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ava's breath catches in her throat. she clears her throat. his hair fell almost just as she had imagined it, it looks soft as well. small almost unoticable freckles dotted his cheeks, and through his hair, his green eyes pierced through her own. 

"oh god," she whispers, "i'm going to call you back. give me five seconds." she hangs up, and quickly facetimes sapnap. 

"you didn't tell me he'd be cute!" she nearly yells, wide awake now. "who?" he seemed genuinely confused. "dream. he's really pretty." she whispered, as to not scare her cat. 

"you seen his face?" 

"yeah like five seconds ago, i'm going to call george i love you goodnight." with that final remark she hangs up and finds her best friends number. 

he answers almost immediately. 

"oh my fucking god, george, you didn't tell me was attractive." unlike sapnap, george knew exactly what she was talking about, as the blonde was just messaging him in a panic. saying how he might have messed up. 

"oh my god, you idiot. go. call him back he's scared out of his mind." 

"i will! but console me first. i just saw the most attractive person ever."

"you've seen me."


"okay! look, ave, you'll be fine, nothing has changed, you just have a face to put to his voice now." he was right, so agreeing with him, and saying goodbye, she hangs up, and rings dream. he answers almost immediately. his face filling her screen. she smiles at his more than slightly messy hair, but then she sees the panicked look in his eyes, and frowns. 

"hey, i'm sorry for hanging up like that," she smiles shyly, "it's just, you're really pretty and i had to go gush about it." 

a small blush fills his cheeks, and he laughs. "it's okay. i think you're pretty as well" his voice was soft, softer than she had ever heard it. "thank you" she eventually got out. it wasn't unusual that she got compliments, it was unusual that she believed them. but something about dream made her believe him. 

- - - - - - - - 

they had been talking, dream still hadn't gotten to his shower, and ava still hadn't gotten sleep. but they were enjoying the others company. 

"wonder if george would be upset that i'm meeting sapnap before him" ava murmurs, and dream smirks, little did she know. 

"no, he'll be fine, they kind of talked about it earlier" 

"oh, okay" 

she was looking at the screen through half closed lids, her mind racing. "what're you thinking about?" she asks, looking at the boy, who seemed very deep in thought. he suddenly felt very bold. "you." he mutters, deciding to be both bold, and honest. 

"what about me?" the girl says, feeling the same.


the pink tint covered her cheeks, and she smiled. "i'm thinking about you, too" 

"what about" 

her eyes go wide.

"i can't say." 

now it's his turn for his eyes to widen. "oh?" and she nods, bringing her blanket up closer. 

dream's stomach filled with butterflies, she looked so adorable, he wanted to lie with her, and have her head rested on his chest. oh, to be able to pull her impossibly closer. 

"hey, i'm gonna go. i still have to shower." dream says after looking at her for a few more minutes. she frowns, but quickly smiles again, "yeah you stink, bye"

he scoffs, muttering a "fuck off" making her smile, "talk tomorrow?" she asks, and he nods. 

eventually they hang up, and ava falls asleep with a smile on her face. 

- - - - - - - - - - - 

"quackity, why would i play roblox with you? no one knows who i am." ava says, stretching out in her chair. 

"say that to the thousands of requests on your twitter." 

sapnap pipes in, "true, once we followed her she called me ten minutes later saying that her requests were going crazy. 

"shut up, i'll just make my twitter public, i don't tweet anyway." she sighs, opening her twitter, and making her account public. 

"good, now play roblox with me." 

"whatever, fine." 

"that was easier than i though it'd be." 

"i'll change my mind before you can tweet about it." 

"too late, check twitter."

and sure enough, when ava pulls up his account there it is. 

- - - - - - 

playing roblox with @avaxd


@avaxd replying to @quackity
i don't want to anymore.

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