chapter 5 - The Reckoning

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From 1.01 "Pilot", night in the woods, over the fog-covered forest floor.

Matt: (voice over) "Previously on Worlds Colliding (The Vampire Diaries)"

From 2.14 "Crying Wolf", on the dock of the Gilbert Lake House, Elena stood outside on the dock, wrapped in a blanket.

Stefan wrapped his arms around Elena from behind, kissing her on the cheek.

Katherine: (voice over from 2.07 Masquerade) "Do Elena..."

From 2.22 "As I Lay Dying", in the library of the Salvatore Boarding House, Damon and Alex continued to kiss passionately in front of the fireplace.

Katherine: (voice over from 2.07 Masquerade) "Alex..."

From 2.11 "By the Light of the Moon", in the pouring rain, Cristian and Liv looked at each other for a long moment, smiling, kissing for a few, long, endless moments.

Katherine: (voice over from 2.07 Masquerade) "And Liv enjoy having all of you worship at their alters?"

From 2.06 "Plan B", in the Salvatore Boarding House hallway, Bonnie, Caroline and Eliza were talking.

"How do we stop Katherine from messing with you guys?" Bonnie asked.

"We can't," Caroline answered. "But Cristian said that we can stop her from getting in Eliza's head again. Get vervain in her system so that even if Katherine takes off her vervain necklace, it won't matter."

"But Cristian also said even if they give me vervain, it won't undo the compulsion that Katherine has already done," Eliza told her. "It will just prevent anymore."

From 3.02 "The Hybrid", in the pack camp, Kaylin came back to the campsite with Ray's dead body.

Klaus was looking at the rest of the dead pack.

Kaylin let Ray fall.

"They're all dead," Klaus told her. "I should be able to turn them."

From 2.21 "The Sun Also Rises", at the Quarry, Klaus bit into Elena's neck, starting to drain Elena of her blood.

Klaus: (voice over from 3.02 The Hybrid) "I killed the Doppelganger."

Klaus transformed, biting into Alex's neck, feeding.

Klaus: (voice over from 3.02 The Hybrid) "I killed the Wraith. I broke the curse."

From 3.03 "The End of the Affair", in Gloria's Bar, Klaus and Gloria were talking.

"So what am I doing wrong?" Klaus asked.

"You'd have to contact the witch who created it," Gloria told him.

"That would be the Original Witch," Klaus told him.

From 3.04 "Disturbing Behavior", in Gloria's Bar, Gloria and Kaylin were talking.

"The necklace and bracelet are talismans from the Original Witch herself," Gloria told her.

From 3.04 "Disturbing Behavior", in the foyer of the Salvatore Boarding House, Katherine and Damon were talking.

"Feel like hitting the road?" Katherine asked.

"Why not?" Damon asked.

From 3.03 "The End of the Affair", in the warehouse, Kaylin and Klaus stood next to Rebekah's coffin.

Klaus: (voice over from 3.03 The End of the Affair) "Rebekah..."

Klaus pulled the dagger out of Rebekah's chest. "Time to wake up, little sister."

From 3.04 "Disturbing Behavior", in the warehouse, Klaus and Kaylin were sitting on the coffin.

Kaylin tilted his head. "You know, when I met you two, you were both on the run."

Klaus looked amused. "You don't say."

"Last night I saw you, you compelled me and Stefan to forget because you were both afraid," Kaylin told him. "I just... I wouldn't think you would be afraid of anybody."

"No one in this world is truly fearless, Kaylin," Klaus told her. "Not even me." 

They looked at each other for a long moment.

Klaus put a hand to her cheek, kissing her deeply. Kaylin returned the favor in kind, deepening the kiss. Klaus stood, rushing Kaylin back into the wall. He started to push off her jacket, touching a wound that was still spelled without seeing it, making her flinch.

Kaylin pulled her jacket over her shoulder before he could see the wounds. "It's nothing."

Klaus back Kaylin's jacket to show the wounds. "These already gave you away."

Rebekah walked toward them. She stopped when she saw them. "What's going on?"

"Something's wrong with our dear friend here," Klaus answered. "She was asking about Mikael, she has spelled wounds. She's hiding something."

"I told you before, Nik," Rebekah told him. "She's not with us. I could sense it earlier and I can sense it now."

"You're both wrong," Kaylin told them. "Klaus..."

Klaus rushed toward Kaylin.

From 3.04 "Disturbing Behavior", in the truck, Klaus was leaning against the wall.

Kaylin was sitting on the floor.

"You're hiding something," Klaus told her. "Something from your old life. I thought I would see for myself what it is you've been hiding." Kaylin slowly stood cautiously. Klaus walked past her, opening the door, lifting it up, allowing the blinding sunlight to flood in. Kaylin turned around, having to cover her eyes from the sudden brightness. She looked outside, recognizing the Town Square and the clock tower from her hometown. Klaus looked at Kaylin, smirking. "Welcome back to Mystic Falls, Kaylin."

Kaylin looked around in shock, alarmed. 


Day One

Night - Gilbert House - Liv's Room

(Song:) Wild Child - Juliet Simmons 

Liv was sitting on her bed, leaning against the wall behind her. She had her laptop in her lap, listening to the song in her earbuds. 

Liv's phone was on the bed next to her. The screen came on as it started to ring.

Liv noticed the light from the screen, taking out her earbuds, sitting up, lying the laptop on her bed, grabbing her phone, looking at the Caller ID. She saw it was Cristian calling, smiling. She turned the music off.

(Song Ends)

Liv answered the phone to talk to Cristian. "Hey, Cristian. What's up?"

Cristian was in Town Square. "Klaus brought Kaylin back here. They're back in Mystic Falls." Liv was stunned, in shock. "Liv, sooner or later--"

"He's gonna find out about Alex and Elena," Liv finished. "Hang on, I'm calling Elena right now." She put Cristian on hold to call Elena. "Come on, Elena, pick up. Come on, Elena. Elena..."

Liv heard a phone ringing ringing, rushing out of the room.


Alex/Elena's Room

Liv rushed inside, seeing Elena's phone on the dresser. She hung up Elena's phone, using her phone to call Alex's phone. "Alex? Come on, Alex, pick up." Alex's phone was on her bed, vibrating. Liv heard the vibration, turning around. She walked toward the bed worriedly. "No, no, no, no, no." She hung up Alex's phone, switching back the call on her own phone to talk to Cristian. "They're not home, and they left their phones here. What do we do?"

Cristian walked through the Town Square. "Where are they right now?"


Mystic Falls High School - Hallway

The hallways of the high school were seemingly empty.

There was a metallic rattling in the distance.


Boys' Locker Room

The metallic rattling was coming from a weight machine that Matt was using.

Matt was using the bench-press machine, working out, breathing heavily. He stopped for a rest. He heard a noise in the distance, standing, walking away.



Matt walked out into the hallway, looking around.

A shadow passed by on the wall behind Matt, but no one was seen.

Matt turned to look behind him, but the shadow was gone. He walked down the hallway, turning around a corner, continuing to look for the source of the sound. He walked through a door, walking into another hallway, coming to a stop. He heard a clattering from a nearby classroom, walking toward the door, looking in through the window.


Alaric's Classroom

Matt walked into the dark classroom, setting off a number of mouse traps that had been placed on the floor all over the room, turning on the light so that he could see.

Caroline, Tyler, Kacie, Bonnie, Stefan, Elena, Alex and Nicola were in the room, having been the ones to set the mouse traps.

Kacie groaned in annoyance. "Really?"

"Oh, come on!" Caroline complained, standing. "Seriously? Do you know how long it took to set all this up?"

Tyler turned to Matt. "Forgot about Senior Prank Night, huh?"

"Clearly," Matt answered, smiling a small smile.

"How could you forget?" Caroline asked. "We've only been waiting for this since, like, freshman year."

Kacie chuckled, hopping onto Alaric's desk.

"Yeah, Matt," Elena told him. "If I'm doing this, you're doing this."

Alex sat on the desk between to Elena and Bonnie.

"I'm kind of surprised any of you are doing this," Matt admitted. He looked at Stefan and Nicola. "Especially you two." He looked at Stefan and Alex. "I mean, I know you two are trying to get a handle on the hunger and the animal diet since the Founder's Party, trying to get back to a normal life, no human blood for days, and that's good and all, but Nicola? Why are you here? I mean, no offense, or anything, but you're never apart of this crap."

Stefan raised his hands in the air, turning around.

"Caroline's making us," Nicola answered, sitting down on the window seat.

"We're about to be seniors," Caroline told them. "These are the memories that will stay with us forever, and if we don't--"

Alex cut her off teasingly. "If we don't create these memories now, then what's the point of it all?"

"Go ahead, make fun," Caroline told them. "I don't care."

"You're all lame," Kacie told them. "And I've got 10 more classrooms to prank."

Kacie looked at Tyler. 

Tyler threw Kacie one of the bags he was carrying.

Kacie smiled, catching it, hopping off of Alaric's desk.

Caroline gestured to Tyler and Kacie for the others to follow them as an example, looking at the others smugly.

Tyler and Kacie walked out, leaving.

Elena was starting to follow them.

"Hey!" Bonnie told her. "Where are you going?"

"To go superglue Alaric's desk shut," Elena answered. "I'm making memories."

Caroline smiled. "Love you!"

Alex grabbed Stefan and Nicola, starting to pull them away. "I'm gonna get the broody Salvatores to get into this one."

"Love you, too," Caroline told her.

Alex led Stefan and Nicola out of the room.



Alex, Stefan and Nicola walked away to one side of the hallway.

Tyler and Kacie were talking to two guys and a girl.

Tyler handed them rolls of saran wrap. "Get the faculty toilet seats."

"Dana needs bodies in the gym," Kacie told them. "Let's go."

Elena walked past them, smiling, walking through a set of double doors into an empty hallway.

Liv rushed toward her. "Elena!"

"Liv," Elena told her in confusion. "What are you doing here?"

"Cristian called, he said that he's coming back," Liv told her in a rush. "He's coming for you and Alex. Where is she?"

Elena shook her head. "She's here. Who are you talking about? Liv, who?"

Liv opened her mouth to answer. She stopped when she sensed something, turning around.

Klaus was walked closer. "There's two of my girls." He looked at Elena. "My Doppelganger." He looked at Liv. Liv was standing protectively in front of Elena. "The girl I turned into a vampire. Now, where's my Wraith?"

"Klaus!" Elena whispered in shock and fear.

"Elena, run," Liv told her. "Go!"

Elena turned to run.

Liv looked at Klaus angrily in hate, transforming protectively.

Klaus smirked in amusement, rushing closer. Liv rushed out of his way to stand behind him, kicking him in the back, making him take a few steps before, rushing away toward Elena. 

Klaus rushed in front of Liv, gripping her throat, pushing her against the wall. He looked at Elena. "You run, your sister dies. Speaking of, you and Alexandra are supposed to be dead. What are we going to do about that?"


Worlds Colliding (The Vampire Diaries)


On the Road - Damon's Camaro

(Song:) Will Do - TV On the Radio

Damon was driving.

Katherine was in the passenger. "Are you hungry? Let's stop for a bite. A truck stop. Or a trucker."

"Oh, stop being cute," Damon told her.

Katherine shook her head, looking away. "It's not possible."

"We've been driving around aimlessly for hours," Damon told her. "Where are we going?"

"Far enough away so that you can't go running back," Katherine answered.

"Not to worry," Damon told her. "Mystic Falls and I are on a bit of a break."

"You and Mystic Falls, or you and Alex?" Katherine asked.

"Let's just say my actions led to Alex nearly losing control and killing Caroline and Eliza's father," Damon told her. 

"You sure that you don't have a difference of opinion of how vampires should act or behave?" Katherine asked. "Alex seems to think that all vampires can be like Cristian Hunter. That they can be the heroes like Cris, when most of them are the villains. And you don't like playing pretend." She leaned closer to Damon. "It's her loss." They looked at each other. Damon seemed annoyed. Katherine started to kiss him. Damon pushed her off of him. Katherine was annoyed. "What are you doing?"

"I thought I'd give it a shot," Damon told her. "Truth is, you just don't do it for me anymore."

Katherine was a little hurt by his words.

Damon smirked, continuing to drive.

(Song Ends)



Kaylin was lying on the ground. She was waking up, holding her neck in severe pain.

The door of the truck was open.

Kaylin sat up.

Rebekah was in the doorway. "Oh, she lives."

Kaylin groaned in pain and annoyance, standing. "What happened?"

"You took a beating," Rebekah answered.

Kaylin remembered what happened. "Yeah, from you. You've been breaking my neck all afternoon."

"What can I say?" Rebekah asked. "I have quite the temper."

"Why did Klaus bring us back to Mystic Falls?" Kaylin asked.

"You can stop playing dumb now," Rebekah told her. "It didn't take him long to figure out what you've been hiding."

"I'm not hiding anything," Kaylin told her. "I've done everything Klaus has asked me to."

"No, you just failed to mention that the Wraith and Doppelganger are alive," Rebekah told her.

Kaylin took in the fact that they knew Alex and Elena were alive, taking a deep breath, sighing. "Where is Klaus now?"

"With any luck, ripping those cows' bloody heads off," Rebekah told her. "I wonder how your brothers, both of which who love them, would react to the fact that their baby sister is the reason they die. Oh, and by the way, your old friend Cristian dropped by to try to save you. He's out in the parking lot with a broken neck. Nik's already said if anybody tries to save them, they're dead too. Including your dearest family."

Kaylin nodded absentmindedly, turning away. She turned to face Rebekah, rushing toward her, tackling her out of the truck.


Outside - Parking Lot 

Kaylin tackled Rebekah to the ground, making them both land next to Cristian's temporarily dead body, looking at Rebekah angrily. "Where are they?"

"You're lucky," Rebekah told her. "You have brothers who don't hate you and don't try to kill you." She pushed Kaylin off of her, standing, pushing Kaylin against the truck, picking up a crowbar, using it to hit Kaylin in the face. "Consider me jealous."

"Don't be," Kaylin told her. "My brothers have tried to kill me too."

Rebekah smirked, driving the crowbar through Kaylin's stomach, making her groan in pain.


Mystic Falls High School - Hallway 

Klaus was dragging Elena and Liv down the hallway. He looked at Elena. "You and your sister put a rather large kink in my plans, sweetheart. The whole point of breaking the curse and becoming a hybrid was to make more hybrids. I haven't been able to do that. Now my bet is, it has something to do with the fact that you're both still breathing."

"Aw, poor thing," Liv told him sarcastically, bitterly. "Must suck."

Klaus smirked, looking toward Liv.

"If you're going to kill me, just do it," Elena told him. "Just leave Liv alone."

Liv gave Elena a look. "Elena--"

"I don't want to kill you," Klaus told her. "But I do have ways of making you suffer. Turning Liv into a vampire was only the beginning, sweetheart."

Liv struggled, pulling back her arm. "Where's Cristian? What did you do to him?"

"Ah, right, your little boyfriend," Klaus told her. "And also Kaylin's best friend. Cristian's in the parking lot with a broken neck. He'll be forced to take a time out from the festivities."



A few students were in the gym, setting up pranks. 

Klaus walked inside, dragging Elena and Liv with him. He looked at the students, speaking with an American accent. "Attention, seniors. You have officially been busted. Prank Night is over." The whole gym groaned. "Head on home." Klaus stopped next to Dana and Chad. "You two. I remember you." He compelled both of them. "Stay here." He compelled only Dana. "Lift your foot up, please, Dana." Dana lifted her foot. Klaus looked at Chad. "If she drops her foot, Chad, I want you to beat her to death." 

Chad nodded.

"Don't, Klaus," Liv told him."You don't have to hurt anybody."

"Oh, come on, love," Klaus told her. "Of course I do."

Everyone was leaving the gym aside from them.

Kacie was in the gym, turning to leave. 

Klaus appeared in front of her, speaking with his normal accent. "Ah, Kacie."

"Kacie, run!" Liv told her.

Kacie was alarmed and confused, having never seen Klaus before.

Klaus ignored Liv, looking at Kacie. "Perfect you're here. Along with Tyler. That'll make things easier."

"What the hell are you talking about?" Kacie asked. "And who are you?"

"That's right, I wasn't in my right form when we met," Klaus told her. "My name's Klaus." Kacie looked at him in shock, freezing. Klaus grabbed her by the arm, pulling her over to the Elena, Liv, Dana and Chad. Kacie glared at him. "Now, I know you're a triggered werewolf, and I know you stealthily avoided being used as the werewolf for the ritual to break the curse." He smirked. "So I'm gonna do what you don't want most. Because what's the fun in punishing you by hurting you when I could punish you by hurting someone you love?"

Stefan, Nicola and Alex walked in.

"What the hell?" Nicola asked.

They stopped when they saw Klaus in shock.

Alex froze. "Oh, my

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