3RD Person
Suspense on the planet Saleucami. With Jedi General Diba Billaba critically injured, Jedi First Commander Axle Tinguard now leads the entire invasion. If this planet is lost, the Republic will lose the entire system to the Separatists. Having never led an invasion by himself before, Axle struggles with the stress of his biggest responsibility.
"We need to move out now, if we stay here another rotation, we will be pushed back again." Gunner said, "The Commander needs to stop ignoring the fact that we are the key to victory in this system." "Corporal, he is dealing with a lot of stress. He is in charge now and you should know, Commander Tinguard saved every single one of us one time or another. He just needs some time." Chase answered annoyed. Gunner started to regret what he said. He did know that Axle saved his life on multiple occasions, "I'm sorry sir. Your right. He cares about us more than any other Jedi."
Inside the command tent, Kaleb walked over to Axle. "So what's your plan to take the capital?" He asked him. "I don't have one." The more experienced Jedi answered. "What do you mean? You've been in similar situations before." Kaleb said, confused. "Yea, but I always had someone like Master Skywalker or Master Kenobi to create a plan to get out of these situations. But now it's just...me."
Outside, Commander Grey is watching the perimeter. "DROIDS!!!" he yelled to his men. A small recon squad of droids approached their position. Chase ran into the command tent. "Sir a group of droids are approaching us." Axle ran outside and to Grey. "Should we take them out sir?" Grey asked. Axle just stared at them. He then realized something that Master Kenobi once did. He remembered Kenobi taking a battle droid and plugged its head into a data computer which gave them access to enemy information. "Wait, come with me. I have an idea." He finally responded "Yes sir." Grey answered.
They snuck into the grass and creeped toward the droids. "Do you know where the Republic stationed their soldiers?" One droid asked. "How should I know? No one tells me anything." The lead droid answered. "Wait I see something." A droid said pointing to one of the camp lights. At that moment, Axle, Grey, and a group of clones jumped out of the grass and cut down all the scrap metal. "Come on grab all their parts and bring it to the command tent." Axle ordered.
Once they were in the command tent, they plugged the lead droid's head into their central computer. "Alright Kaleb, what do we got.?" Axle asked. "This droid has the layout of all protocols and defenses the capital has. Every battle plan and the exact number of units on the planet." Kaleb explained. "We could use this data against them." Chase said. "Yea, but we only get one shot at this. We can't hold out much longer." Axle reminded them. "Ok , then what's the plan?" Grey asked. "I...I don't know. What if it fails, or something goes wrong?" Axle stuttered. "Commander, you have the support of the entire attack group. You never treated us as mindless droids like some other Jedi. You treated us like equals and you have gained the trust of the entire army of the Republic. We all believe in you. You can do this." Chase said. "You...you all think so?" Axle sounded surprised. Chase opened the tent flaps. All the clones were lined up outside. With perfect synchronization, they all took their helmets off. All of their individual faces showed pride and trust. Then they all smiled and saluted to him. Chase stood in front of them and saluted too. "We will take the capital together. You are not alone Brother." Chase smiled. Axle just stood there. He felt so happy and proud. He then stood at attention and saluted to his brothers.
"Uh sir, the recon squad never returned and they missed their check in." A droid said to Grievous. *Cough* *Cough* "So the Republic is still putting up a fight? Pathetic!" Grievous laughed.
"Alright, we know Grievous is at the capital and we know that their defenses are down, but they have a massive army guarding the remainder of the walls." Kaleb said. "An all out assault might increase casualties drastically." Grey added. "Yea, but a flanking maneuver won't work either like it did at the forward command post." Chase said. "So what is the plan?" Gunner asked. Just then, Axle entered the tent. "ATTENTION COMMANDER ON DECK!!!" Grey yelled. "Alright boys, Here's what we're gonna do. Split up into 8 person groups. Kaleb you will lead the first group." Axle started to explain. "You got it." Kaleb responded. Axle continued, "I will sneak into the capital and take out the front defenses without drawing an alarm. Once I contact Kaleb, the squads will run over to the walls one by one and rondevu at the first building. Once the first squad makes it to the walls, they will know we're there. Magna guards will be sent to guard the command center. By the time all squads are in the city, I will be at the command center where Kaleb's' squad will assault. I'll get the attention of Grievous since I'm his favorite target and lead him away so you can take the center. Once Grievous is out of the capital, we are victorious. The AT-TE's will provide cover fire and will be the last of our forces to cross the field. Any questions?" "No sir...General." Chase said, smiling at him. Axle took a second to think about it. He is a temporary General now. He felt proud. "Ok, let's move." he ordered as the men scrambled to get ready.
"Once I contact you run as fast as you can." Axle reminded Kaleb. "Don't worry we got this." Kaleb responded. Axle smiled at him then ran off toward the city.
Once Axle came within a hundred yards, he started to slow down so he won't give away his position. He snuck up to the debris from the wall and spotted droids guarding with a complement of spider droids and super battle droids. Using the force, Axle disabled the few spider droids. The other units looked confused and walked over to the malfunctioning droids. Axle ran up to them and cut them all down in seconds. No alarm has been triggered yet. He ran through the rest of the unsuspecting droids at the front. Axle then continued into the city. "Kaleb?" He said into his commlink. "We're here." Kaleb answered. Axle paused until he was sure the way was secure, "Run like hell."
Kaleb stood up and yelled, "TAKE THEM DOWN!!!" They started to run across the fields and when they got to the walls, alarms went off. The squads kept coming as the AT-TE's opened fire.
With the distraction of the assault, Axle came to the command center. Droids ran toward the clones as the clones continued to pour in. Axle smiled and ignited his split-saber. Running through the droids, Axle charged toward the command center. AT-TE lasers exploded everywhere. Axle caught eyes on the magna guards. They ran toward him. He pulled out a smoke detonator and threw it at them. The smoke surrounded the droids as they looked everywhere for him. Axle jumped up through the smoke and his sabers came down on one of the guards. The other's started to attack as he continued to slice through the guards in the smoke.
The command center door opened and Grievous walked out. In the smoke, he saw one of his guards emerging. The droid was crawling toward his Master. Then two green sabers went through its head and Axle emerged from the smoke, "Ready for round two?" "Jedi scum." *Cough*. Grievous said pulling out his lightsabers. The two engaged in a duel. Axle was harder for Grievous to take down because of how skilled he was at form 6 of lightsaber combat. Not to mention Axle was being trained not only by Mace Windu, but also from Master Kenobi, and Master Skywalker. Kaleb arrived at the commander center and dispatched the remaining droids. He saw Axle and Grievous in the distance. "Come on we have to gain control of the city NOW!" Kaleb said as he ran into the command center with his squad.
Axle continued to put Grievous on edge blocking his pathetic attacks and sliced off one of his cybernetic arms. Grievous was fueled with anger, but he couldn't penetrate Axle's defense. Axle force pushed the cyborg and he fell to the ground with a loud clang. Then Clones ran to Axle's side and readied their weapons. The Jedi Commander pointed his blades toward Grievous's robotic head, "Surrender General." "Foolish child." The head clanka said. He jumped up and grabbed his ship as it flew by.
"All supply lines toward Raxus from this system have been cut and republic reinforcements will be here in the morning. Grievous has escaped, but...we did it. We took Saleucami." Chase reported. Axle stared into the sunrise. "Commander, are you ok?" Chase asked. "If it wasn't for you, I don't think I would have been able to do this." Axle answered without facing him. "Without you, we wouldn't have been able to take this system. You have the entire company's eternal trust and respect...General Tinguard." Chase explained. Axle looked toward his friend who was smiling. Chase turned around and walked off. Axle continued to look at the Sun as a Venator Class Star Destroyer flew overhead.
Author's note:
Read this before continuing on: https://www.wattpad.com/story/249698279-comatose-star-wars-fan-fiction
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