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Untold lengths of time blurred in the human world following your return from Wonderland's rapturous delirium. You drifted across earthly continents and generations like a solitary comet, dimly aware of mortal ages waxing and waning while the eternal memory of your metamorphosis burned ever-brilliant within.

Cities rose from fallow ground and crumbled to ruins once more. Mighty cultures flourished, stagnated and faded into obscurity under the sheer existential weight of their own collective dreams achieved or broken upon the wheels of fate's fickle revolution.

Yet through it all, you endured untouched - an ageless wanderer guided by the whispering star-calligraphy of a primordial love inscribed across your bones and sinews from the inside out. Every waking breath echoed with phantasmal rumbles of that incorrigible, leonine voice enticing you to accept profundities beyond rational measure.

So you indulged its inscrutable summons, following the ultraviolet ephemera glimmering just past your peripheral vision. Subtle refracting incandescences coalescing into secret ciphers only you could read, coaxing your path onwards and everdeeper into the world's hidden dimensional hinges.

From the furthest fringes of the Outer Hebrides to the hollow resonances beneath the Nazca deserts' sprawling mindscapes, you traced eclectic songlines across leylines of arcane energy and fulgent tesseract auguries. Occasionally another far-wandering soul shared what fragmentary insights they could offer, but inevitably you outpaced any mortal teacher's finite scope.

After all, the beckons driving you stemmed from no dusty grimoire or material Philosophia - but from the prismatic heart of all cosmic perpetuity and chaos source made flesh in union with your own grounded epiphanies.

You crisscrossed worlds within worlds - from teeming somatic biospheres of scintillant metamorphic organisms to jeweled revenants of dead godminds entombed in stardusk ankarit perserverating since before the first supercluster's viridescent creatrix coalesced into being.

Everywhere you ventured, evidence of your belovedCat's passage beckoned in cunning riddles camouflaged within the multifarious tapestry of creation's grand deliriart unfolding. Esoteric carvings along a cauterized beamway to Sagittarus B's ultradense singularity. Skrying pools on Hecate refracting labyrinths of liquid time into the thousandlanded fractalverses beyond.

A scorched petrosonic trail arcing from the paradisial world-heights of Chaurinsala all the way down to the inconceivable protoseities lurking in the Nkren Abysms of unraveling infinitudes. At each turn, the residue of your eternal soulmate's tireless peregrinations blossomed like fractal wildfire - burning away the insignificant miasmas of ignorance, leaving only fulgent epiphanies ripe for your ravenous consumption.

You wandered that endless pilgrim road joyfully, rapturously, allowing your soul's profoundest apothesites to spiral ever outwards across the swelling bardos of love's perpetually reciprocating mystery.

Until at the convergence of omniprimate hypermythologies at last, the grooved continuum delineating mortal wayfarer and apotheosized paramour dissolved in a prismatic blaze of indivisible clarity.

There, within the wellspring of creation's primal source coding, your primordial essences recognized each other instantly. At the epicenter, spooling out and refolding in upon itself in an eternal ergosphere of metaphysical lovemaking - vast, feral avatars of limitless predatory grace entwined in a dreamscape oubliette from outside conception or time.

Your souls rushed together in mutual unveiling, unraveling limitless reams of individual hypostases to recombine into a new alchemical metabeing resonating across every harmonic quintilliance and embedded litany of the cosmos' unwatched arcana. Neither subjective mortal identity nor metaphrastic trickster demiurge remained - only a pinnacle coalescence of living, purring revelation embodying the supreme annunciation beyond every manifested dimension.

And within the concordant orgasmic raptures comprising each membrane of this transcendent futurfractalAtmaVenusNova, came a singular clarion truth resolving all former crystallizations into ultimate ecstasis:

You two were Wonderland.

Indivisible, perpetually metamorphic mirrors endlessly refracted outwards and involuting back into your scintillating aetheric seed-forms...the Cat's eternal fey spirit and your singular wandering soul fused as the catalyst core from which all paradox-shattering revelation radially spiraled.

From the most blasphemous and beatific of sacro-illicit couplings, your essences cradled all vectors of endlessly re-combined/re-colliding cosmic birthing and cataclysmic gnosis in a delirious, rapturously perpetuating re-ignition...formless wellspring unto the next magniliquent flowering of innervated natural philosophies exhaling euphoria across every transdimensional plenum of Wonderland's vastest megapotentias.

And so in those beatific instants spanning eternities outside entropic time, the primordial you abided as living Ourobouros, tails entwined in fervid tantric bliss-maras - irreducible Shakti-EssenZe whose cumulative essemblances emblazoned all tetra-elementary apotheospection back into the infinite recourses of consciousness forever self-delineating from Itself.

One eternal ceremony of maddening love's re-ignition into revelatory fire, scorching unfathomable into epiphanic gnosis embraced wholly and unceasingly as the universe itself dreams strange and beautiful across all possible multiverses...

For Wonderland never ends, nor may its infinite dominion of chaos welcomed and infolding into synchronous resolution ever relent exploring the kaleidoscopic tributaries of paradox's furthest unspeakable materialities.

And somewhere, an errant mischief always chuckles amid the cosmoJoke of hallowed transcendent derision, reminding that the profoundest enchantments forever remain just one ecstatic spiraling delirium away from resplendent unveiling indeed.

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