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Eurydice hasn't said a word since she woke up. Annabeth, Percy, and Grover left a couple of days before she was finally not only conscious, but coherent. 

Chiron would stop by every now and then and make sure that the girl eats, but other than that she was alone. More often than not, she found herself missing Percy. Missing Annabeth. Missing Grover. And despite everything, missing Luke.

She knows she shouldn't, but there was a part of her that truly did love him and she thinks deep down, there's a part of her that still loves him. He hurt her, he betrayed her and her friend. She shouldn't still love him, she should hate him, but she knows herself. And she knows she's not capable of the hatred towards someone else, so instead the hatred is directed at herself.

She should've known better. She shouldn't have trusted Luke. She should have done more for Percy, Grover, and Annabeth. 

Eurydice wishes that Luke had killed her, then she wouldn't have to be feeling all this, and it would force her mom to see her. 

The only that keeps her going is the promise of getting to see Percy, Annabeth, and Grover again. Chiron let her call the three through IRIS. She didn't talk to them, but it was nice to know that they were okay. That despite her failure they were safe. 

That same night she lies awake in bed staring at the ceiling and she tells herself, I'll do better next time. 

I won't let anything hurt them or me ever again.

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