Day 1 - June 25, 2017

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Day 1 - June 25, 2017

Wrestling Against or With Each Other

Sami had never imagined working with Dean, but now that the opportunity had been provided, he didn't want to let it slip through his fingers.

Dean had seen Sami around, but hadn't thought much of him until they were forced to team together to take on the unlikely pair that consisted of Kevin Owens and Seth Rollins. He knew Rollins like the back of his hand and he knew Sami did about Kevin, and with the four of them fighting in the same ring, history was about to be made.

None of the teams denied this fact - they knew they could leave this crowd in awe by the end of the night. The fans wouldn't know what to do with themselves after these four men were finished in that ring.

The lunatic knew Sami had talent - he had grown with his craft. However, Sami had a tendency to take his personal feelings out to the ring and that interfered with his performance. Dean left his backstage and when he went out onto that ramp, he let everything go once and for all. He turned himself into a completely different person and ran with the persona.

The lunatic was let out of his cage.

The underdog hid inside of the cage.

Polar opposites, and yet they managed to wind up in the same match, facing the same people they had countless times before.

Kevin was a monster in the ring. He destroyed everything and every person that stepped in his way. Seth was an architect, one that knew the weaknesses of his opponents and could take them down swiftly.

Together, they were a team considered unstoppable.

Dean wrapped his hands up in tape as he watched Sami warming up. He couldn't help but smirk at the sight - Sami's bare chest exposing his abs and chiseled muscles. His jawline was so sharp that he could cut his finger with it. His charming smile and contagious laugh always made Dean's heart skip a beat.

Sami was too humble to see the puppy dog eyes Dean was giving him. Dean was handsome, scruffy guy that Sami found quite attractive but due to his shy nature, he didn't make a move.

"Ready?" Dean questioned, making Sami peek up. "Remember, leave all of your personal feelings out of this. They don't deserve to see you like that."

Sami nodded. "I'll try my best, Dean-o."

Dean winced. "Just call me Dean or Ambrose, alright? I sound like a child otherwise."

Sami chuckled, smiling softly. "Sure, of course, Dean."

He wished he could call him Mr. Zayn instead of Mr. Ambrose.

The two strolled out of the locker room and out onto the ramp, hearing the cheers of the fans that surrounded them. In that moment, everything that they felt backstage was left behind.

Their cocky opponents strolled out behind them, rolling their eyes at the boos that followed.

"You want me to start it off?" Dean whispered into Sami's ear, sending a chill up the man's spine.

"No, I've got this handled," Sami said, patting him on the back. Dean nodded as he climbed behind the ropes.

Sami and Kevin came face to face, tensions high. The ref split them up before ringing the bell.

They attacked each other with repeated punches to the face before Kevin grabbed Sami from around the waist, flipping him over. Sami slammed his neck off of the canvas, temporarily stunned.

Kevin grabbed him by his hair to pick him up, throwing him into the ropes. Bouncing off of the opposite ones, Kevin ran at his opponent, only to be drop kicked in the jaw.

Groaning, Owens stayed down while Sami regained his strength, eyeing his opponent evilly. He wanted revenge for all of the pain and suffering Kevin had put him through, for all of the times he had made Zayn feel like he was below the veteran.

He was about to prove that he was just as good.

Dean began clapping, attempting to have the crowd interact to help Sami gain his confidence, to help the adrenaline rush through him.

"Come on, Sami!" Dean cheered.

Sami smirked, watching as Kevin got up. He rushed over and began attacking him with more punches, knocking him into the ring post. Seth put his hands up, shaking his head at the ref.

Dean watched Seth closely, ready to run over and stop him if he tried to interfere.

Kevin leaned back into the post, breath heavy and lungs burning.

"Seth, tag in!" Kevin demanded, weakly holding his hand up.

"Nah, you go ahead," Seth told him, hopping off the edge. Kevin growled, turning around just in time to see Sami running at him, ready for a Helluva Kick.

With a second to spare, Kevin jumped out of the way, leaving Sami to run his leg into the post.

A screaming Sami sprawled himself out onto the mat, holding his throbbing limb as Kevin took advantage and went to pin. Failing to get to the three count, he stood up, leaning against the ropes as he glared at Seth.

"Come on! Get in the ring!" Kevin screeched. "It's your turn to get in here!"

Seth ignored him, hanging by the barricade with a permanent smirk. "I agreed to work with you for this match. That doesn't mean I agreed to actually participating in the match itself. I just came out so you had a partner. Big, big difference, my friend."

"I am not your friend!" Kevin hollered back, slamming his foot against the canvas in frustration. "Get your ass in here!"

Seth shrugged.

Sami took this as an opportunity to crawl his way back over to Dean, who was cheering him on and waiting for his turn patiently. Dean held his arm out as far as he could. He finally jumped, slapping Dean's hand.

Dean made sure Sami had rolled away before peeking back at his opponents, who were still arguing about Seth getting into the ring.

Dean stood back, laughing as Sami groggily popped back up.

"You good, dude?" Dean questioned after seeing Sami's closed eyes and hearing a groan. "Need a doctor?"

"No, no, I'm good," Sami muttered. "I'm a little dizzy from when Kevin slammed my head on the canvas earlier. I'll be fine. Go make me proud, alright?"

Dean nodded, unsure if he should continue. He didn't want Sami to risk an injury, especially one that involved his head. Sami seemed to be alright, but that didn't necessarily mean he was - some signs and symptoms don't show up until the last minute and the thought of that scared Dean.

"You sure you don't want me to get you a doctor?"

"And risk the match? No. Go do what you've got to and if we win, we do. If not, don't worry about it."

"It's not the match I'm worried about, Sami. How many fingers am I holding up?"

Dean held up two fingers, turning to Sami with concern written on his features. At that moment, the match meant nothing; he didn't care about winning or losing, he cared about Sami and his health. If Sami couldn't compete, neither could Dean, in his mind.

Sami felt flattered that Dean cared so much, but he didn't need the help. He was doing fine, just a little headache, that's all. His neck was sore and his head throbbed, but he could finish out the match. With Dean repeating his question multiple times, Sami felt annoyed and wanted to cuff him and tell him to shut up and get out there.

It was Dean's time to shine and Sami wasn't about to let him down.

"Dean, not now. Hurry, pin Kev while you've got the chance!" Sami exclaimed, pointing to the large man in black who was still arguing with his partner.

"How many fingers am I holding up, Samuel?" Dean growled, glaring into the red head's bright eyes. "I'm not doing anything until you answer my freakin' question and I know you're okay."

"I told you I was fine!" Sami huffed.

"I don't care. Answer the question or I get us disqualified so I can get you help," Dean threatened, ready to pounce out and grab a chair to hit Kevin or Seth with, whoever got in his way first.

Sami sighed, knowing this was the only way to get Dean to participate. "You are holding up... fo- two fingers," he answered, although his eyes deceived him and he saw four - double vision messed with his head, but he kept quiet about the issue. "And my name is not Samuel. It is Sami. S-A-M-I. Say it right. I sound like a child otherwise."

Dean wasn't convinced of Sami's health, but gave a nod anyway. "Sure, sure."

Sami raised a brow at Dean, who was scowling as he turned away. He wasn't sure what he had done wrong, but something rubbed Dean the wrong way.

Seth finally took Kevin's place, smirking at the lunatic who was currently thinking about his love interest behind him. He knew Dean was weakened by the thought of injury on his pal, his crush, and figured he could get one up on him easily.

Dean ran at Seth, the two throwing hits at one another, only half of them catching. Dean managed to knock Seth back, about to jump on him when he heard a familiar screech, and as he turned around, down Sami went, head slamming into the barricade on the outside.

As much as he wanted to run out and be sure his potential lover was safe, he kept focused on the man with two tones in his hair right before him. The man he had history with in more than one way.

He wanted revenge on Seth as much as Sami did on Kevin. Except his revenge was for something different than wrestling - it was about love.

Seth had left Dean a broken man. After years of dating under cover, Seth was bored of Dean and left him, leaving Dean to cry himself to sleep each night. It left Dean to think about the end of his life and the possibility of drinking away all of his woes.

The alcohol numbed him temporarily, but the sting in his chest remained, haunting and reminding him of the dastardly night that left Dean a different man.

Six months later, Dean still hadn't recovered. And on the six month anniversary of their break up, Dean had the opportunity to stand over his ex, staring down at him with power and authority in that ring. He had been granted the wish of beating Seth's face into the floors to make him pay for the pain that had been caused.

Seth simply smirked up at the broken man, feeling no remorse for his actions. He had to do what was best for him and if Dean couldn't grasp the concept and understand that it wasn't his intention to inflict harm of any kind, that was his fault. He was torturing himself; Seth had nothing to do with that.

"Hit me!" Seth laughed, slapping Dean in the face. "Now! Do it!"

Dean grabbed Seth and pulled him close, admiring the brown eyes that he used to stare into at night as they cuddled in the cold bed. The eyes that used to hold his heart inside of them. Seth was no longer the same man he once was; he let the power of the company rush to his head.

"I hate you!" Dean yelled as he slammed Seth's head into the canvas. "I hate you so much!"

Seth's eyes squeezed shut as pain seized his entire body. He didn't respond to Dean; he didn't need to.

Dean stopped and walked over to the other side of the ring, not seeing Sami move with his eyes closed. He bit his lip as he looked back at Seth.

Seth was down, his back against the canvas and eyes watching the ceiling lights. They twinkled above him like small stars - this was his universe. His life. His everything.

His universe was there to support him no matter what; good or bad, down and out or up on his feet, win or lose.

Tonight was the time he lost - he couldn't go any further. His body was burning and yearning for a break. His spirit was broken for the night and he just wanted to slip back under the sheets and stay there until something went right.

Dean laid on Seth, smoothing the hair out of his face as the ref counted. Dean didn't pay attention, though, as his focus stayed solely on Seth. The man he loved for so long.

"I loved you, Seth," Dean mumbled.

The bell rang, the ref helping Dean to his feet to hold his arm up, announcing that he and Sami were the winners of the match.

Without thinking, Dean rushed to Sami's side, shaking him lightly. Sami whined, his eyes fluttering open to reveal a pained expression.

"Come on, hold onto me. We're getting you to a doctor," Dean told him, wrapping his arm around Sami's body to help him backstage.

The doctor informed Dean later on that Sami had suffered a concussion, but that he would be okay.

After Sami whined to Dean, the lunatic gave in and allowed Sami to share a hotel room with him, including the bed.

The roommates slept peacefully throughout the night and Dean secretly prayed he and Sami would end up together.


Hey, all! Hope you enjoyed the first day! So sorry for it being posted this late - I was busy most of the day and didn't get home until late and then I've been writing as fast as my fingers could type!

Anyway, a big thank you to wrestlingweek for putting this on! Absolutely adore it! I know this isn't very good but I tried and had fun writing it!

Alright, goodnight! <3

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