two; cant wait

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you click on his tab, trying to find more information on his profile. "22 years old.." you mumble to yourself. "that's not bad.."

you head over to your bed and grab your phone quickly

fav sis


you were right

i always am
now will you actually go with me?


you roll your eyes and let out a small giggle as you throw your phone down on your bed and head back over to your desk to browse a little more


about a week later, your prepared for the concert. you had spent the last week gathering information and getting to know the members pretty well through youtube videos, and you even started listening to most of their songs.

your sister barges into your room once again. "ready?"

you nod and grab your concert bag while exiting your room. as you enter the passenger seat of the vehicle, you realize you just can't wait.

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