━ vi. girl meets credit card

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           ━━ "WHY'D YOU TAKE THE VIBRANIUM?" Nat asked Wanda, who now had the lie detector on her wrist. Steve and Vision stood on each side of the spy as Wanda shot glares at them. "I don't have to answer anything I don't want to."

"You're right. You don't." Steve agreed calmly, refusing to let the girl's anger affect him. "You just won't be let go."

Wanda sighed, a disappointed look on her face. "I went back to Sokovia and found parts of Ultron, stripped them of the vibranium, and sold them online. Why's that so bad?"

"Because you could have potentially sold it to someone worse than Ultron." Vision answered coolly, Wanda rolling her eyes. "Please. I'm smarter than that. I knew they'd be innocent... I'd just didn't think you all would care so bad."

The light flashed the established green. "Do you have any more hidden away now?" Steve was next to speak. "Even the tiniest shred?"

"None," Wanda answered confidently, the green glowing yet again. "How did you even get the money for this?" Nat interrogated.

"I used Steve's."

"Steve's?!" Vision and Nat looked to the blond in unison, the green emerging again.

"Steve?" The blond sputtered. "Wait- me?"

"You left your card on the table in your office. I put in your information, and it let me in."

"Steve, you don't check your card history?!" Nat hit him in the arm.

"Sometimes it's hard using technology! It took Tony weeks to teach me how to use all of these holograms!"

"You can check your history in person, Mr. Rogers." Vision sighed, putting his hands to his temples. "So, you grabbed the vibranium and managed to get in the facility without raising suspicion. Did you use your powers to alter the cameras?"

"I mean, yeah. It was pretty easy to sneak all of it in, for some reason. You should check on that." Wanda explained, the bulb twinkling its lime green light. "And you did this all in your room?" Steve continued.

"Yes." She groaned, tired of the interrogation. "Can I go?"

The three Avengers shared a look. "Fine," Steve answered begrudgingly, removing the bracelet from Wanda's wrist.

The girl stormed off, Vision's eyes guiltily following her as Steve and Nat's eyes looked to their wristwatches quickly. "What do you think it is?" Steve looked to Nat, sarcasm coating his voice while Nat just snickered.

"A super-charged little girl with a big mouth?"

"I was gonna say 'potential superhero', but whatever floats your boat." He shrugged, the two making their way out of the interrogation room. "Vision, you coming?" Nat paused, sticking her head in the doorway.

"You go. I fear I may have upset Miss Maximoff."

⎯⎯ ☆ ⎯⎯

Wanda stared at the idle tv, her body tucked into a little ball. She didn't move when she sensed Vision coming closer. She only watched as the door knocked gently, which was another sign that the visitor was Vision.

The other Avengers were more aggressive than he was. "What do you want, Vision?" She snapped.

"May I come in, Miss Maximoff?"

"Fine." She reluctantly answered, Vision quietly opening the door and entering. "Let me guess, you're mad at me even though you lied?"

"You lied as well." Vision kept his composure, even after Wanda's brash accusation. "You said you didn't know about the vibranium in the first place."

"You said you were practicing your cooking skills!" Wanda sat up angrily.

"It wasn't technically a lie," Vision shrugged. "My cooking skills were being put to the test. Also, I can handle flames, but that doesn't mean they're good for me. Secrets aren't technically lies, Miss Maximoff-"

"Stop calling me Miss Maximoff like that!" A dark red glow engulfed her eyes for a second or two before disappearing. "Sorry, I'm not a damn robot, Vision! I'm a human! I make mistakes because that's a normal human thing to do! I know that you don't get human emotions, but damn it, you should know by now that not all humans have a bunch of abilities that make them smarter! I'm seventeen. I don't know everything."

"And I understand that, but why didn't you ask for help? You had the opportunity to come to me, or Agent Romanoff, or Mr. Rogers. Why didn't you?"

"Because I panicked!" Wanda groaned. "Look, can I- can I see her?"


"Yeah. If I caused all of this, then I wanna see and know what happened to the girl." Wanda stood up, slowly approaching the synthezoid. "I wanna see her."

"I'm not quite sure if I can allow that to happen, Miss Maximoff." Vision exhaled, trying to stay calm and ignore Wanda's glares.

"Vision," She began menacingly, "You're gonna take me to see her."

"I'm afraid I can't do that."

"Fine. Then I'll figure out how to do it myself. You can go now." Wanda waved him off.

"I don't think I should-"

"Go." Red consumed Wanda's eyes, hands, and Vision's body. The energy forced Vision out of the room and slammed the door behind him with a loud bang, Wanda sighing loudly. Vision gently put his hand on the door, trying to process Wanda's emotions accurately.

"Betrayal," The synthezoid muttered, realization hitting him. "Anger and betrayal."

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After all of the tests, Aleyna, Fury, Steve, and Nat stood in the training room, Fury's two guards blocking the door.

"So, what do you expect me to do?" The girl asked while crossing her arms. "Do I like... Hold my hand out?" Aleyna shrugged, holding her hand out to the targets with her palm facing them. "Nothing's happening."

"Maybe she needs the fear factor?" Steve suggested, his voice low as he whispered to Nat and Fury. Nat's head tilted slightly in agreement before her fist shot out and struck Aleyna in the lower back.

"What the hell?!" She cried out.


"Agent Romanoff!"

"What? You guys said fear factor."

"We said fear, not assault!" Fury reprimanded as Aleyna rubbed her back. "We're gonna try that again, and this time, we're not going to hit a child for no reason, Romanoff." The director shot a glare at the redhead spy, who merely shrugged.

"You guys said fear factor."

"Ok, uh, Aleyna," Steve paused, trying to think of an idea as the three sets of eyes looked at him. "Think of... Think of a bow and arrow. Really focus on it."

Aleyna's eyes closed as the image of a bow and arrow formed in her head, though nothing was appearing in front of her. "How does Wanda summon her powers?" Steve inquired.

"It just... appears." Nat shrugged, Vision phasing through the wall behind them.

"Wait, am I, like, supposed to Hulk it out and punch the walls and everything?" Aleyna looked to the other four Avengers. "Let's not destroy S.H.I.E.L.D property," Steve answered, Aleyna mumbling.

"Didn't stop you guys from destroying Sokovian property..."

"Ignoring that last comment," Nat spoke up. "Maybe she should meet Maximoff. They're the same age, right?"

"I don't think Miss Maximoff is ready to meet Miss Tunikova," Vision voiced, Fury, Nat, and Steve flinching at the sudden noise. "How long have you even been here?!" Fury demanded, obviously aggravated that he hadn't heard Vision's entrance.

"Approximately two minutes and thirty-six seconds, sir." Vision answered before continuing. "But, Miss Maximoff and Miss Tunikova shouldn't meet. Wanda seems... betrayed, I believe, is the correct term. Angry."

"I thought you couldn't decipher emotions," Steve spoke up.

"I thought you would check your debit card history, Mr. Rogers." Vision clapped back calmly, which got a chuckle out of Nat. "Miss Maximoff is far too upset to discuss such pressing matters."

"Which is why we need her, because these are pressing matters." Fury nodded. While the Avengers talked, Aleyna had returned to the targets, focusing on them, trying to form something that could cause some damage.

"You know how Miss Maximoff is when she's upset, Director." Vision tried to reason, which sparked an argument between Fury, Nat, and Steve. As the three argued, Vision's eyes wandered to the girl behind them, whose focus was on the targets and her hands.

He watched quietly as small snowflakes slowly circled her head, then clumped together in front of her. "Director.." Vision began quietly, his tone quiet due to the shock.

The three kept arguing as the bigger snowflakes settled and bundled together to create icy shurikens that circled her hands and fingers, the girl manipulating them with a bit of a struggle.

"Sir..." Vision spoke up a bit louder this time, only for his word to be drowned out by the argument.

Aleyna's eyes went from the ice shuriken that surrounded her hands and head to the targets, her brows furrowing slightly as she attempted to figure out how to throw them.

The synthezoid stared with intense fascination as Aleyna made a flicking motion, as if trying to flick imaginary water from her hands. The stars flew in different directions, two hitting the targets, another hitting the wall, and the last one struck the glass that led to the outside.

The loud cutting noises caused the argument to cease, the Avengers quickly turning to the cutting board Aleyna had made out of the room.

"I tried to warn you." Vision grinned after a short silence. "I suppose we don't need Miss Maximoff after all?"

"How did you do that?" Nat asked, Aleyna shrugging. "I- I dunno. I just thought, and there it was. I'm sorry about- about the glass." The girl pointed to the crack, Fury waving it off. "This seems to be the only side effect." Fury gave a hint of a smile.

"DNA's been slightly altered, but not enough to cause a big issue. My guess is that you'd need a stronger dose of medicine if you were to get hurt as opposed to a normal person, but I don't believe that there are any other issues, other than these powers; we can work on those."

"We?" The girl asked.

"Well, we can't just let you back into the world now. You're altered. Look, you can have your devices and filter, but we can't let you go. You can't control your powers, so you have to stay here and learn to use them."

After absorbing the information, Aleyna nodded with a nervous smile. "Does this make me an Avenger?"

"We'll train you like one," Nat spoke up. "You don't have to join us on missions, but we'll train you like you'll be there."

"Then let's do it."

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word count: 1,735

Ahh this chapter was so fun to write!! Leyna's an 'Avenger' but not really :')


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