Chapter 6

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Grover had told Annabeth and Percy about Clarisse, and now Percy and Annabeth were trying to contact camp while, Eurydice tries to sleep on one of the bales of hay, tossing and turning. 

Medusa's words echo in her head, "A daughter of a woman who fell in love with the enemy, doomed to follow in her footsteps."  She keeps thinking of Luke. How much she misses him and how wrong Medusa must be. She thinks Eurydice has fallen in love with the enemy, but Luke would never hurt her, never be her enemy. 

She wakes up suddenly to Annabeth and Percy calling out, "Luke?" 

"Annabeth? Percy!" Luke's voice rings through the IRIS message, "Are you okay? Where's Eurydice?"

"Luke!" Eurydice calls excitedly, suddenly more awake. 

"Yeah, w... we're fine. Where's Chiron?" Annabeth fondly rolls her eyes at the couple. 

"Chiron's holding camp together with both hands." Luke explains sadly, "Everyone thinks we're going to war, so the cabins are taking sides. Please tell me you're calling with good news." 

"We know who stole the bolt." Eurydice tells him.

An unrecognizable look flashes across his face before it quickly disappears, "How do you know?" 

"We ran into Ares, and Grover got him talking and realized Ares knew who the thief was but was covering for them. So, who would Ares cover for other than..." Percy explains.

"His favorite daughter. Clarisse is the lightning thief." Luke finishes.

"Chiron's gotta arrest her, find out what she knows." Percy explains, "There's more to this than just the bolt, something bigger. Don't ask me how I know, you just gotta trust me."

"Okay, I'm on it. So, Ares, huh? What was that like?" Luke teases.

"Well... compared to the Chimera on Monday and Medusa on Sunday, could have been a lot worse." Percy jokes.

"Medusa was Saturday." Annabeth corrects. 

"I thought Sunday." Percy bickers.

"No monsters on Sunday. Monday, you died in the river."

"Right. So, Medusa on Saturday." Percy agrees turning to Luke.

"Guys, what is this?" He laughs pointing between the two.

"What?" Percy and Annabeth ask at the same time. 

"When did you turn into an old married couple?" Luke jokes.

"I know right?" Eurydice jabs, "They're almost as bad as us."

"Not to change the subject," Percy blushes, "but I'm gonna. We could use your advice on something. We're headed to Las Vegas to find your dad"

Annabeth hangs up all of a sudden cutting Percy off. Eurydice sighs at the fact that she didn't get to say goodbye or tell Luke she loves him. 

"What was that about?" Percy asks.

"You can't ask Luke about his dad." Annabeth tells him, and deep down Eurydice knows she's right. 

"Well, now I certainly can't." Percy says.

"If you tell him we're going to see Hermes," Eurydice speaks up sadly, "he's gonna try to talk us out of it. We don't need that right now." 

"They don't get along?" Percy asks.

Eurydice sighs, "At all."

Grover approaches the three, "Okay, got some updates. The men driving this truck are not nice people. Traffickers." 

"We can do our best to help all these animals escape, but not if it means we're jeopardizing the quest." Annabeth reassures Grover.

"Oh, no, no, no." Grover says, "They've already got a plan to get themselves out. And us, too. I mean, some of these guys, so smart. They were really only missing, like, one piece of the puzzle to get the cages unlocked."

"What's that?" Percy asks.

"Thumbs." Grover says holding up his hands, "But we're here now, so... all good."

"And once the cages are open, they have a plan from there?" Percy asks skeptically.

"Yeah. Really elegant." Grover says, "I mean, these guys, they're... they're like artists."

They free the animals and they all roam the streets causing major traffic. 

"This seems dangerous." Annabeth says.

"Oh. They'll be totally fine." Grover reassures, "I gave them a Satyr's blessing, so they'll be able to reach the wilderness safely."

"I meant for the people." Annabeth responds. 

"Oh..." Grover says, "Them. Well, I mean, I'm sure they'll... Yeah, I don't know. But the animals are all set."

"Okay, come on, before the cops show up." Annabeth says, and the four of them duck out of the way at the sound of police sirens. 

"So, how do we know which hotel is the Lotus?" Percy asks as they all turn around.

"I'm guessing the one with the giant lotus blossom on it." Annabeth gestures to the hotel just down the road.

"You were like two seconds ahead of me." Percy says, "Seriously. Sometimes, it might be okay to just let the easy ones go. Can we agree to just try it, maybe?"

The four of them walk over to the hotel, but Eurydice stops them before they go in. 

"I can't see Hermes," She tells them, "I think if I look at him I might punch him in the face. You guys go in without me. I'll wait out here." 

The other three reluctantly agree, leaving Eurydice out on the stairs of the hotel by herself. 

She sits there for twenty minutes before she starts to get worried. It shouldn't be taking them this long. She decides she'll wait another twenty minutes and if they're still not out, she is going in after them. 

Twenty minutes pass easily and she stands up letting out a sigh before pushing open the doors to the casino.

Loud music blares and Eurydice can hear the jingling of coins and the sounds of slot machines. She wanders around trying to find her friends. She walks down lane after lane of slot machines before she began to forget why she was there in the first place. 

She sees a movie theater moving closer and closer to it. Without even thinking about it she hands over ten bucks buying a ticket and moving into the theater. She take a seat and watches the colors flashing on the screen. 

After a while three people come running into the theater seeing the girl sitting there. 

"Hi. I'm Grover," The satyr in the group walks over to her holding out his hand.

"I'm Eurydice," She responds shaking his hand, "It's nice to meet you." 

"Eurydice?" One of the others in the group, a young girl, asks her sadly.

"Yes," She says, "Do I know you?" 

"You do," The other one in the group says, "Although you don't remember us right now. It's the lotus flowers its making you forget."

"We were on a quest," The girl says, "We were here to talk to Luke's father and get a ride to the underworld."

"Luke?" Eurydice asks, the name feeling familiar to her. 

"Yeah," The younger girl perks up, "He's your boyfriend. He's waiting for you back at camp, we just need finish this quest and then you can see him again."

"Luke," Eurydice repeats, "I remember Luke." 

"We don't have time for time," The girl sighs before grabbing Eurydice's arm and pulling her out of the theater, the other two following close behind. 

"Wait!" Eurydice calls out, "Where are we going? I left my popcorn." 

The four of them end up in a parking lot, "Okay, god of travelers. What kind of car does the god of travelers have?" The boy asks.

"Guys, I gotta say, so far, this quest is really exciting. Really hoping we find that car." Grover says excitedly.

"Finding the car isn't the quest." The boy deadpans.

"There's more?" Grover asks in awe.

"Jeez." The boy smacks his forehead, "We'll explain it to you on the way. We're in a bit of a hurry."

"We're late?" Grover asks concerned.

"Very, very late." The boy answers.

"Are we late because of me? Because of us?" The satyr asks. 

"It's okay. We're gonna be okay." The boy reassures, "Although, I hope that game you were playing and the movie you were watching was amazing."

"I was hunting for Pan." Grover says.

"Sounds great." The boy responds.

"No, I mean, like I actually felt I was about to find him. That... That I'd be the first. That I'd help save the natural world. It just felt so real." 

The girl walks back over to the group of three, "Guys!"

"Hermes drives a cab?" The boy questions looking at the car the girl was gesturing to. 

The girl grabs a piece of paper off the windshield, "And he left us a note."

"How do we know that's for us?" The boy asks, and she flips the note over showing that the other side says, For the demi kids, "... Nice."

"Should've known the god of thieves noticed his pocket getting picked." The girl explains unlocking the car. 

"Back door to the Underworld, magic word, map in the glove box. And he says we'll become travelers once we're on the road. And then the car will take us wherever we wish to go."

"So, one of us just has to drive it out of the garage." The boy says looking over at the other three.

"Oh, I'm still not 100% sure what we're doing here, which seems disqualifying." The satyr says, getting into the backseat.

"Yeah," Eurydice agrees, "And I'm still not 100% sure I'm not being kidnapped so."

"Yeah. Yeah, sure, I mean... I killed the Minotaur on my first try, right? How hard could this be?" The boy says getting behind the wheel. The girl is in the passenger seat and Eurydice gets in the back. 

The boy steps on the gas and the car lurches forward sending everyone forward suddenly. 

"My fault. That was me." The boy says and Eurydice rolls her eyes.

"No shit." She says, "Who else's fault would it be?"  

"How do you make it go backwards?" The boy asks sheepishly.

"We're going to die here." She sighs.

"You're doing great." The girl encourages the boy driving. 

"Maybe try aiming for the middle." She advises when they reach a median. 

Grover and Eurydice groan in the backseat at the terrible driving. 

"Look, you're welcome to give this a try." The boy says annoyed.

They keep going before another car comes screeching past almost hitting them.

"That guy didn't even slow down!" The boy says waiting until the car is long gone before apprehensively honking the horn. 

"Okay. Keep going. Up to the street." The girl directs, "It's okay. You've got this."

The boy looks over at the girl getting distracted and the car begins to scrape up against the wall of the parking garage sparks forming between the metal and the concrete. 

They make it out of the garage letting out a collective breath when all of a sudden a truck comes speeding towards the cab. They all let out a scream, before they magically appear on a beach in the cab. 

Rain pours down on the car.

"Where are we?" The boy asks.

"Turn off the lights." The girl instructs and the four of them get out of the car.

"Percy, Annabeth, Eurydice, wait. You..." Grover starts to remember, "You guys are my best friends."

Eurydice blinks slowly, her head beginning to hurt. 

"Percy, Annabeth, Grover," She says, "Where are we?"

"Little weird that we both forgot a lot more stuff than you guys did. Wonder what that's about." Grover says and Eurydice nods.

"We weren't alone." Annabeth explains, "It's easy to forget what's important when you're alone."

Thunder begins to rumble and Percy looks out at the water, "I think I gotta go meet my dad now."

"We'll be here when you get back." Annabeth promises.

"What do I say to him?" Percy worries.

"You'll know." Annabeth says softly. 

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