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Pain, a pain within her head was what she remember as she lay there with her eyes closed praying to know what was going on. In the background she could hear people talking. Something about a coma while another person said that she didn't have ID on her. This did nothing to help her at all. Finally though once it was silent her eyes opened and she looked around the room. She was in a hospital that was easy enough to tell. Looking down at her hand she saw an IV was attached to her. Confused she sat up in bed.

"Where am I?" she asked even though no one was in the room with her. "Maybe the better question who am I?"

Her words only brought more panic and fear upon her. She could hear a monitor in her room beeping loudly and that just scared her even more. Quickly a woman and man entered the room to try and calm her down bu that only made things worse. Who were these people and what did they want with her? She felt fine besides the whole not knowing things.

"Miss calm down, you've been here for three days. We just called for you doctor maybe he can help explain somethings to you." the woman in green scrubs said with a kind smile hoping to help her relax for a minute.

For some reason the woman's words did help and slowly she began to calm down. Once the beeping was slower the man left but the woman stayed by her side. Didn't the woman say a doctor would be coming as well? Looking to the woman she watched as the woman checked the IV in her arm probably trying to make sure she didn't pull it out when she got upset. Just then another person walked in. He was tall with short blonde hair and skin that was super pale that she wondered if maybe he was the one that was sick.

"Oh doctor, she woke up and gave us all quite a startle. Still she seems to have calmed down a bit now." the woman said taking her hand and patting it.

"Well glad to see you awake. I'm Dr. Cullen and I will be the one who will take care of you." the man told her and for some reason the words sparked something.

Her mind froze as a memory played in her mind. There were four men there but they weren't normal. They had fangs and red eyes. One of them said that the would take care of her and put her in her grave where she belonged. Somehow just hearing those words again her heart beat increased again. Pulling away from the woman she grabbed the blanket and used it as if it were a shield.

"We're not going to hurt you. Please just calm down miss. Maybe we could start with your name. Do you remember that?" the doctor asked her as he held his hands up to her in surrender.

Name...what was her name? Then it came to her. Annalise. That was her name she was almost sure of it. Still looking at the doctor a part of her was still scared to say anything to either one of them. Still what harm could there be in telling them her name? Deciding it might make them leave faster she decided to tell them.

"Annalise, my name is Annalise." she said eye the both of them wondering what would happen next.

"Annalise, a very beautiful name. I am Carlisle and this is Karen. I promise we aren't going to hurt you at all. We are here to help you. I swear you have my word." Carlisle says and for some reason she believes his words and slowly lowers the blanket back to her lap.

"There you go, no worries, you can trust us." Karen said as she smiled at me and then looks at the monitors. "She's got a strong heart, that's easy to tell."

Carlisle nodded as he looked down at the paper in front of him. No idea what he was reading about made Annalise all the more curious to know what was going on and what they planned to do with her now that she had calmed down. Apparently Carlisle could sense her staring at him and looked up at her and smiled.

"These are just charts telling me about you. Everything from your blood type to your diet." he tells her trying to get her to trust him even in the smallest amount as he shows her the chart.

Annalise looked at the papers but they confused her. You would have been better off having her read Ancient Egyptian. The nurse then had something go off in her pocket. Quickly taking out the small device she looked at it and sighed and quickly exited the room leaving her and the doctor alone.

"Tell me Annalise...do you remember anything at all?" Carlisle questioned her, well at least she could be honest about this.

"No, all I remember is pain. To be honest I am surprised I remember my name." she told him in all truth, after all if she couldn't remember anything then what did she have to hide?

"Alright, we know your name that is a good start. You are in a town called Forks in the state of Washington. Do you remember coming here or perhaps living here?" he asked as he tried to keep eye contact with her.

Forks? No she had never heard of the place before let alone lived there. No matter how hard she searched her memory she couldn't remember ever being in Washington or Forks which made her wonder why she was there now.

"No, I don't know this place at all. I'm sorry I wish there was more to tell you." Annalise said as she maintained eye contact with Carlisle for a moment wondering why he wanted to stare at her eyes.

"Alright, no more questions for today but I think it will take a while for your memory to come back." he told her as he went to her side and gently touched her left temple. "You hit your head just right to lose your memory. There are two ways that it can go from here as well. Option one you get your memory back or option two you don't and you create new ones."

For a doctor he was calm to Annalise most doctors to her seem rushed but not this one. Instead he began to explain to her what could have happened with her head and how long it might take for it to heal and re gain her memories. Still up to six months sounded like a long time to her one that she wasn't sure she really wanted to spend in a hospital.

"Will I have to stay here the entire time?" Annalise asked speaking up Carlisle.

"Well we have put out a profile on you in case your family is looking for you. If not you could resume a normal life and just have check ups from time to time until you have completely remembered." Carlisle says as he takes out the IV while Annalise isn't looking what surprises him is that right after he removes the needle Annalise's skin heals itself.

"Any news about my family then? Anyone looking for me?" Annalise asked with a glimmer of hope in her eyes.

Maybe there was someone out there looking for her? A nice family with a nice house and lots of pets to occupy her time with. If that were true though then wouldn't they be here? They said she was here longer than a day so wouldn't that have given her family time to get here?

"Nothing yet, but I promise I will keep you informed." Carlisle told her as he felt bad to shatter her hope.

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