3RD Person
After the destruction of the shield generator, Jedi Master Luminara Unduli, Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker, and Jedi Padawans Axle Tinguard, Ahsoka Tano and Barriss Offee are sent to destroy the droid factory at all costs. As Master Luminara and her Padawan make their way to the others, Ahsoka and Axle brief the men on their next move.
R2 pulled up the holo-map of the droids factory. "This bridge is our first waypoint. Focus your fire on the gun positions here and here." Ahsoka explained. "No doubt there will be a lot of clankas, so make every shot count. Stay together as a group and do not make your way across the bridge until the guns are taken out." Axle added. "Because it's only..." Ahsoka started, but Skywalker cut her off, "Because it's only after we neutralize the guns that we can push for the factory." Axle and Ahsoka looked up at the Jedi General with annoyance, "We were....Yes... We can push for the factory." Some of the clones smirked and chuckled to themselves from the little interruption. Ahsoka tried to speak again, "Now expect from...." Anakin cut her off again, "And don't forget to top off your energy cells and ration packs. Once we leave, there will be no resupply. Anything else you two?" He looked down at the young Padawans. "No, you pretty much covered it." Ahsoka answered. "Without flaw Master. Great job at being the star of the show...As always." Axle added with much annoyance and rolled his eyes. "Squad dismissed." Anakin ordered. The clones stood up and walked away.
Anakin started walking as the two Padawans started to speak to him. "You know Master, our briefings would go a lot smoother if you wouldn't interrupt us every time." Ahsoka said. "I wasn't interrupting, I was trying to help you." Anakin answered. Axle gave a big sigh from more annoyance, "We didn't need help. We weren't stuttering. We weren't lost in thought. We were focused on the mission and were giving correct instructions about it. You should trust us more." Anakin turned around, "We already trusted you to lead the main landing force at Point Rain." "Yea and we won the battle because of it. You just want the spotlight to always shine on you." Axle responded. "We appreciate you wanting to help, but you don't have to interrupt us to do it. Like you said, you trusted Axle to hold off the bugs at Point Rain and he succeeded. I think that you need to back off sometimes." Ahsoka pointed at her Master. Anakin thought for a second, "It's not about trust, it's about getting the job done right." Axle and Ahsoka both got a little angry, "So you don't trust us getting the job done right." "Ahsoka..." Anakin began to speak. "No we get it. We are just Padawans that have no experience and must always let the Master take charge." Axle interrupted and walked away with Ahsoka as Anakin looked to the ground.
A fleet of gunships landed at their position as the trio kept arguing. Master Unduli and Barriss walked up to them. "Was Master Kenobi always this strict with you?" Axle blurred out. "You know, Master Windu would love to hear this little chat." Anakin yelled back. "Why? Is it because the only jurisdiction you have over me is by rank? Master Windu knew that you couldn't be trusted to handle two Padawans. That's why he assigns me under Master Kenobi over you every time." Axle pointed out as they kept on yelling. "If you don't trust us, then maybe you should send us back." Ahsoka yelled. "Don't tempt me." Anakin smirked. "If you three are quite finished, we have a factory to destroy." Master Unduli spoke up. "Well Barriss, aren't you going to introduce yourself?" The Jedi Master finished. Barriss kneeled in front of them, "Barriss Offee Padawan learner at your service." Anakin smiled, "Maybe you two could learn a thing or two from Barriss." Axle rolled his eyes, "Right because we are nothing but just disrespectful younglings." "Glad to meet you. I'm Ahsoka." Ahsoka answered and shook Barriss's hand. "Glad to meet you too." She then walked up to Axle, "You must be Padawan Tinguard. Master Windu speaks highly of you." Axle shook her hand, "Why thank you." He then turned to Skywalker, "You hear that? When's the last time Master Windu ever said something like that to you?" The Jedi Knight sighed and looked away.
The clones prepared their forces for their assault on the factory while the Jedi discussed their next move. "A frontal assault is risky. Our losses will be high." Master Unduli explains. "Not as high as they will be if that factory comes online." Skywalker added. "Indeed, but there is an alternative. Every Genosian building has a cavern of tunnels beneath the ground." Unduli finishes. Barriss spoke up, "Some of the tunnels are close enough to the wall so that you could cut a hole and make an entry point. " Luminaria pointed to the holographic caves, "Once inside, we can find the main reactor, plant the explosives and blow the factory inside out." Skywalker looked at the map, "Sounds like a good way to get lost if you ask me." "To the unprepared perhaps, but I have instructed Barriss to memorize the labyrinth. All two hundred junctions." Skywalker smirked, "You always were thorough." Luminaria looked at him, "It pays for one to be prepared. Right Barriss?" "Especially when other people's lives depend on your success." Barriss answered. "How do we keep the Geonosians occupied while someone else is setting the bombs?" Ahsoka asked. Luminaria smiled at Axle, "I hear that you took down an entire wave of Geonosians by yourself. Master Windu has ordered that you lead the attack from the right flank which will draw the droids and bugs outside. Skywalker and I will deal with the middle bridge." Axle smirked at Skywalker, "At least my Master trusts me with a tough mission." "The destruction of the factory falls to Ahsoka and Barriss." Luminaria informs. Skywalker started to freak out a bit, "Hold on, who decided that? Walking into that factory could be suicide. Plus, Axle's flank has way more hostiles than our front." "Axle has the capabilities to hold his line and the other two will be successful if we hold Pogol's attention at the bridge." Luminaria said firmly. "Master, I can do this. Trust me." Ahsoka spoke up. "Not to worry, my Padawan is reliable. She can lead them both through the maze." Master Unduli ensured. "We'll be in and out Master Skywalker." Barriss added. Axle and Ahsoka gave Skywalker a smirk. Luminaria gave Ahsoka a bag of explosives and handed everyone a commlink, "We will monitor each other's progress through these encrypted comms. May the force be with you Padawans." Axle gave a friendly salute to Skywalker and smiled at Ahsoka as he ran off toward Chase and their company.
Axle made it to Chase's position with the rest of his men, "Lock and load boys, we're going for a walk." The clones stood up and turned their weapons off stun. "Alright boys, let's squish some bugs." Chase responded as he signaled the company to move forward. "We'll have to take this passageway through the rocks to make it to the right flank of the factory." Axle said holding up a holo-map. "Ok kid, let's stay sharp." Chase responded as the men ran off.
Axle's POV
We came to the passageway through the rocks. "Stay alert. Bugs can be everywhere." Chase reminded everyone. The factory was just through the passage. When we make it there, we have the chance of getting a lot of target practice on metal. "BUGS!!!" A trooper shouted out as Geonosians flew down toward them from above. I quickly ignited my saber and force jumped up to their level. Some clones screamed as they were being picked up by the bugs. I moved as fast as I could and cut down all the bugs that lifted anyone up. "There weren't as many as I thought there would be." Chase said looking around. "The rest of them are held up in the factory. We're almost there. Now let's move." I responded.
My commlink blinked, "Axle, are you at the right flank?" Skywalker asked. "Yes Master. Just around this bend and.....oh crap." I looked up ahead after we made it to the right side and saw hundreds of droids on the other side of the bridge. "What's going on?" Skywalker asked. Droids started to blast at us as the men ran for cover returning fire. "DROIDS!!! LOTS AND LOTS OF DROIDS!!!" I yelled. "So do you need help? Or are your skills too good for the situation?" Anakin chuckled. "SHUT UP AND LET ME HANDLE THIS!!! YOU JUST MAKE SURE YOUR DRAWING POGOL'S ATTENTION AWAY FROM AHSOKA!!!" I screamed in annoyance and ended the transmission.
3RD Person
An hour or so went by as Axle's company continued to blast at the droids and bugs at the other end of the bridge. Axle kept the men off the bridge as it would be a very bad bottleneck situation. He would force throw rocks at larger units such as super battle droids and droidekas. "Chase, have the tanks blast the rocks above the droids." I ordered. "You got it Commander. AT-TE's open fire at elevation 67." The clone Captain ordered as cannon fire crashed into the rocks, sending them tumbling down onto the droids and bugs below. "That was easy." Brake yelled. Skywalker came over the comms, "Axle, did you happen to run into ray shielded tanks?" "Um, no. They have that now?" Axle responded. Just then, the doors to the factory opened and several ray shielded tanks came forward. "Run... EVERYONE RUN!!!" Axle yelled as the super tanks fired rockets at the clones. The company retreated, running through the explosions and debris. "WHY DO THE SEPARATISTS ALWAYS GET THE GOOD STUFF? AT-TE's FIRE ON THE BRIDGE SUPPORTS!!!" Axle yelled again as explosions and dust filled the air. Cannon fire exploded on the bridge as it slowly crumbled.
Axle's POV
I was thrown to the ground from an explosion. The shaking ground settled and the dust slowly cleared. Ditches from the rockets were everywhere as the men slowly recovered from the bombardment. I rolled onto my side and looked at the destruction we caused. Our tanks stood tall above me as Chase reached out his hand to help me up. "Ow. That hurt a lot." I said rubbing the back of my head. Everyone including me was covered in dirt and mud. "We did it. The droids have been cut off from this side of the factory. If Commander Tano and Offee made it to the reactor in time, we should be seeing some fireworks real soon." Chase informed. My commlink blinked again, "Looks like the others planted the bombs. That's a relief." More droids approached their positions and attacked again. "OH COME ON!!!" I yelled out of frustration as the clones blasted at the walking scrap metal.
After a long firefight, Ahsoka answered the comms, "Master, Axle, can you hear me?" I felt my worry slowly fly away, "Ahsoka, I'm glad you're ok." "Are you out of the factory?" Anakin asked. I could hear sadness in her voice, "I'm sorry. We can't make it out." "What do you mean? Ahsoka I'm coming for you." I yelled running toward the edge of the cliff separating the factory from us. Chase grabbed my arm preventing me from force jumping across. "AHSOKA!!!" I yelled again.
Chase's POV
The factory began to explode and crash down. "NO NO NO!!! AHSOKA!!!" Axle yelled as I pulled him behind some rocks giving us cover. Once again, debris and dust filled the battle field and completely destroyed the rest of the droids.
As the dust cleared, I got up and saw Axle standing in front of the remains of the factory. "Ahsoka come in. Ahsoka where are you?" he repeated. He was acting differently though. I know that he would always be devastated every time he loses someone, but this was different. I couldn't tell how, but he was almost acting like he lost someone more than just a friend. "Master Skywalker, I'm going after Ahsoka." I heard him say as he ran into the destruction.
Axle's POV
I ran through the debris as clones and gunships began to move the scraps away. I then heard my commlink beep. I looked around and found Master Skywalker. I ran towards him as we searched for the source of the communication. We ran over to where the commlink was centering from. "I'll have the scrap moved as fast as possible sir." Rex responded. "No time." Anakin said and nodded to me and Master Unduli. Together, we closed our eyes and outstretched our hands. The metal debris levitated and we moved it away. We kept doing that with the rest of the debris as we got closer and closer to Ahsoka. I saw her and Barriss down below and ran to meet them. She ran up to me and we gave each other a hug. "Next time if you are going to blow something up while still being inside, please invite me." I said making everyone else laugh. Skywalker walked up to us, "It seems like I was.......wrong" I heard a large stutter in his voice. "I'm sorry what was that?" I smirked at him, "I was wrong ok. You both did the jobs we gave you. I'm sorry." Ahsoka coughed a little, "Thank you Master." I carried her back to the gunships as the others followed. "I knew you would find us." she said. I smiled at her as I held her up, "Well, I couldn't just leave my bright star in the dark." We both exchanged a smile as the gunships took off.
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