Mepad's pov
I look at my crush. He's so cute I thought to myself. He then appears behind me making me blush quite a lot and be scared. I then ask nervously" W-what do you want sir?" He then said" Someone warm to snuggle with." I asked while I blushed more " W-why?" He then responded" Because it's too cold and I need some warmth." I said while he began to snuggle up to me and I blushed more" O-okay then." Then he said" You know my lips are cold too~" I started to blush a whole lot and say " W-wha-" He then kissed me. I was super duper shocked. He then said while blushing a bit" Thank you for warming up my lips." I said while blushing a bit" Y-you're welcome s-sir." We then snuggled for the rest of the night.
Review time! Hmm likely. Mostly because Mephone4 sees Mepad as the main assiantance instead of Toilet, and tends to like Mepad more.
Final score: 6/10
Cuteness: 6/10
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