink and says " Well the alliance gets to bring their love." I ask with a small smirk " Who with who?" She says " Balloon and OJ and Baseball and Nickel." Wait Balloon is with OJ? That means I actually have a chance with her! I hugged her and asked " Do you want to go to the dance with me?" She said, a dark pink, " Yes! I've always loved you too..." She posed  dramatically and said " Carry me~" I laughed a bit and did so. Once we got there we saw Balloon and OJ being the DJs. It was really weird to think about them being boyfriends and DJs. Anyways I decided to suggest the song I hate u I love u. OJ gave me a thumbs up and switched to that song. I pretty much hugged Suitcase and moved around and I called that ' dancing.' Near the end of the song Balloon and OJ was kissing. When Baseball finally kissed Nickel we were both screaming at the top of our lungs. Nickel's face was really funny when it happened. I pick Suitcase up, making her turn light red and ask " Micro-Microphone what ar-" That's all she could say before I kissed her. She was totally freaking out while everyone was giggling. After I pulled away she was bright red. I had to carry her home. I then went to my house.

Review time! The only interaction they had was negative( episode 12). So this is not at all likely.

Final score: 2/10

Cuteness: 2.1/10

Love test (1): 21% ' You could be great friends, but nothing more.'

Love test (2) 34% ' Hmm!!! Lots of work to do!!!'

BTW I ship Suitloon and Payjay now.

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