3RD Person
Axle and Ahsoka split from Rex and Chase. Rex goes hiding in the Outer rim with Wolffe and Gregor. Chase takes what is left of the 338 (Approximately 183 left) and goes into hiding somewhere in the Expansion region. The two former Jedi fled to the Raada system in the Outer rim.
They try to live a quiet life until The Empire starts to abuse the people and hear more rumors of who Axle and Ahsoka really are. They later form a small resistance in the caves near the city.
One night Axle had a peculiar vision. A glowing red light and a hooded figure on the ground. Trees surround him. "It was always meant for you." A deep voice said as Axle looked at the red glowing light. He then awoke. Ahsoka slowly woke up next to him, "What's wrong?" "I had a vision." Axle answered. "There's something I need to do, on Kashyyyk." Ahsoka was now fully awake. She got up and put her hand on his shoulder, "I'm coming with you." "No. I have to do this alone." Axle responded. Ahsoka got serious, "But we said we would never separate again." Axle turned and smiled at her, "I'll be back within 2 rotations. I promise." They both hugged and went back to sleep.
Morning came and Axle grabbed his things. He briefly hesitated, then looked toward the floor boards. He walked over to them and pulled them apart. He looked down to a locked box. Axle grabbed it and stopped. He closed his eyes and waved his hand to release the lock. Axle opened the box relieving his old single bladed lightsaber. He slowly reached out to grab it. He stuffed it into his bag.
Axle walked over to Ahsoka near the entrance of the cave. "Are you sure you'll be ok? What if they recognize you?" She said. Axle put his hands on her shoulders, "As far as they're concerned, I'm just another 18 year old traveling the galaxy without worry." They looked into each other's eyes and hugged one last time. Axle walked to the cave exit and gave her one last look before heading off to the spaceport.
Once Axle made it to the spaceport, he got in line for security. The imperial officers there were checking the bags. Once it was his turn, he put the bag on the table and opened it. Axle then looked around to see if anyone was looking. He then raised his hand, "You're clear. Move along." The officer repeated, "You're clear. Move along." Axle then boarded the shuttle.
The shuttle landed on the Kashyyyk. Axle got past security once again and proceeded into the small imperial built slave town. He could feel the chaos around him. Wookies were being held prisoner and being sold into slavery. This is disgusting. Slavery is such garbage. No one deserves this. Axle thought to himself.
An inquisitor was stationed in the same system as Kashyyyk. He sensed a faint presence on the planet. He decided to investigate. The Second Brother walked toward his shuttle.
Once he landed on the planet, he could feel a pull. The Second Brother followed it into the forest.
Axle knew he was here for a reason. He also felt a pull and followed it into the forest. Axle was hesitant because of all the dangerous fauna, but went ahead anyway.
After walking for a while, Axle could sense great darkness. Laughter was heard and echoed round him. He looked up as a dark figure jumped down. "I thought I sensed a disturbance in the force." Second Brother said. Axle gave him a stare, "What do you mean? I'm just a traveler." "Hmm, then you don't know. No matter. I can't risk it." Second Brother said and ignited his double bladed saber. Axle gave an angry look, "You have no idea who you're messing with do you?" Second Brother gave a chuckle, "And who is that?" Axle dropped his bag and force pulled his saber to his hand, "A Gray Jedi." as the green blade ignites. The inquisitor then recognized Axle, "You live? I was a young Padawan when you left the order. You inspired me to do so too." "Well damn you took it way too far. I do not let the dark side consume me as it does with you." Axle gritted his teeth. "ENOUGH!!!" The inquisitor yells and attacks
Axle fends off the inquisitor with ease, "You know, I would have thought Jedi hunters would make more of a challenge." The two then got into a blade lock, "By the way, does your precious Togruta live too? I will have the glory of ending her life. It will be quick." Axle pushes the inquisitor away. He's eyes then turn a red yellow. Axle gritted his teeth again. Sparks of lightning came from his hands. Axle spun around and shot force lightning at The Second Brother. The inquisitor screamed in pain, "STOP!!! PLEASE STOP!!! AAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!" His body then went silent and dropped dead. Axle's eyes returned to normal and collapsed to the ground, "I.........am still...not........used to that." He then walked over to the dead body and saw a red light coming from the saber. The force lightning had cracked it wide open. Without hesitation Axle picked up the saber and shook one of the crystals out. He dropped the saber and looked at the red crystal. Then the same voice from his vision was heard, "It was always meant for you." Axle was stunned. This crystal was his Masters, Mace Windu. Axle understands and picks up his bag stashing his saber and new crystal.
Back on Raada, Axle finds Ahsoka with two cyber crystals from the Sixth Brother. They exchange stories about their battles. Later as they escaped The Empire's forces with some civilians, Ahsoka constructed her new white blades. Axle then started to meditate holding his new crystal in his hands. He thought of every person he came to know in his life. Master Windu, Master Yoda, Anakin Skywalker, Master Kenobi, and Ahsoka. He focused on who was gone and who he still had. Ahsoka was all he had left. Soon he opened his hand and the crystal levitated in front of his face. The crystal then shined a bright purple. Axle opened his eyes and connected saber parts to the purple glow. He ignited his green blade, then with his left hand, ignited his new purple shoto blade. Axle stood up and spun the two blades. Then he disengaged them and slowly connected them together forming his new split saber. Ahsoka then walked in. "I will carry this blade with honor.......Master." he said and Ahsoka smiled. They both hugged and looked out the window into space.
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