Chapter 6

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3rd person pov:

Another week passed by without any more drama

Kit didn't try to approach Ming again and Ming got closer to Forth, Mew, and Pha.

While Ming was worried about why Kit stopped trying to approach him so easily, he was assured because of the trio's constant reassurance.

He knew they would protect him from harm.

By the end of the 3rd week, rumors started spreading across campus like wildfire. 

They were about Kit and his twisted personality. 

He had been caught beating up a person outside a bar not too far from the university. 

There were videos and pictures of him swearing at the person and beating him until he couldn't even stand. 

This was after he had been spotted multiple times being aggressive and literally attacking other people even while in university. 

They were brushed off as him being over-sensitive. 

But no one could deny that his behavior in the video that surfaced was not just because of over-sensitivity. 

It was more. 

He not only cursed the person he beat up, but he also curse a lot of his exes who broke up with him after he forced them to bend to his will and beat them on a regular basis. 

So many people couldn't believe what they were seeing. 

In the eyes of the professors and students, he was just a grumpy kid. 

No one could have imagined that such a twisted person would be hiding behind that mask. 

His reputation and career went down the drain after those videos and pictures went viral overnight. 

He was expelled from the university and was sent to jail for aggravated assault and abuse.

At the mention of his abusive behavior, a lot of girls stepped forward and started telling their stories. 

A lot of them were his exes who had been victims of his abusive behavior and others were not related to him but they were inspired by the ones who spoke up to speak up about their own stories as well. 

It was definitely a big hit on the police force as they found themselves being swarmed by reports and complaints not only from Kit's victims but from other abuse survivors as well. 

Kit's father couldn't do anything to save his son since all the proof of his son's violence had already gone viral all over the internet and he had become one of the most trending topics on so many social media platforms. And not for a good reason of course. 

So he had no choice but to stand back as Kit got arrested and was taken to trial. 

He actually went as far as disowning him 2 days after he got arrested. 

Of course, Forth, Mew, Pha, Arthit, and Kongpob were having the best time of their lives hearing all the karma that was hitting Kit with full force. 

They were planning on provoking him more but they didn't even have to do anything. 

He dug his own grave without any more provocations. 

On the other hand, Ming was on an emotional rollercoaster after seeing all the posts slandering Kit and other girls speaking up about abuse. 

He didn't know what to feel. 

On one hand, he was happy that those girls were speaking up about their pain and seeking justice for themselves but on the other hand, he was having an internal crisis because Kit went to jail. 

Now he wasn't in love with Kit anymore. But he still felt bad that Kit has to spend time in a jail cell. 

He doesn't know why he's not happy. Why he's not celebrating that the person who hurt him so much is now facing his punishment. 

Instead, he's here feeling and because he went to jail. 

He was spiraling into a deep emotional whirlpool. 

One depressive thought led to another and it kept going like that over and over again until he was drowning in the sea of self-hatred and self-doubt. 

The worst part? 

He was all alone in his bedroom. 

Forth, Pha, and Mew had gone out to meet up with their friends. 

Ming wasn't bothered about being by himself in the apartment. He was used to being alone a lot of times anyway. 

But now that his intrusive thoughts were swallowing him whole, he was starting to regret not asking one of them to stay. 

He wasn't able to find any kind of comfort or reassurance from any of the objects around him. 

He knew the only way he would be able to calm down would be if at least one of them were with him. 

But his shaking body was refusing to corporate. 

He couldn't form coherent thoughts because of the panic and anxiety clouding his mind. 

He kept sinking deeper and deeper without there being anyone to bring him to the surface. 

Forth's pov: 

I bit my lips as I looked at my phone. 

Why am I getting a bad feeling in my stomach? As if something is wrong. 

I couldn't pinpoint what exactly was wrong but my gut was telling me that something bad was happening. 

I looked to my right at Mew who was sitting beside me with the same expression. 

"I think we should go." I shot up. 

Mew nodded and got up as well. 

"Go? Dude you've been here for like 15 minutes." Max frowned. 

"Sorry, but something came up. We'll meet up again later. We need to go." Mew said quickly pulling me with him as we went out of the cafe. 

We rushed to my car and got in. 

I dialed Ming's number as Mew started driving. 

It kept ringing but he didn't answer. 

I frowned while redialing his number. 

Didn't answer. 

The and feeling started growing. 

Did something happen to him?

"He's not picking up?" Mew asked. 

I pursed my lips and nodded. "I hope nothing bad happened..." 

He sped up his driving. 

The scene we were greeted with when we got to our apartment was enough to make my blood run cold.

Ming was on the floor in the doorway of his bedroom unconscious.

"MING!!" Mew and i yelled at the same time as we ran to him.

I quickly pulled him into my arms.

His face was scrunched up and he was breathing shallowly.

There were dried tear trails on his cheeks and fresh tears were streaming down the sides of his face continuously.

"Ming can you hear us?" Mew moved closer and looked at him worriedly.

But Ming didn't respond to him.

He moved a bit but didn't open his eyes.

"Ming. Ming, open your eyes. It's us. Forth and Mew." I said softly holding him voose in my arms.

It took a few minutes of coaxing and reassuring before he opened his eyes and looked at us.

"Sssshh... It's ok... It's ok..." I hugged him tightly when he started sobbing and curled in on himself.

Mew also wrapped his arms around him as he started crying loudly.

What in the world happened in the short time we were gone?

Did someone say something to him?

What triggered this bad of an attack?

We kept hugging him and reassuring him again and again until he slowly calmed down in our arms.

He was hiccuping and clutching onto our shirts for dear life.

"Ming... Can you tell us what happened?" Mew asked softly.

"I... I don't know..." Ming hiccuped.

We blinked profusely.

He doesn't know?

"Ok, first let's get you back into your room." I spoke up after a few seconds of silence.

I glanced at Mew who nodded and stayed behind to call Pha while i brought Ming to the bed.

He whimpered and pulled at my shirt when i tried laying him down.

So i sat down with him on my lap.

I've never seen him have this bad of a meltdown before...

Something serious must have happened to trigger him this badly...

3rd person pov:

That day... The four of them had a long conversation.

They talked about the fears and insecurities which they never talked about before.

They shared their weaknesses with each other and bore themselves out completely.

Not only Ming but the other 3 also talked about the things they're insecure about.

They had a heart to heart conversation about everything in their hearts and cried their eyes out.

It wasn't an easy conversation to have.

Not at all.

But they did it anyway.

And by the end of it, all of their chests were much lighter and they felt much better when they woke up the next morning.

The smiles that were crafted on their faces didn't disappear for days on end.

They got much closer with each other and understood so much about each other.

It was a bit bonding experience for them.

It opened their eyes to a lot of things and gave Ming the security he so desperately needed.

It also gave him the courage to go ro court and testify against Kit.

He knew there were 3 people who had his back at all times.

And that was more than enough for him to bring up the courage.

3 months later:

Ming's pov:

Tears brimmed my eyes as i stood there gaping at them.

I couldn't believe what i had just heard.

Am i dreaming?

Is this really happening?

No way...

I looked up when they came closer to me.

They had warm smiles on their faces.

"It's not a dream. This is real. We are real. And what we said is also real. Ming, will you go out with us?"

My lips quivered as the words slowly sunk in.


They nodded.

"We're incomplete without you. We need you. Will you be our fourth?"

I bit my lips and nodded vigorously.


With that they stepped even closer and enveloped me in a tight hug.

I buried myself in the warm cocoon and cried softly.

"Th-thank you... Thank you... For choosing me..."

"Of course. We wouldn't want anyone else." They said.

I clenched my eyes shut hearing their reassuring voices.

All that pain i went through...

It made me question so many things in my life...

But now looking back... I'm kind of grateful for that pain... I know that sounds kind of twisted but it's how i feel...

Because all that led me here.

Into their arms.

Into the arms of people who love me wholeheartedly.

Who make me feel wanted.

Who never fail to show me the best qualities about myself that i failed to see so many times before.

Who make me feel valued.


Make me believe that I'm worth being loved. I'm worth being cared for.

I'm worth it.

And i wouldnt change it for the world.


A/N: Sooo that's the end of this book!
I hope you liked it!
Let me know what you think!

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