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Another week had passed by in a flash and suddenly it was the weekend again. Jisung's parents had both left for whatever business trips they had to go on this time around, so he was left with his little sisters and Miss Kwon it once again. Hyunjin and Seungmin were coming over for a sleepover, all three boys being pretty excited for that. Well, two of them were secretly about to shit bricks because they were so nervous to tell Jisung about Felix being back, but it had to be done. It couldn't be avoided forever.

"Two Chae! Seungmin and Hyunjin are coming over, could you please bring your barbies to the playroom instead of having your stuff sprawled out across the dining table? It's literally the reason we have a playroom in the first place." Jisung groaned at his younger siblings, watching the mess of barbie clothes all over the long table.

"I want to see Hyunjin oppa and Seungmin oppa! It's been too long!" Chaeryoung yelled whilst she pouted, not wanting to miss out on any of the fun (or food) the older boys would be eating. "Chaer, please. You can still say hi and hang around here, but we need the dining table to be empty."

"Well, what will you be needing the dining table for then!?" Chaeyeon yelled back at her older brother in defense, watching his serious expression fall into a sheepish one.

"Board... games..."

"AHA! Then why don't all of you go to the playroom? There's a big table there as well!" Chaeyeon said cheekily, face glowing as she was proud of the defense she'd just come up with. Jisung stood there for a moment, not really having a counter argument for his little sister. Admitting his defeated, he groaned again.

"Fine, but make sure the dining table is empty by 6 p.m, as the pizzas we order will be delivered then."

"Yaaaaaaay!" Both girls screamed before they continued playing with their dolls, Jisung just watching them fondly for a short moment until he heard the first doorbell ring. He went to his front door and took a quick glance at the camera, seeing it was his best friends. He opened the gate for them as he watched them walk through, before he closed it behind them as well. He opened the front door and stood in the doorway as he watched his friends walk up the big front yard, both having a backpack slung over one of their shoulders loosely. Hyunjin was also carrying his pillow as he 'couldn't sleep with a different one' whilst Seungmin was fine with the ones Jisung's guest bedroom had to offer.

"Hey boys, welcome to Mi Casa once again!" He said and the two entered the house.

"Hey Sungie, good to see you again! We really missed coming over these past weekends, but we hope you had a good time with your parents!" Hyunjin said, earning a nod from Seungmin.

"It was good to have them here, for sure." Jisung approved, closing the door behind Seungmin as he was the last to enter. The three of them decided to head upstairs to the guest bedroom first to drop off their stuff, but they got too lazy to go back downstairs so they decided to hang out there for a bit.

"How did you end up doing on your essay, Sungie? You said you were a bit stressed about that." Seungmin asked as they were talking about their grades for the exams they recently took. "Oh, got a 90%." The boy said casually as he stared up at the ceiling, wondering why it seemed like it was moving as if it was quicksand.

"Ninety??? And you were worried? Gosh, I wish I had your brain Jisung." Hyunjin said as he sighed. "I barely got a 61 on calculus and I was proud of that!"

"Well, that's calc... my essay was about the economic growth of a random corporation and the impact it has on the overall economy of our country, and I chose Samsung for that."

"Pfft, as if that's easy." Hyunjin snorted, earning a small giggle from Jisung. "It is when your dad is the director of the marketing department of said company." The boy said amused before he continued, "It's practically the only thing he ever talks about, I was bound to understand and remember it."

"Well, I'm glad you did well Sungie! It must be a weight off your shoulders." Seungmin said as he looked at the boy who was avoiding eye contact. Just then, Seungmin's stomach growled and he realised how hungry he was. Thankfully Jisung heard it as well and stood up, stretching his back as he yawned.

"Lets go downstairs to get some snacks and games before heading to the playroom?"

"Sounds good!" "Alright!"

The three headed down to the kitchen, grabbing some drinks and snacks and a few of the board games Jisung had been too lazy to bring back to the playroom before, and headed that way. The three entered and sat down around the big table, taking sips of their drinks before attacking the bag of chips.

"So, which game are we playing?"


"No Hyunjin, I am not playing Monopoly with you ever again." Seungmin said, not so fondly remembering last time.

"What, why not?"

"Because last time we played you owned half of the board, was laughing maniacally when I went bankrupt and was screaming we were your bitches... Maybe that's why?" Jisung calmly intervened, watching the lover's quarrel unfold after that. Eventually it died down, Hyunjin convincing Seungmin to play Monopoly regardless. (Just because Hyunjin is his favorite human and he can't resist his pouty face).

It was all going pretty well, they ended up playing for three hours before Miss Kwon interrupted them to tell them their pizzas had been delivered. They decided to stop playing as it seemed like there would not be a clear winner for a while, both Jisung and Hyunjin owning a lot of the game whilst Seungmin was barely staying afloat.
As Jisung went to reach for another slice, Hyunjin nudged Seungmin's arm, signaling now was probably the best time to tell Jisung about Felix.

"Hey, Sungie. We have something to tell you." Seungmin said nervously, causing him to sound extremely serious in Jisung's mind. His head shot up as his eyes went a bit wider, not sure what was suddenly going on. It seemed like the atmosphere had shifted, causing a heavy feeling to loom in the air.

'That's it. They don't want to be your friends anymore.'

''Maybe they're breaking up.'

'They will be moving far away, leaving you behind as well. They will need to look for colleges for next year anyways, they'll tell you they're going to move across the country.'

"Uhm.... o-okay?" He stuttered, hoping his mind was wrong with the assumptions it was making. Seungmin and Hyunjin wouldn't leave him just like that there was no way... right?

"Remember Bang Chan? Or Chris? He's also Australian, that guy."


"Apparently he knows Felix! And he told us Lix will be moving back to Seoul soon! He's coming back to us and our school and he can't wait to see us again!" Hyunjin said with a raised voice, forcing as much excitement as he could muster without it sounding fake. It's not that he wasn't excited for all four of them to be together again, but it was the fact that he was lying to Jisung that Felix wasn't already there that he was struggling with. The boy in front of him didn't seem to notice the fake enthousiasm in Hyunjin's voice however, as his eyes were now blown wide.

"F...Felix? Coming... back? When?!"

"In about three weeks or so? He's finishing up packing and then he'll be flying his little ass over! Isn't it amazing?"

'He left because of you. He doesn't like you, why would he want to see you again?'

'He will know what kind of freak you've become. He'll pity and dispise you at the same time!'


'Quick, lie! But make it convincing or they'll suspect you!'

"Huh? Oh, yeah! That's great news, oh my god? Did Chan hyung give you his number? Is he excited to see me?"

"Yes, we got his number and he's excited to see you. We can give his number to you if you want as well?"

'He doesn't want that!'

"Oh, you can give him mine instead... I don't think I can text him first, what would I even say?"

"Sure, we'll send your number to him later!"

"Hmm, sounds good to me!"

Jisung quickly took a big mouthful of his pizza, hoping it'd stop the boys from asking questions, which thankfully seemed to work. Seungmin and Hyunjin gave each other a quick glance, the latter raising his shoulders to show he didn't know if Jisung was okay or not. He seemed to be feeling fine, but they didn't know that was because he had become very good at pretending.

The three decided to watch a movie after that instead, scurrying over to the next room which was the small 'cinema'. Miss Kwon had come in to check up on the boys and Jisung right as they were about to watch a movie, bringing over some more drinks. She handed Jisung the glass of water as well as his medicine, which he reluctantly took after the voices were fighting in his mind on whether or not he should.

'Do it, they need to see you take them like a good boy.'

'Don't! You can't have us dissapear on you! You need us!'

Jisung swallowed the medicine and gulped it down with water, both of his best friends not even fazed by it anymore. It caused him to become a bit drowsy halfway through the movie, causing him to slowly drift off into a light sleep.

"Psst. Do you think he's alright?" Seungmin whispered, voice barely audible over the sound coming from the big speakers. "Honestly, I don't think so. But we're here for him now, he can talk to us if he needs to, and you know he does that because we know we'll be there for him." Hyunjin responded, causing a worried Seungmin to glance at the sleeping boy. His gaze lingered for a moment before he nodded, turning his head to focus back onto the movie.

It was about three hours later when Jisung woke up from his 'nap'. He found himself still in the huge chair in front of the huge tv, which had now been turned off. He glanced to his left where he found Hyunjin and Seungmin cuddled up onto the small couch, the latter laying half on top of his boyfriend. It seemed as if all of them had fallen asleep during the movie, which had caused the tv to turn off automatically. Jisung glanced at his phone as he saw it was 11.34 p.m, the day closing in on midnight.

Upon looking at his homescreen, his heart began to ache as his mind grew cloudy. It was a picture of all four boys, just a little over three years ago. When everything was still fine and Jisung hadn't been traumatized yet. When Felix hadn't left them to go back to Australia yet.


He's back.

His mind began to race as his heartbeat quickened. He felt constricted and locked up as his thoughts were telling him how Felix would hate him, and how the boy would tell Seungmin and Hyunjin to leave him. His best —and only friends, would come to realise how insane he was, and they would leave him for Felix.

For a better person.

A less insane person.

Jisung got up from his chair, medicine still causing him to feel as if he was floating. He dropped his phone to the ground as he left the room, stumbling along the wall as he made it to the front door. Without thinking he put on his shoes and pushed through the door, taking in the fresh air as it hit his warm tear stained cheeks. He wasn't thinking at all, the only thing on his mind was to get far away from everyone.

He needed to get out.

And with that being the only thing on his mind, the boy passed through the front gate and was out on the streets, leaving the front door of his house blown open wide. It was a good thing that the electric gates closed on their own, otherwise that would've left another potentially bad situation bound to happen.

He didn't know where he was going, he let his subconcious lead the way as he walked through the city, tears now dried on his cheeks as the freezing air surrounded him.


Oh fuck, han jisung. What on earth is that boy doing. As i'm writing this, i wonder if some of you will have figured out what's going on with him yet.

Just get ready for the train that will (semi) soon be entering the station.

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