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Jisung was seated in the living room, finishing his assignment for the day. Since three years ago he had been homeschooled, leaving all his friends in the hell hole that was school. He was thankful that they hadn't forgotten about him and that they'd continuously made attempts to stay friends. Even though he didn't mind being alone, he still appreciated them more than anything in the world.

His little sister Chaeyeon ran into the room, followed shortly after by Chaeryoung. They were screaming and laughing with each other, making Jisung lose his focus. He sighed in frustration as he pinched the bridge of his nose. Putting on a fake smile, he turned to them.

"Hey girls, would you mind if you could leave me alone here in the living room. You can always go to the entertainment zone, so you don't bother me. I'm doing adult stuff, if you couldn't tell."

"Oppa, you're seventeen. You're as little of an adult as we are!" Chaeyeon yelled, earning some intense nodding from the younger of the two.

"Chae, you're 10. Come back to me when you go to high school, then we can talk. Until then, I am still more of an adult than you'll be! Please, please just let me sit in peace. Mom told me to leave my room more, so I'm studying here for once."

"But mommy isn't even home to see you sit here! Neither is dad!"

"It doesn't change the fact that I am still writing an essay here, though. Plus you know that Miss Kwon reports back literally everything that happens here daily. Now stop being little brats and go play or watch a movie in the cinema or something." It took some persuation, but the twins eventually scurried off. He sighed as he wondered when there would ever be a responsible adult around to look after those two.
Speaking of adults, his phone rang showing him Miss Kwon was calling. He reluctantly picked up, knowing he wasn't allowed to ignore her calls.

"Hello Jisung! I'm calling from my car right now, seeing I'm still in traffic. I won't arrive at your home in time for dinner, so please prepare something yourself. If you don't have anything in the house, please go to the supermarket two blocks away to get yourself and especially your sisters some healthy food. No ordering takeout, remember?"

Jisung's heartrate sped up as his hands started to shake. He had to go to the store? No, he couldn't do that. Besides, he can't just leave his  two little sisters at home by themselves. Sure maybe 10 year olds would be okay at home alone together, but Jisung didn't know that. You don't just leave kids, especially reckless ones like the twins, alone.

"Jisung, are you there? It is only a short trip outside sweetie, you can take the girls with you to make you feel better. Now, I'll be there in maybe an hour and a half, if traffic clears up at all. See you then!"

The call got disconnected and Jisung was left with the soft beeping coming through the device. He didn't want to leave home. No, he couldn't leave his home. He went to the fridge, already knowing it was futile. It was a monday, the day Miss Kwon did the groceries for the whole week. There was nothing in the pantry, fridge or freezer that could be a suitable meal for three underaged kids.  He could give the girls cereal and wait for Miss Kwon to arrive to get them proper food, but that idea was quickly discarded. Maybe he should just order takeout, but them he'd get a scolding from not only Miss Kwon, but his parents as well. Just as he decided he was going to wait for the maid to come home so she could get food, his sisters came running in again.

"We're hungry, oppa!" Chaeryoung chimed, jumping up and down in front of Jisung.

"Where is Miss Kwon? Did she come home yet? Did she bring the food?"

"Miss Kwon is s-stuck in traffic, there is no food yet in the house." Jisung mumbled, causing the twins to start jumping up and down excitedly. This could only mean one thing; their older brother was going to order pizza or chicken. Or maybe pizza and chicken! The girls were delighted, already asking each other what would be the better option between the two, before coming to the conclusion that one would order pizza and the other the chicken. So that they could share and have both, obviously. But Jisung stood up, closing his laptop as he let out a shaky breath.

"Grab your coats, we're g-going to get groceries." The girls stopped jumping around, eyes going round as they stared at their big brother. The one who hadn't left their house in just over three years. He was going out to go grocery shopping, of all things. They shared a quick, knowing glance. "Oppa, are you sure?" Chaeyeon asked, grabbing onto his shaking hand. The little girls weren't told why he didn't leave the house, they were too young to be abe to understand. But they knew that Jisung wasn't practically locked into his house just for the fun of it.

"Y-Yes. You guys are hungry, right? Lets go get some food." He walked with them towards the door, grabbing his coat from three years ago that still managed to fit him. He hadn't grown much in height in that time and if anything, he had become thinner than before as well. His sisters moved around behind him, putting on their warm padded coats of their own. They put on their shoes that were easily secured tightly around their little feet by velcro, as Jisung tied his lashes. He looked around, feeling like he was forgetting something. One of the twins tapped his hand, causing his attention to divert to them. Chaeryeong handed him keys as Chaeyeon gave him his wallet. He gave them a soft, nervous smile as he he turned around to face the door. He hesitated for a moment, thinking that it wasn't too late to just take of his jacket and shoes and jump back onto the couch. But no, he had to take care of his sisters. So, grabbing Chaeryeongs hand he reached for the front door with the other. He didn't know if he grabbed her hand to make her feel safe, or if he did it so he felt safe. He swings the door open in a swift motion, the cold january air hitting him in the face. His eyes went wide as he hadn't experienced that in a long time, before he composed himself and took a step outside.

His little sisters followed him, both smiling at him to show their emotional support. Chaeyeon closed the door behind them as they made their way to the closed gates, which opened when Jisung reached into his pocket to use the remote controlled key. The trio walked through and waited for the gate to close behind them completel. Chaeyeon laced her fingers through Jisung's other hand as it eased his anxiety slightly.

"So... do we need to go left or right?"

The three made it to the supermarket not even seven minutes later, the walk being a short one. Jisung had counted every second whilst frantically looking around. He wondered how crazy he would seem to others, which only caused him to worry more. However, having his sisters by his side reassured him slightly. They went to the store with Miss Kwon almost every week, they knew the way and he let them pick out all the groceries as he pushed the cart through the store. It wasn't too big, but it was still big enough to get seperated. So he had told them to stick together, no matter what isle they went in.

Naturally, the twins had gotten way too excited to grab yummy snacks and had run off to wherever, leaving poor Jisung behind. He hadn't moved from his spot for a solid 5 minutes now, worrying that if he went to another isle he would just accidentally avoid his little sisters. Thoughts about them not finding him only to end up being kidnapped flooded his mind, the pace of his heart picking up rapidly. It seemed as if his breathing got heavier and before he knew it he had to sit himself onto the ground, unable to support himself any longer.

'I knew going outside was a mistake, why did I think I could do it? Screw that, I knew this wouldn't go well. But I cannot simply let my babies starve because I'm scared to go outside, now can I!?'

He was about to start crying, when he saw a shadow move in front of him and felt a hand being placed on his shoulder. He would've flown back 10 meters if he had been in his right state of mind, but he wasn't. He felt heavy and couldn't move on his own will.

"Hey, are you okay?"


E x c i t i n g

I literally already love this story so much. There ain't gonna be smut in this!

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