•Chapter 11

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Before I start, I just want to apologize for the grammar errors in the previous chapter. I was writing it after a busy, hot day at 11pm while I was half asleep.


22 November


inho was rushing to find the dance practice room in the JYPE building. Felix and Hyunjin left together earlier while Minho was taking a shower. He woke up an hour before Danceracha's interview with 3racha and their managers.

He luckily made just in time before they started. "I'm sorry for coming in a rush. I made sure I'd be here on time. I over slept a bit this morning." Minho said trying to catch his breath while apologising to Chan.

"It's alright Minho. We're just glad you all accepted the offer." Chan said understanding his situation and smiled. 3rachas directors entered the room, which meant the interview would start. Minho walked over to the large mirrors and speakers were, standing next Felix and Hyunjin.

They all bowed and started introductions. They connected the music to the speakers. The first song Minho, Hyunjin and Felix put on was Taste. They made the song themselves and choreographed it themselves. It was their second single they created. They were a a dance focused choreography group, hence they rarely made songs.

They started performing the choreography as they have practiced many times before. The moves were basically imprinted in their brain, it flowed through their blood. They danced effortlessly and elegantly.

3racha and the staff clapped for them. All 3racha members praised their synchronization and neat finish. They executed the performance amazingly. Their performance was flawless. For their second performance, the three performed Wow. Another single made by Danceracha.

As the music started, Minho saw Jisung's brown eyes watching him. Only him. His brain froze, making him slightly mess up the following dance step, but it was nearly unrecognizable. As he looked back to Jisung, he saw him talking to Changbin. It was as if he never looked solely at Minho. He continued focussing only on the music and the dance, determined to not make another mistake.

As the three finished and bowed while catching their breaths, 3racha got up praised them. Hyunjin drank his whole bottle of water, Felix stood still catching his breath and Minho leaned against the mirror for support.

"You all performed exceptionally well! It was neat and precise."Chan said as he smiled at the three boys, catching their breaths and regaining energy.

"We enjoyed your performamces today, however, we will be analysing the other performances you have sent. So far it looks great for you three." The manager said raising hope in the three.

As the manager was speaking, Jisung couldn't help but stare at Minho. He wasn't focussing on what his manager was saying anymore. All he focussed on was Minho. Minho radiated, he glowed. Jisung was mesmerized by his beauty.

"~ do you agree Jisung?" Changbin said snapping Jisung out of his thoughts. He had no idea what was going on, as he wasn't paying attention. All eyes were on him to respond.

"Ah, uh Y-yeah." He stuttered, unsure of how to answer without messing up. To his luck, everyone seemed to be happy from his reply. He looked back at the older brunette, and saw him looking back at him. Minho was covered with sweat, from dancing. His hair ruffled up, his face slightly wet and his tried to set his breathing at a moderate pace. Jisung looked away, deciding to look at Chan. The more Minho looked at him the more it made him feel things.

He heard the door open, and footsteps exiting the room. After the division one staff and 3rachas managers left, chan went up to the Danceracha members.

"Well done you three! You performed well!!!" Chan said enthusiasm beaming from him. He looked very happy and content with the execution of their performance. He was positive that they would get the position.

"Thank you Chan hyung, for giving us this amazing opportunity. We all really appreciate it!" Minho said as he thanked Chan. His honey voice sweet and lovely to listen to. It was sweeter than honey, sweeter than sugar. Jisung felt like it was more beautiful than any song.

"Ahh don't thank me! We were in need of a choreographer. You all were really fantastic! I could go on about how great your performance was! I now understand why Jisung has watched all your performances." Hyunjin laughed at Jisung as the two others looked confused. Jisung glared chan as he tried to contain his blush forming on his fluffy cheeks.

"Ah yes, J.One's real name is Jisung, and SpearB's real name is Changbin." Chan added to clear up the confusion. Minho then realised that Jisung, J.One watches his groups performances!! He was internally freaking out and tried not to let it show on the outside.

"I would really love to talk more, but unfortunately we have to get back to the studio. The tracks and toplines aren't going to make themselves." Chan sighed, adding a joke at the end. Jisung saw Hyunjin walking towards him.

"Oi you don't visit me anymore. Have you become so famous that you forgot about me?" Hyunjin complained to Jisung as the others conversed between themselves.

"Oh my dearest, I'm sorry. I'm just so busy all the time. You know how hard Chan hyung works, so I want to work equally as hard. I promise I'll visit you sometime soon!" Jisung promised as he hugged Hyunjin. He could feel someone staring at him. He looked towards the left of the room and saw Minho watching him and Hyunjin. As he locked eyes with Jisung he quickly looked away.

"Ah we wont want to keep you from doing work. Thanks again Channie Hyung! From the bottom of my heartt! I'll bring you a box of brownies in the near future!" Felix said as he hugged Chan. Chan smiled and ruffled felixs already messy hair.

"Have a good day you three!"

The 3racha members all bowed and greeted the danceracha members as they exited the dance practice room.

"We did it!" Felix beamed with delight as the older two smiled brightly at him. They were happy with how they finished and executed their performances.

I'll update a longer chapter tomorrow!!

Thanks for reading!

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