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ava had pulled up to her apartment, and as soon as she unlocked her door, penny found her way off the couch and into ava's arms. 

"hey pretty girl. you hungry" she asked in a soft voice. almost as if answering her, penny let out a pretty big meow for such a small cat. 

"i think that's a yes." 

gently, she sets the cat back on the ground and closes the door behind her. then she goes into the kitchen to get some food for the feline. 

once penny has her food, and is content, ava walks to her room, and changes into some more comfortable clothes.  

the sweatpants she had on sat uncomfortably on her hips, so she decides to shed them and throw on some shorts. 

unfortunately, her hoodie fell past her shorts, but she didn't care. 

the girl sits at her computer, and messages karl for a bit. she tells him about her day, and about how the guys are on their way. 

she laughs as he hits her with the 'i didn't ask' 

and she replied with 'you did ask, idiot.'

he doesn't have much to say after that. 

they talk for a bit more, then, she gets a ring from george. 

"ew, its you," is her answering remark. "yeah, screw you. what apartment number"" 

"i'm on the fourth floor," she mutters this and her apartment number 

he doesn't answer, and the line goes silent.

she pulls her phone away from her ear. he hung up. 

soon enough, there's knocking at the door. she sighs, getting up to open it. once she unlocked it, and swung it open, the three guys she called her closest friends, towered above her. she stepped to the side, but they continued to stand there. 

"you guys, just going to stand there?" with this encouragement, they stumbled in one after another, george was the first one in, and his arms wrapped her in a hug once again. 

"oh fuck, get off of me" she mumbled, but hugged him back nonetheless. when they separated, dream and sapnap had closed the door, and made themselves comfortable on the couch. 

ava walked up to sapnap and hugged him, his arms tightened around her waist, and she pressed a friendly kiss to the top of his head. he was at down, so she could reach. next, she gave dream a hug, she knew he wouldn't let go until she did, so her fingers found their way to his hair, and she brushed it out of his eyes. 

her tries were futile, his hair fell back down directly after she stepped out of his arms. "minecraft?" george asks after a a small bout of silence. "yeah, we can play in my bedroom, if you guys brought your laptops." ava agrees, standing and making her way to her room. the guys followed close behind. 

dream was still flustered from her hands in his hair, he could definitely get used to that. he was so lost in thought that he had fallen behind, and he entered the room, all eyes were on him.

"you good, man?" sapnap asks, and dream nods, eyeing the beanbag on the floor, he makes his way over to it, and plops down on it. it was more comfortable than he thought it'd be. 

they start up minecraft, and join a new survival world. 

- - - - - - - - - - -

"george, stop fucking killing me" sapnap shouts, scaring the cat that had settled on his lap. "oh no, i'm sorry penny. it's george's fault" his voice drops to a whisper. 

"you scared my cat, you asshole" ava scoffed at him, petting the feline who had made her way over to ava. retracting her hand, she moved back to her keyboard. dream was crouched in front of her. 

she threw him one of the many flowers that were in her inventory, and he moved closer to her. 

from the beanbag he was sitting in, she heard a "mwah" from him. a giggle leaves her lips, and she sends him one back. 

dream's hands freeze on his keyboard, but he recovers quickly. 

"look at my house, ava look at my house" george exclaims, voice filled with excitement. she looks over, to see a poorly built wooden house. well, it was more like a shack. "yeah, cool. great job, george." ava smiles. dream looks at her from the corner of his eye, what makes him look back to his laptop, is a whisper. two, to be precise. 

sapnap whispers to you: you're being obvious, idiot

avaxd whispers to you: what are you staring at, pretty boy?

- - - - - - - - - - - - -

george and sapnap had fallen asleep on ava's bed, she sighed, and covered them with the blanket, before making her way to the living room. dream had left to use the restroom, and they had run into each other in the hallway. 


"oh god, i'm sorry." ava shakes her head, brushing off the shock. dreams arms had wrapped around her waist, as to not cause any injuries."it's fine, where are you going?" he asks, removing his arms.

"to the couch, sapnap and george fell asleep on the bed. you can come if you want," she lowers her voice, "or sleep on that beanbag. it's your decision, pretty boy." with that, she walks past him, and settles herself on the couch. 

he's caught off guard, but follows her nonetheless. she has started up netflix, and had a random movie playing, for background noise, he assumed. 

the flustered boy made himself comfortable, and with a shared glance, a silent question, and the nod of his head, ava makes herself comfortable, cuddled into his side. 

- - - - - - - - - - 

haha hey. 

how's it going ?

i have french class in a bit but i'll keep writing anyways.

kind of hated this but it's fine i think. 

hope you liked <3

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