Cloudy's pov
I see one of my beepers, Woody. Woody has always been my crush. I'm not sure if he likes me. Heck even he's even likes anyone besides Teardrop. I float next to him and asks him" Do you want to grab some cake?" I turn around to see Cake horrfied. I then say " Not you Cake." He walks away relieved. Woody says " Yes." I know today was the day I was gonna tell him. He asks " How will we get there?" I say " We could wal- well you walk and me float together or-" Before I could say anything more he hopped on top of me and asked for me to carry him around. I said yes and carried him to the cake shop, blushing soft pink the whole way. He got off me and went into the cake shop. He picked the couples' cake. I asked him " Why?" He said " S-so we can share it!" I then said " But we're not a couple..." He then winked. I blushed a bit harder pink. We immedently hit a promblem. How would I eat? He then solved it by feeding me. A little embassing. I started to blush a bit darker pink. After we were all done I noticed the plastic heart that was in the middle of the cake was gone. I asked him " Where's the plastic heart." He started to blush a soft pink, and say while pulling out the plastic heart from behind his back, " I love you." I was surprised to hear those words. I then kissed him. He was shocked to say the least. After I was done he got on top of me and I dropped him off at his house. I went to my house.
Review time! Besides being on the same team there is no edvidence.
Final score: 4/10
Cuteness: 4.5/10
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