CHAPTER FIVE - Flirting in the Dark

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"I Don't Want to Stop Touching You"

Word Count: 1590

"Trixx, let's pounce!" I yelled, transforming. I took one last look at myself in the mirror and leaped onto my balcony. I jumped down, running in the rain soaked streets.

The screams came from the park.

I ran into the park and witnessed chaos. A woman wearing a purple dress with striped hair glared. Her icy purple eyes flash from underneath a black mask with lightning design. She brandished an umbrella in her white gloved hands.

"Hey, Ice Queen!" Chat Noir calls, in a crouching position on top of a fence. He smiles cheekily down at her. "What's with the terrorizing? Why don't you pick on someone your own temperature?"

"My name is not Ice Queen. It's Stormy Weather!" She yells back, her face flushing angrily.

"Listen, I'm feline—" Chat slides down, holding the fence. His free hand swings his tail. "—more generous today. So cool down and we'll call it quits, kay?"

Stormy Weather rolled her eyes, using her umbrella to blast him with a gust of wind. Hit by the wind, I skidded backwards and landed in a pose. I breathed heavily, my body humming with adrenaline.

Is that screaming?

Chat Noir's flailing body crashed on top of me. He pinned me to the ground, winking.

"Hi," he breathed, grinning widely.

"Hi," I repeated sarcastically, pushing him off me.

"I thought cats always land on their feet," Ladybug quipped, running out from behind a car. She offered Chat her hand. He takes her hand, brushing himself off.

"I had it covered. Who's this superhero friend of yours?" Chat Noir asked Ladybug, not looking at me. "No offense, but I thought I was the only one."

"Chat Noir, I'd like you to meet uh–" Ladybug finally noticed me. "Wait–I don't have any. Who are you?"

"Uh—" I racked my brain, searching for an answer. "Rena Rouge! Yeah, my name is Rena Rouge."

"Well sneaky fox, think you'll be as sneaky as a cat?" Chat smirked, looking at me from half-lidded eyes.

"I don't know, should we take bets?" I retorted sarcastically, reaching out to ring the bell on his collar. Ladybug looks between the two of us, her eyes narrowing slightly.

Is that jealousy I smell?

"Your 'friend' seems pretty good," Chat chimed in brightly. "Welcome to our team. If you need any tips, you know where to come."

I tilted my head, leaning back slightly to tease him. "Really? You'll give me Ladybug's phone number?"

Ladybug giggled, covering her mouth with her fingers to smother her laugh.

"I have a feeling working with you will be a lot of fun," he murmured, his voice lowering.

"Later. There's no time right now," I turned back to the villain approaching us. "We have to beat this bitch first."

Stormy Weather raised her umbrella, creating a mass of clouds and lightning that blocked sunlight. A lightning bolt fell for Chat. I tackled him, and we rolled, our limbs winding together. Chat landed on top again, immediately giving me a shit-eating grin. I turned his head with a finger and he rose off of me, turning to Stormy Weather.

"You just won yourself a cat fight," Chat spat out angrily, sprinting at Stormy Weather.

"Black ice," she yelled back, creating a sheet of ice and wind.

Ladybug used her yo-yo to hang onto a pole, grabbing Chat's tail. He wrapped his arms around me, my back to his chest. I whispered a thanks, holding on to him. The wind ended and we landed in a tangled heap. Ladybug grumbled, face planted in the cobblestone. Car alarms blared in the distance. Chat Noir cracked his knuckles, launching himself at Stormy Weather again.

"Whoa kitty, kitty! You better think before you speak!" I advised, pulling his tail to stop him.

"You got a better plan?" Chat asked me, raising an eyebrow.

"Just follow my lead!" Ladybug interjected, walking in front of us.

She ran along the wall of a building, moving towards Stormy. I follow her, Chat close behind. Ladybug jumps, swinging her yo-yo. Chat pounces on Stormy simultaneously, brandishing his pole. I follow suit, swinging my flute. Again, Stormy shoots us out of the sky. I avoid being crushed, leaping out of the way of falling cars. A train is thrown and Ladybug shields us under her yo-yo. Her yo-yo falls, hitting Chat in the head. I stifle my laughter, watching him rub his head frustratedly. He turns to glare at me, pouting.

"Unresolved anger issues?" I muttered sourly about Stormy after climbing out of the van, sprinting down the street.

A shattered tv clicked on. Stormy talked through the broken screen: "Looks like Mother Nature had a change of plans! Summer vacation is officially over!"

"Already? But I look so good in a swimsuit," Chat said, wiggling his eyebrows at me.

"The cat suit's fine, thanks," I replied, looking up at him. He grinned, glad for a reaction.

"At least now we know where to find her," Ladybug added, leading us to the weather tower.

We run through the building and try a door.

"It's locked," Ladybug pointed out. I kick down the door. Chat whistles as we run inside.

"It's just a recording!" Realization hit me.

Stormy appeared in the doorway, laughing cruelly. She pointed her umbrella at the ceiling, hitting a row of cameras. We dodged the cameras and the lights turned off. Ladybug tried to stand up, but tripped over the cameras and fell. She knocked me down and I face planted into Chat's lap. His breath hitched, his body hesitating. A blush spread across his face as I scrambled off him. I looked away, avoiding eye contact. Chat cleared his throat, looking at the door.

"Frosty the Snowgirl is getting away!" He exclaimed, glaring at her running form. Behind us, Ladybug still struggled to walk. He turned to me, smirking. "You'll struggle to walk too when I'm done with you." I choked, my eyes widening at his words.

"A little help?" Ladybug called out. "Some of us don't have night vision."

"I do!" I said unhelpfully, grinning widely. "Everything looks really green."

Chat grabbed Ladybug's hand and started running down the hall. "Just trust me!"

He pulled me to him by my waist as we ran. "This is a pretty inefficient way to run," I grumbled, trying not to trip over his legs.

"Sure, but your body is so warm." His voice lowers "I don't want to stop touching you."

"You don't need to," I told him after a pause.

I guess I'm being risky today.

I raced up the steps, Chat still holding an arm around my waist. Ladybug stumbled behind him, holding his hand desperately for balance. Stormy threw a fire extinguisher that almost knocked out Ladybug and Chat pulled her off the ground into a run again. I tried not to laugh at her and almost tripped and fell down the stairs. I kicked another door open, running onto the roof.

Stormy levitated above us, snow falling around her. She created a tornado, screeching until her violet eyes bulged. "There's no way out! Party's over, fools!"

"Really? We're just getting started!" I shouted. I looked questioningly at Chat and he guiltily dropped his hand from my waist, grinning bashfully.

"Lucky Charm!" Ladybug declared, a bath towel dropping in her hands. "What am I supposed to do with this?"

"Great. So we're about to be obliterated," he rolled his eyes, then changed his tone, turning to me. "At least we'll be dry."

"Hold your tail," I muttered, booping his nose with a finger.

Chat swings his pole as a shield, pulling me to him again. Chat stretched his arms over his head, straining to protect us. He looks down at me, his eyebrows furrowed in concentration. "So what's the plan to get the akuma? My arms are starting to cramp!"

Ladybug looks around, her blue eyes analyzing our situation.

"See that sign over there?" Ladybug turned to Chat, pointing out a billboard. His green eyes gleam. "Check it out."

"Alright. Cataclysm!" He activates his cataclysm and turns to Stormy, drawing her attention with his voice. "Hey, Coldilocks! Is that all you got?"

He ran away from her blasts, using his cataclysm on the billboard. The board fell towards Stormy and she eluded being crushed. Ladybug captures Stormy with her yo-yo and I grab the umbrella, breaking it on my knee.

"Get out of there, you nasty bug," I fumed, glaring at the akuma rising from the umbrella.

"No more evildoing for you, little akuma," Ladybug announced, opening her yo-yo. "Time to de-evilize!" She swung her weapon, catching the akuma. A white butterfly flew upwards from her yo-yo. "Bye, bye, little butterfly!"

Red light spilled into the air, cleansing the city. Stormy Weather transformed back into a confused Aurore.

"Pound it!" We yelled, bumping fists. Ladybug ran off, her earrings beeping.

"My necklace is flashing," I pointed towards my neck. "I'm about to transform back."

"Yeah, but it's ok if I see who you are," Chat leaned in. His eyes flit lazily to my lips. "I can keep a secret."

"Naughty kitty," I answered huskily, kissing his fingers. I think about licking them slowly and giving him a heart attack. "You know our identities must remain secret."

"Good job," he said impressedly, his green eyes dancing as he studied me. He licked his lips, keeping eye contact. "You're a fast learner."

"Better than the teacher? If you need any superhero tips, you know where to come," I imitated him jokingly, blowing him a kiss. I ran back to my house, reverting back the second I jumped inside my balcony doors.

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