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Jisung opened the door with a smile, excited that the older boy who'd just arrived wanted to hang out with him again.

"Hello hyung, come on in!"

"Hey Jisung." The older stepped through the door and like everyone else who came there for the first time, was a little amazed. "Your house is uhh... quite something."

"Well yeah, it kind of is. Anyways, would you want something to drink?"

"Sure~" Minho responded to which Jisung nodded in reply, before walking to the fridge to get the drinks. The older of the two opted for a simple coke whilst the other picked out an iced tea for himself. "Do you want to watch a movie? Or maybe play some games? We could also go to the library and chill over there?"

"Li—You got a whole ass library in here?"

"Yeah, I know. My mom just loves books, she's kind of a hoarder regarding them. She just can't throw them out or donate them, so eventually we needed to dedicate a whole room to them."

"That's a sight I want to see."

And so they headed to the library, Jisung walking slightly ahead as he felt a bit weird to walk in the hallways with Minho, for real this time. They reached the door and the blond pushed it open, revealing his favorite room of the entire house. A soft gasp was heard from behind him, but he ignored it as he just walked into the room before turning around.

"Your house could be in a movie, for real. It's so pretty."

"Thanks. This is my favorite room too, the rest aren't as wild as this."

"Not as wild? I remember Changbin mentioning you had a whole as theater in here." Jisung scoffed as he walked towards one of the couches, sitting down on it as he motioned for the older to fully step into the room too. "A theater is exaggerating, it's just a huge flat screen tv with some cinema chairs. No biggie."

"No biggie!" Minho copied, laughing as he sat on the opposite side of the couch. It fell silent for a moment, both boys not too sure what to say, yet neither hated the silence that fell upon the room.

"Thanks for hanging out with me today, hyung." Jisung said softly, almost embarrassed to thank the older.

"Thank you for inviting me to your home. Like I mentioned, I had no plans either."

"I see..."

Another silence fell, this time a little heavier than the one before. Minho just stared around the room, looking at all the books and wondering how they were sorted. Was it in alphabetical order? Categorized in genres? He hoped it made sense, things like this would frustrate him if it was just randomly shuffled.

"Can I ask you something, hyung?" His attention went back to the younger, whom wore a frown on his face. "Yeah of course, hit me with it."

"What made you want to become an actor? I-I mean— I'm asking because what you said yesterday really got me thinking... So... yeah?" Minho laughed at the boy's awkwardness, but it wasn't in a mocking way. He found it cute how Jisung tried to make things less awkward only for it to be worsened the more he tried to explain.

"Well, I just thought it was cool that I could be anyone I wanted to be when I'd become an actor. To suddenly be a detective or a superhero and watch yourself be badass on a screen. The fame isn't the motivating factor either, I just want to act and make art in that way."

"Ohh, I see~. That's really awesome and such a good explanation."

"Did it help you at all though?"

"Hmm, not sure." Jisung giggled slightly, noticing that whilst it had made him understand the older more, it didn't really clear his head at all. "Guess it was dumb to ask. I-It was not dumb to hear though!" He really wanted to slap himself for his head, he was too nervous around the older to think before he spoke.

"I got you, no worries. So, what are you thinking of becoming then? Clearly the boring office job isn't going to cut it for you anymore, by the way you said you were thinking a lot?"

"Oh yeah... well... it's a bit embarrassing and ambitious, I guess. I don't think it'll work out..."

"Nothing is too ambitious as long as you put your heart into it."

"Well... I want to be a pianist? I think? It's just a bit scary as it seems to be a very unstable career path." Minho's eyes lit up upon hearing those words before he glanced over at the wing in the corner of the room.

"So that piano is for you, huh? Can you play for me?"


"You. Play? For me? Pretty please?"

"Uhm, alright." Jisung got up hesitantly, walking towards the piano and up the three steps that led to it. He sat down on the piano stool as he opened the lid to the keys. He glanced back at Minho whom had turned his entire body to watch him attentively. Jisung just smiled shyly before clearing his throat.

"Do you have a song you'd like to hear?"

"No, just whatever you feel comfortable playing."

"Then is it okay if I do a Chopi—"

"Jisung, just play." Minho smiled sweetly, encouraging smile on his face as he nodded a bit. The younger quickly turned his head to hide the evidence of blood rushing to his face, before he took a deep breath. He quickly went to the right sheets and started playing. He wasn't sure for how long he should keep going, so he figured he'd stop just before the piece would pick up its pace.
His hands glided over the black and white keys, pressing them gently whilst he took a peak at the sheet music in front of him once in a while. He could play it by heart at this point— especially the beginning of the song, but the sheets were there for a reason so he might as well use them. Just as he had intended, he stopped right before the peak of the song. He balled his hands into fists before he stretched his fingers back out again, turning his entire body to look at Minho. The boy's eyes were staring blankly as his mouth was agape slightly, clearly surprised by Jisung's play.

"Did you like it?" The younger asked, unsure of what to say. He watched the other scoff in response before he dramatically rolled his eyes.

"I'm almost offended you asked me that. You're so good!? Like fucking hell, that was some art right there."

"Thank you." Jisung smiled, getting up to walk back towards the couch where he sat moment before. "I feel like I could just listen to you play all day or whenever I'm stressed. Whaaaaa I'm in such a good mood now." Minho stretched his arms into the air as Jisung let himself fall back onto the couch.

"I'm glad you liked it so much. I can always just record me playing and send it to you?"

"But that's not the same. Watching you physically play makes the experience so much better."

"Oh." Jisung wasn't able to hide his blush in any other way, so he brought his hands up to shield his face away from Minho.

"What?" He heard the older laugh, causing him to peak over his fingertips. "I don't handle compliments well."



"What?" Minho responded nonchalantly, laughing again when he noticed Jisung's eyes widened upon yet another compliment. "You're cute when you're flustered."

Jisung could hear his heart pounding in his ears as he just stared blankly at the older. The realisation that he was still in love with Minho, even if it wasn't the same person as before, came washing back into his thoughts. It caused him to pout subconciously, annoyed that there was nothing happening between them. He also couldn't possibly think that anything would happen, he had to remember and respect that Minho met him literally the day before.

"Is something wrong?"

"No, it's nothing. Life is just unfair! You're giving me compliments like a confident king whilst I should be the one to complement you! I-I mean look at you, you know?!"

'Stop talking Han Jisung. You're an idiot.'

"Ha ha! I do see myself in the mirror at least once a day, but that doesn't mean I'm the only attractive person on the planet, you know?"

"Ohmygod— Please teach me how to be confident you... Just wow. You have my respect, hyung." Jisung responded, purposefully ignoring the fact that Minho had indirectly called him attractive as well. He might have not even ment it like that, right?

"I can have that arranged. Let me give you your first lesson straight away." The older sat up, pretending to look serious like any teacher would. "Every morning when you look in the mirror, tell yourself; 'Wow, who is that sexy beast? Oh right, that's me'. It might not work straight away, but do it a couple times and you'll start believing it!" Jisung groaned as he rolled his eyes, not accepting that Minho had actually said that.

"I'm revoking my statement. I have no respect for you and this class sucks ass."

"I mean isn't that a good thing, seeing you're into guys and all—"


The two couldn't help but burst into laughter, Jisung having doubled over as he leaned forward in Minho's direction. The latter held onto the boy's shoulder to keep him from rolling off the couch, wiping away fake tears as he seemed to be enjoying his own joke as well.

"That... that was pure evil hyung. You can't just talk about... eating...—anyways!"

"Your reaction— makes it... so much better!" Minho was still trying to gain his breath which caused Jisung to wonder just how funny he thinks he is. "It wasn't even that funny, hyung."

"That smells like bullshit, you were the one that needed help staying upright if I remember clearly!"

"That's just a habit of mine! I did it yesterday as well, don't you dare use this against me! I won't play the piano for you anymore if you do!" Minho audibly gasped, opening his eyes as far as he could as he brought his hands up to palm his cheeks. Dramatic indeed.

"That's like you're blackmailing me. Please, spare me Beethoven junior!"

"Beet— Hyung, I played Chopin!"

"Irrelevant. Who the fuck even knows that guy anyways?"

"I..." Jisung facepalmed, shaking his head when he saw the playful smile on Minho's face. "You might be taller and older than me, but you're acting like a little shit."

"Seems like you're into it though." Minho wiggled his eyebrows, causing Jisung's jaw to drop. He wasn't sure if the boy was serious or not, so forming an appropriate response was nearly impossible to do. Defensively denying it also didn't seem like the best option as that might give of flags that Jisung wasn't into the older at all.

"Looks like cat's caught your tongue?"

That god darn smirk.

"You're so freaking flirty hyung, I can't handle it."

It was only a joke, yet Minho's eyes immediately darkened, losing the playfulness they held seconds before. The smirk that fit his features so well dissapeared alongside it, as the older's eyes now held an apologetic expression in them.

"Oh. I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable, Sung."


"It's not my intention to hurt you here, really, I'm sorry."

"Wait wait wait?! Calm down, I was just joking. You're just so direct, I'm not used to that from anyone other than my three best friends."

"Hmm, are you sure? I just don't want to overstep any boundaries so—"

"Hyung, it's fine. I promise. I enjoy being around you, you have a great personality." Minho blinked a couple of times, words registering as he was the one to become flustered this time. He quickly turned his head to the side and coughed, pretending that something got stuck in his throat. Jisung, being the master of the 'I'm-not-flustered' technique, saw right through the older's actions.

"Awww, it's okay to be shy hyung."

"It's not that! Just... no one usually compliments my personality as all they talk about are my looks. So, thank you, Sung-ah."

"Oh, I see... no problem. I ment it though, you're really great."

"Well thanks Jisung, I think you're great too."


Oh you KNOW they're gonna be big softies for each other eventually! Minsung soulmate tingz.

Also, I'm writing a Changjin fic on the side whenever I feel a little burnt out from writing Minsung and— I AM WAY TOO HYPE FOR THAT OHMYGOD. I kinda want to post the first chapter, but I also kind of want to be done with it before I start uploading it? But I also want people to see and read and enjoy it?! I am hitting myself with confusion. Let me know if you guys would be interested to read it? It's a royal au ^_^

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