Wolves Reunited

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3RD Person

Phoenix Squadron's Special Forces team the Spectors recently reunited Captain Rex with Ahsoka Tano. Now they search for reliable intel so the rebels can stay one step ahead of the Empire.

Ahsoka, Rex, the Spectors, Commander Sato along with several rebel fighters were in the command room of one of their Corellian Corvettes. "After we exposed ourselves to the Empire, they will come after us with full force. Our fleet is weaker and we must find more supplies if we are to continue to engage them." Commander Sato explained. "What about imperial cargo transports? Aren't there plenty of them entering the system?" Kanan spoke up. "The Empire has increased their size in escorts. We don't have nearly enough ships to engage them." Sato answered. Ahsoka paused and looked down. She then walked up to the holo-table, "I.....I know who can help us." Rex understood, "Are you sure? Once it's done, we can't go back." Ahsoka started to press buttons and looked at Rex, "I can't wait any longer. I need to see him." Ezra looked at Sabine who looked back. Kanan stared at her.

The holo-table activated and a symbol of a wolf illuminated. Ahsoka then began to speak, "This is a secured channel. Grey Wolf.....this is White Wolf." Silence was all that could be heard for around a minute. A voice then spoke up, "This is Grey Wolf Fulcrum. It's so good to hear your voice." Ahsoka hesitated. Ezra could see a tear slowly fall from her face. "I just can't believe it's you. We....We are activating protocol 19." The voice paused, "Understood. Protocol 19 will be put into effect. Grey Wolf out." The holo-table shut off. Ahsoka looked down and slowly walked away. Ezra looked confused, "Uh what's going on with her? And...what's protocol 19"


Ahsoka stared at the ground in a hallway. Ezra walked up to the front windows joining Kanan and the rest of the group, "Kanan do you know why Ahsoka seems upset?" Kanan leaned against the railing, "She's not." Ezra was confused. Then a pilot broke the silence, "Commander, several ships exiting hyperspace." Three Nebulan-Class Frigates emerged. Then a Venator-Class Star Destroyer followed. Kanan stared at the ship, "Is that....a Jedi Cruiser?" Commander Sato answered him, "It is indeed." "A Jedi Cruiser? You mean during the Clone Wars?" Ezra asked. "Correct." Sato said. Kanan looked at the ship. It felt familiar to him.

The ship docked with the destroyer and the group went to the airlock, but Ahsoka was already there waiting and staring at the door. The airlock door opened and a dark figure walked through, "Honey I'm home?" Tears ran down Ahsoka's face, "AXLE!!!" she ran into his arms. "AHSOKA!!!" Axle yelled back. They both hugged as tight as they could. "From now on you are never leaving my side, do you understand me?" Axle said, staring into her eyes. "I promise you, I won't" she answered. They pulled each other closer together and kissed for the first time in three years. Tears of joy ran down their faces as they squeezed each other tightly. Rex stood with the rest of the group smiling. Ezra started to walk up, but Rex stopped him, "Let them have a minute." Ezra was starting to understand. The two continued to kiss and hug and everything they haven't been able to do in so long. Axle picked her up and she locked her legs around his waist. Kanan just stared almost speechless, "A..Axle? Is that...you?"

Axle's POV

Ahsoka and I broke our kiss and I walked toward him. This...this was impossible. "Dume? Kaleb Dume you're alive?" I ran toward him. "BUDDY!!!." Kaleb yelled as we hugged tightly. "What happened to you? I thought you died at Mandalore." Kanan asked. "And I thought you died after the Conquest of Kaller. Boy do I have stories for you." I answered full of joy and surprise. "I have stories for you too." Kaleb said as we continued talking. My best friend is alive. I still couldn't believe it. First I'm reunited with the love of my life and now I'm reunited with my best friend who was presumed dead. "Kanan...you know him?" A kid spoke up. "Kanan? You changed your name? I like it." I said laughing. Kanan then started to explain, "Ezra this is Axle Tinguard. He was my best friend throughout the war. Everything I learned from fighting in a battle was from him. Axle, this is Ezra Bridger. He's my Padawan." This caught me by surprise, "A Padawan? Last time I checked you were 14 years old, second in command to me during the Battle of Onderon and had little to no idea what you were doing. Now you have a Padawan?" We both laughed. Ahsoka smiled and leaned against my shoulder. Rex then pushed his way through the group. "REX? YOU'RE HERE!!!." I yelled as we hugged. Rex smiled and laughed, "Axle, it's been too long, old friend. It looks like you got taller. And older." Commander Sato then walked up. I never got to meet him in person. Ahsoka then properly gave me an introduction, "Axle this is Commander Sato leader of Phoenix Squadron." I shook hands with him and smiled, "Commander it's a pleasure." Sato smiled back, "The pleasure is mine, General Tinguard." I then faced Ahsoka, "I just can't believe after all these years. After all the pain. I'm standing here with you." "I couldn't bear it anymore. We have already revealed ourselves to the Empire. There is no reason to be separate anymore. I love you" She answered. I pulled her into another kiss, "I love you too."

Ahsoka and I held each other tightly as we walked through The Predator. This was unbelievable. After three long years, we are finally together again. Tears of joy fell from our eyes as we continued to head toward the bridge.

3RD Person

They walked the halls of the battle cruiser. "Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome aboard The Predator." Axle said. This caught Hera's attention, "Wait. This is The Predator? The same Republic Flag ship that was famous for smashing through Separatist blockades?" Axle smiled, "Sure is. She was my flag ship from The Liberation of Ryloth, to The Siege of Mandalore." "This is incredible!!! We're standing in a historical operational relic of the Clone Wars." Sabine geeked out. "Truly amazing." Zeb said grinning. "I can't believe I'm aboard her again." Kanan added. The others looked at him, "Wait you've been on this ship before?" Axle laughed and laid his arm on Kanan's shoulder, "Yep. He helped me lead attacks with The Predator all over the galaxy." They approached the bridge door, but before they entered, they stopped and Axle faced them, "Ok Kaleb, you know how Rex did not betray the Jedi?" Kanan raised an eyebrow, "So I've heard." as he faced the clone Captain. "Well try to keep an open mind." Axle said as he opened the doors revealing clones at work on the ship's computers. Everyone's jaw dropped. Ahsoka already knew about this as she walked in. "ATTENTION COMMANDER ON DECK!!!" Chase yelled as the clones stood at attention to Ahsoka. "Chase, I'm so happy to see you." she said and gave him a hug. "Glad to be back Commander." The clone Commander answered. Axle smiled at them when Kanan approached him, "What's going on? Why are their clones on the ship?" Axle faced him, "Don't worry. They didn't betray the Jedi. I had their control chips removed months before the purge. I promise you they were always on our side." Kanan paused. He looked down and sighed, "Ok. I trusted you with my life. And I still do. I guess I can trust them, but not right away." Axle smiled, "I'm glad you understand."

The group started to talk with the crew as Ahsoka, Axle and Sato explained their next move. "So with our fleets combined we have a decent amount of ships, but how are we going to get the right amount of supplies.?" Sato asked. "We're going to take over a Star Destroyer." Axle said smiling. Sato went wide eyed, "How is that possible? A Star Destroyer won't even have the proper equipment we need." "Don't worry. The boys and I have done it before. We would have taken those ships if we had enough men to crew them. The Destroyer won't have the equipment, but will have the coordinates to every supply bay in the sector." Axle explained. Sato thought for a moment, "How will you be able to even get close to a Star Destroyer with all of it's weapons and shields?" "The Predator was one of the most heavily armed battleships in the entire Clone War. Even then, we modified it with more weapons and surprises. We're going to broadside the Destroyer." Axle answered. "By the time we get into firing range, they would have already called in reinforcements." Sato informed. Axle smirked, "I've got that covered." Ahsoka smirked at him. She knew what he was thinking. "We already know the perfect target. A lone Destroyer will be making a trip to Lothal. They have to come out of hyperspace near a small nebula. It's scheduled to arrive in the sector tomorrow. We'll ambush it then." Axle says.


Later that night, Ezra sneaks toward Axle and Ahsoka's quarters. He then ran into Kanan who was waiting for him, "What are you doing?" Kanan asked, raising an eyebrow "Kanan, you said Axle was a Clone Wars Jedi veteran and Hero. He can help us create a plan to take back Lothal." Ezra answered. Kanan sighed, "Ezra, Ahsoka and Axle haven't seen each other in years. They just need some space. Leave them alone for now ok." Kanan said walking off. Ezra hesitated, but his curiosity got the best of him. He walked into the Gray Jedi's room.

He snuck around looking at the relics Axle collected over the years. An old clone helmet, a Clone Wars B1-Battle droid head, a DC-15s blaster carbine. Ezra felt a pull from the force. It was coming from the other room. He opened the door and walked in. Ezra turned his head and saw a Jedi holocron on a desk. He went to go pick it up. He tried to open it, but it was as if the holocron locked itself. Ezra looked over to see Ahsoka and Axle passed out next to each other. It seemed like they were in a deep meditative state with their lips sealed together tighter than a blast door. Ezra was super tense. If they sense me I'm dead, he thought. Although it looked like they didn't. The two held each other very tightly as their emotions and thoughts flowed through their minds. The feeling was so strong, Ezra could even sense their connection as it filled the room.


Ezra walks into his temporary room on the Venator where Zeb and Sabine are waiting. "So, they tell you anything?" Sabine asked. Ezra shook his head, "I didn't wake them up. I felt their connection. They really love each other and they haven't been able to see each other in a long time. They need time alone." "Wait, they share the same bed?" asked Zeb. "Yep." Ezra answered. Sabine paused, "So...." "Yep." Ezra answered, cutting her off. "EZRA!!! YOU DON'T JUST WALK IN ON PEOPLE LIKE THAT!!!" Sabine yelled out. Ezra scrambled for an excuse, "WELL HOW WAS I SUPPOSED TO KNOW?" "KANAN TOLD YOU NOT TO GO IN THERE IN THE FIRST PLACE!!!" Sabine argued back. "YEA, BUT WHAT IF THEY HAVE A SOLUTION FOR LOTHAL? THAT TO ME IS PERSONAL." Ezra answered. Sabine kept yelling, "THEY WERE HAVING SEX DURING THEIR FIRST NIGHT TOGETHER AGAIN AFTER THREE YEARS!!! THAT IS SOMETHING PERSONAL!!!" Ezra couldn't find another answer that would get him out of this and faced the floor. "Did you get a good look kid?" Zeb laughed so hard he fell on the ground. Ezra just kept looking down in embarrassment.


In the morning, Ahsoka and Axle entered the bridge. The Spectors were already there. Ezra looked away from them. Ahsoka saw that Hera was by herself so she went to talk to her. Kanan was talking with Chase when Axle walked over, "I see you two are catching up." Kanan smiled, "Yea. We were talking about the Siege of Mandalore. You and Ahsoka really fought Maul and won?" Chase laughed, "Are you kidding? Those two put the pound down on him." Axle grinned, "That guy was insanely good with a blade I'll tell you that."

Ahsoka was talking to Hera, "What's wrong?" Hera looked up, "You and Axle. You fell in love when you were young right?" "Yes. Why do you ask?" Ahsoka answered. Hera looked at Kanan. Ahsoka felt her emotions, "Oh I see." Hera then looked back to her, "How am I supposed to tell him?" Ahsoka paused to think, "The thing is, you don't have to. Axle and I knew we were in love before we even told each other. It's the same thing with you and Kanan. You know he loves you and he knows you love him." Hera smiled.

Kanan looked at Hera talking to Ahsoka. "Ah, you like her." Axle smirked. Kanan giggled, "Yes I do. But I don't know how to approach it." Axle smiled, "When Ahsoka and I felt like that, I didn't even bring up the subject which made her even more attracted to me. Just keep acting as if you know she already likes you. Worked for me because when I did that, the next thing I knew she shoved me on the bed." he laughed. "You know right before you went on your journey, Rex and I saw you two making out and pushing each other inside your room." Chase laughed and continued, "We weren't going to tell you until you two got older." Axle went wide eyed and dropped his jaw. Chase was now laughing his head off, "Hey Rex......I told him." Rex then began laughing as hard as Chase. "What's going on?" Ahsoka said walking over. Axle hesitated, "Rex and Chase saw use together in the hallway the night before I went on my journey." Ahsoka dropped her jaw and stared at the two clones still laughing. She then looked back at Axle having the same expression.

"Looks like the Imps are on schedule." One of the officers said. Commander Sato walked over to Axle, "What is your plan to get close enough to the ship without giving away our position?" Axle then smirked at Ahsoka, "We're going to jump into hyperspace on the exact coordinates I give out when I look into the force. The coordinates will be several meters away from the ship and as soon as we drop out of hyperspace, our turbo batters will open fire before the imperials have a chance to react." Commander Sato just dropped his jaw and looked at Kanan, "Was he always this crazy?" Kanan laughed, "You ever heard of the Battle of Saleucami. He was 15 when he led the entire invasion." "And won." Axle added smiling. Sato just stared at him, shocked. Ezra spoke up, "Hey what do you call this maneuver?" "We named it after Master Kenobi's favorite taunt." Axle answered. "What?" Ezra asked again. Axle smirked at Ahsoka who gave the same look back. He then faced Ezra, "Hello There." The two ex Jedi laughed.

Axle then opened a crate full of blasters. He grabbed two DC-17 blaster pistols and gave one to Ahsoka, "Here, we can't let them know we're survivors. Keep your sabers on your belt." She grabbed the blaster and inspected it. "You still know how to use one of those?" Axle asked. Ahsoka laughed and turned the weapon of stun. Axle smiled, "Ok then."

"Alright, you boys know the drill. Let's make General Kenobi proud." Axle said. "Copy that General Tinguard." the clones responded and started to press buttons. Axle then outstretched his hand and closed his eyes. "Lock onto coordinates. 3, 8, 7, 1, 3, 0, 5" Axle ordered. "Ey sir locking onto coordinates 3871305" the clones repeated, "Coordinates locked. Standing by General." Axle felt the movement of the Imperial ship. "Jump" He ordered as the ship jumped into hyperspace. "All batteries target position 38." Axle ordered as the turbo laseres locked into position. "Gunners, when I give the order, you fire. Helmsman, when I give the same order, drop out of hyperspace." Axle said, still focusing on the force. "Copy that sir." the clones responded. After waiting for 2 minutes, Axle gave the order, "NOW!!!" The Venator dropped out of hyperspace right next to the Imperial ship. The Venator immediately opened fire before the enemy ships' shields were able to raise. "HELLO THERE!!!" Axle, Ahsoka and the clones all yelled at once showing respect to their lost friend. "Everyone to the airlock." Axle ordered as clones and the Spectors followed.

The ship docked as the team made it to the airlock. The doors opened and clones started to fire at imperial troopers. Kanan looked at Axle, "Just like old times." as they ran aboard the Imperial Star Destroyer. Clones stayed behind to guard the airlock. "We need to make it to the bridge. That's where the data files will be." Sabine said. "Yep. We just need to take the lifts to get there." Chase says.

Once the group made it to the bridge, they took out anyone who was a threat. They lined up the officers. "Sabine, I hear you're great with computers." Axle says. "You got that right." The Mandalorian responded and got to work decrypting the files they needed. Axle approached the officers with Ahsoka, "Watch and learn kid." Axle smiled at Ezra. Axle and Ahsoka raised their hands in front of the imperials. "You will abandon ship and forget all about this." they said together. "We will abandon ship and forget all about this." the weak minded officers said and left the bridge. "I got what we need." Sabine said. Axle turned to her, "Good job. Now program the naving-computer to head for that moon." he pointed to a small moon in the distance. Sabine pressed some buttons, "Finished." "EVERYONE GET BACK TO THE PREDATOR. RUN LIKE HELL!!!" Axle yelled as they all ran out of the bridge.

They made it back to the Predator as the Destroyer arched forward. "Disengage the docking ramp." Axle ordered over the commlink. The Venator detached from the enemy ship as it screamed toward the moon. The team made it back to the bridge. Axle then addressed the helmsman, "Get us back to the fleet." "Yes sir." he responded as the ship jumped to hyperspace.


Sabine plugged the data into the holo-table. A star map showed up. "What are we looking at?" Kanan asked. Sabine smiled, "Axle was spot on. This map shows every supply base in the sector. Even top secret ones." Commander Sato faced Axle, "Well done General. On behalf of Phoenix Squadron, I thank you." Axle smiled and shook his hand, "Any time Commander." Sato then faced Ahsoka, "I can see why you like him." Ahsoka blushed. Sato smiled then turned back to Axle, "Senator Organa has recently contacted me and has agreed to proceed with protocol 23." Axle smiled back, "I think we should." Ahsoka looked overjoyed. Axle walked over to her and put his hands on her shoulders. She moved in to hug him. Ezra hated these secret protocols, "What's protocol 23?" Axle looked at him with Ahsoka still leaning against his chest, "It means I'm staying. My forces will merge with Phoenix Squadron creating a larger, more powerful cell." Ahsoka looked into his eyes and they kissed again.

Chase's POV

Rex and I stood next to each other and looked at the two kissing. I turned to Rex, "They needed to be together again. I'm so happy they're reunited." Rex smiled back at me, "She really missed him you know. Every time I see her, it's like only part of her was there. She wasn't herself anymore." I nodded, "The same thing with Axle. He was dead inside after the separation. Barely even talked." "Not even any jokes?" Rex looked at me surprised. "Not even any jokes. He went completely dark. This was too unhealthy for both of them. I could tell that his mental state was decaying everyday." I replied. "Same with Ahsoka.

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