Cleopatra Selene II

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Born in 40 BC, in Alexandria, Egypt. Her parents were Roman statesman, Mark Antony & Ptolemaic Queen Cleopatra. She also had a twin brother named, Alexander Helios & a younger brother, Ptolemy. On her mother's side she claimed Greek heritage, as the Ptolemy Dynasty was descended from the famed Macedonian conqueror, Alexander the Great. Her father was descended from the Antonii family, an aristocratic Roman family that could trace it's roots back to the Roman Republic. Antony was forced to return to Rome just before the birth of the twins. There he married Octavia Minor, the sister of his arch rival, Octavian. Cleopatra Selene & her brother were raised by their mother in Alexandria along with their half-brother, Caesarion, the illegitimate son of Julius Caesar.

Cleopatra travelled with her two children to Antioch (in what is now Turkey), in 37 BC. This would be the first time the 3 year old twins would meet their father. It's likely their surnames were bestowed upon them by Antony after this meeting. Cleopatra Selene II's likely from Cleopatra Selene I of Syria, a Seleucid ruler who also who was also of Ptolemaic descent. Alexander Helios was named after the Greek god of the sun, who's sister was the goddess of the moon, Selene. Antony & Cleopatra's third child, Ptolemy Philadelphus was born later that year. Over the next few years, Antony rearranged territories all over the eastern Mediterranean, gifting large portions of land to his children by Cleopatra; Cleopatra Selene was declared queen of Cyrene (in modern day Libya) & portions of the island of Crete, albeit in more symbolic roles as her mother was the real defacto ruler. Alexander was bethrothed to the Armenian princess, Iotape but Antony didn't make any such plans for Selene as she was probably still considered too young by her parents.

The conflicts between Antony & Octavian continued to escalate until Octavian finally declared war on Egypt in 32 BC, which resulted in the defeat of Antony & Cleopatra's forces at the ill-fated Battle of Actium, in 30 BC. As a desperate last attempt, Cleopatra attempted to come to an agreement with Octavian to ensure the safety of her & her children. However, knowing he had the upper hand Octavian refused to make any promises before the annexation of Egypt later that year. Cleopatra & Alexander were left orphans when their parents both committed suicide. Before her death, Cleopatra arranged for Caesarion to go to India & Cleopatra Selene & Alexander were sent farther south in Egypt, where she hoped they would be safe. Caesarion briefly served as king of Egypt for a few days, after Octavian's forces took Alexandria but was later executed by Roman soldiers, while trying to flee the country.

Cleopatra Selene & her two brothers, Alexander & Ptolemy were taken to Rome. Ptolemy likely died on the voyage, as his siblings were alone as they were paraded through the Rome, behind an effigy of their mother committing suicide by clasping an asp (poisonous snake) to her breast. After his victory in the Battle of Actium, Octavian (now named Augustus) relaxed his grip on the twins & instead of keeping them under house arrest, he took them in as one of his own children; giving his sister, Octavia Minor custody of Cleopatra Selene & Alexander. Alexander disappears from the historical record soon after arriving in Rome, so it's highly possible that after the death of her siblings, Cleopatra Selene was left the sole surviving descendent of Cleopatra. Being brought up by Octavia's home, meant she was also raised amoung family including, some of her paternal half-siblings. Little is known about this time, other than how it was understandably uncomfortable for the girl. Octavia also made sure all of the children received high-quality educations & suitable marriages were arranged for them.

While living in Rome, Cleopatra Selene met her future husband, Juba II. Juba had been taken hostage as a baby by Julius Caesar & was raised by Caesar's family. Juba was a teen living in Octavia's home, when Cleopatra Selene arrived in Rome & the pair were raised for a time together. They were brought closer by many things they had in common including being orphaned by Roman conquest & exiled from their native lands in North Africa. By the 20's BC, Juba was noted scholar of history & geography, Cleopatra Selene also had a great influence on his work, particularly in the areas of African history & geography. When Cleopatra Selene came of age, Octavia & Augustus arranged a marriage between them.

On the wedding, Juba II & Cleopatra Selene were declared co-rulers of Numidia & Mauritania, a wealthy region in North Africa. Mauritania was in turmoil at the time, as their previous two rulers had died in quick succession after a drawn-out squabble over the leadership. After their wedding, Juba II & Cleopatra Selene relocated to Iol, the capital of Mauritania. The city was in ruins upon the newlywed's arrival, but the couple worked diligently to return the city to it's former glory. They renamed it Caesarea, in honor of Cleopatra's adopted father. They spent lavishly on various public works including, a gymnasium, Roman baths & amphitheater. Cleopatra's reign introduced a distinctly Greco-Egyptian flavour to the city, intermixing with the already diverse population influenced largely by Berbers & Phoenicians. Common features of Egyptian architecture were also imported to redecorate the city including sphinxes & other types of statuary.

Cleopatra Selene commissioned the construction of a library inspired by the great library of Alexandria, she also brought scholars, poets & musicians, who had formerly served in the Alexandrian court. Thanks to Cleopatra Selene & Juba the city was steadily being transformed into a great hub of culture: within the Roman empire which now spanned the entirety of the Mediterranean, Mauretania was relatively prosperous. The citizenry began farming on a larger scale & trade flourished. It wasn't long before Mauretania became famous for exporting goods like timber, grain & Tyrian purple dye. A lighthouse was constructed in the harbour of Caesarea, a nod to the famed Lighthouse of Alexandria, one of the 7 wonders of the ancient world.

During her reign Cleopatra Selene fashioned herself after her Ptolemaic ancestors, heir to her mother's dynasty. Portraits of Ptolemaic nobles & royals were added to the art collections at the Mauritanian court, alongside portraits of the royal family. Cleopatra Selene's resolution to celebrate her mother's legacy was in defiance of Roman policy, which usually viewed Cleopatra as an enemy of Rome. So despite Rome's hostility towards the Egyptian Ptolemies, Cleopatra Selene was able to create a space for Egyptian culture to flourish at her court in Mauretania. Both Latin & Greek were spoken as official court languages. Coins bearing the image of Cleopatra Selene were inscribed with Greek while Juba's were inscribed in Latin. Her coins also bore other Egyptian symbols like, crocodiles, sistrums (instruments) & rearing cobras, symbols of royalty. Cleopatra Selene gave birth to a son around 10 BC whom she named, Ptolemy.

The exact circumstances of Cleopatra Selene II's death are lost to history, but it's believed she likely died of natural causes, around 5 BC. After she died, she was buried in the Royal Mausoleum of Mauretania, now in Cherchell, Algeria. The mausoleum was commissioned by Cleopatra Selene & Juba, to house themselves & their descendants. Juba II had married Glaphyra of Cappodocia sometime before 6 AD, which likely indicates that Cleopatra Selene had already passed away. However some scholars have posited theories including, that Cleopatra Selene & Juba had divorced before his marriage to Glaphyra or that Juba shirked Roman tradition & engaged in polygamy like his Numidian predecessors. Coins dating to 17 AD have raised the possibility that Cleopatra Selene could've lived as late as 17 AD but these are likely posthumously minted, possibly by her son, Ptolemy, who ruled Mauretania from 20-40 AD.

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