A Friend in Need

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3RD Person

Republic and Separatist Senators hold war discussions on Mandalore. Protected by Senate Guards, Padawans Ahsoka Tano and Axle Tinguard have been tasked as personal bodyguards. Commando droids have been tasked with guarding the Separatist Senators as well.

Axle's POV

After a brief argument, a voice spoke up, "I have something to say about the legitimacy of the Separatists." Ahsoka and I recognized the voice. It was Lux. In my opinion he is a good kid, but there was something about him I couldn't figure out. And I don't like it. Lux's appearance caused unease from some of the Senators as he walked up. Ahsoka lowered her head to speak with Senator Amidala, "You didn't mention Lux Bonteri would be here." The Senator turned her head, "I....didn't know." I felt a feeling inside of Ahsoka toward Lux. I admit I felt a little jealous. Lux bowed his head toward the Duchess. She nodded back allowing him to proceed.

He then turned to face everyone, "I stand before you, son of Mina Bonteri. Loyal Separatist, a patriot, a friend." he said smiling at Ahsoka. I started to feel a small amount of anger on top of my jealousy. Not much, but a little. She smiled back which didn't help. "It's come to my attention that my mother was murdered by Count Dooku in cold blood." A Separatist Senator stood up, "That is a lie." he yelled, "Remove this traitor immediately." Ahsoka lunged forward to try and help Lux, but was held back by Padme. I wanted to help him too, but we couldn't risk jeopardizing these peace talks. Lux was dragged away by the commando droids, "I will not be silenced." The Duchess stood up, "Stop this." she ordered. Another Separatist Senator spoke, "We would ask you to respect that we deal with this matter ourselves." "No...Dooku is deceiving you." Lux said, trying to break free of the droids, "You will all be betrayed just like my mother." The droids took him out of the room. Ahsoka and I looked at each other. We both thought the same thing. We had to get him out of there.

"I apologize for that rude interruption. Please let us continue." The Separatists said and sat back down. Ahsoka lowered her head to Padme again, "We can't just let them take him. He'll be killed." Padme thought for a second, "Axle, you and Ahsoka do what you can, but be discreet." We nodded to her and walked out the other exit.


The droids dragged Lux toward a drop ship. Ahsoka and I hid on the sides of the bridge. We ran down the edges alongside the bridge until we got close enough to the droids. Lux was brought aboard. Ahsoka and I nodded at each other and we jumped up. We ignited our sabers and destroyed the guards. We then proceeded to board the ship after Lux. The lift doors opened and Lux was about to be executed. I dove towards one of the droids and sliced off his head. Ahsoka jumped up and cut the other in half. I reached out my hands to help the young Senator up, "Thanks. Both of you." "I think it's time to go, don't you." Ahsoka said as we followed her back to the lift. I clicked on my commlink, "R2, fire up the engines we're leaving."

We ran through the few droids left and headed for the ship. Lux struggled to keep up, "How do you guys........run so fast?" "Lots of training and focus." I answered. "I appreciate your help but...." He was cut off by blaster bolts flying towards them. "Keep moving." Ahsoka yelled. We reached the ship where Senate Commandos awaited. "Captain Tagger, We've got incoming Clankas." I yelled. The commandos readied their weapons and fired on the droids. "We'll cover you sir. Get outta here." Tagger responded. We boarded our ship and took off.

Once we've made it out of orbit, Anakin contacted us, "Axle, Ahsoka, Padme just contacted me. She told me the peace negotiations have all but collapsed. Where are you?" "Master, we had a slight problem. A hostage problem." I responded. "What kind of...hostage problem." Ahsoka spoke up, "We're on route to Coruscant Master. Lux Bonteri decided to join us." "Master Jedi I am sorry if I had caused any trouble." Lux says. "It's nothing. You'll be safe now with the Republic." Ahsoka said, quickly. I could sense that feeling from her again. My jealousy started to rise. Anakin sensed my internal conflict and smirked at both of us. "Alright, bring Bonteri to Coruscant immediately and we'll discuss giving him amnesty." he responded. "Yes Master." Ahsoka and I both replied and ended transmission.

We started to calculate the jump to lightspeed when Lux took out a stun device. "I can't go with you." Ahsoka was annoyed, "What?" "I told you I have a plan." Lux began, but I rolled my eyes and force pulled the device to my hand. "Shooting us is not gonna be a part of it." Ahsoka yelled. I handed the weapon to her. "What are you doing with a gun anyhow? You're not a fighter." "I'm no longer a Separatist either. I won't join the Republic." Lux responded. "What other options do you have?" Ahsoka asked. Lux paused, "There is a different way." Ahsoka and I looked at each other, "We understand everything that you've been through. We understand you feel alone. But the Republic will help you." "Like they helped my mother?" Lux yelled. I looked down. I was not old enough to know my parents. Lux had enough time to grow attachments to his mother. Sometimes I wish I had something like that. It was forbidden for Jedi to form attachments, but when Ahsoka and I fell asleep together, it was the best feeling in the world. Alone seemed impossible. Then Lux steals that feeling. The only part I don't like about him was that factor. "I've already made contact with a group of Carlac who are noble and are allied with my cause." Lux continued to speak. Ahsoka looked concerned, "And what cause is that?" Lux hesitated for a while and looked away, "To kill Dooku." This caught both of us off guard. "Going after Dooku is a suicide mission. You'll be killed and won't avenge your mother." I explained. "Trust Axle, the only one you're going to get killed is yourself." Ahsoka said, grabbing his arm. I'm starting to hate this more and more. "I'm sorry, but we're taking you to Coruscant. Your plan wasn't exactly thought out Lux. Without us, how do you think you were going to escape those droids?" Ahsoka said and got onto the controls. I then felt electricity all around my body and everything went black.

3rd Person

Lux dragged the two unconscious Jedi to the one chair behind the flight controls. He placed Axle down first, then placed Ahsoka on top of him. R2 then rolled in from the back. Lux had to think fast, "It appears Ahsoka and Axle are quite exhausted. They seem to have a special connection to sleep like that." he said looking at Axle's hand wrapped around Ahsoka on his lap and took the controls jumping to lightspeed.


Ahsoka slowly woke up, *groaning*, "Lux? What did you do..." She looked around, but didn't see him at all. She then noticed that she was laying on Axle. Ahsoka jumped up which woke him. "Axle what happened? We didn't...you know...show affection in front of Lux right?" Axle stood up, "No. I just fell unconscious. He stunned us." R2 started to beep. "Not a word to anyone ok buddy." Ahsoka felt around for her sabers, "Where are my lightsabers?" Axle looked around, "I don't have mine either. Lux most likely took them. That no good sorry excuse for a friend." He wasn't entirely ok with Lux being close to Ahsoka before, but now Axle's anger slowly grew. Ahsoka looked outside and saw that they were on a snow covered planet. Lux was in view not far from the ship. "R2, look around and see if you can find them. Lux said he was meeting with someone here. You should have a little chat with him." Axle suggested as he grabbed some snow gear and gave some to Ahsoka. She looked up at him, "And what about you? What are you going to do?" Axle smirked, "I'm going to find out what's going on here a different way." Ahsoka smirked back, "In which way are you referring too?" "The Anakin way." Axle said almost laughing. Ahsoka giggled a little, "Isn't that the wrong way?" Axle turned to walk out, "Yea...But it's faster." he then turned and ran out of the ship.

Axle's POV

I ran toward some bushes and watched Ahsoka walk up to Lux. Shoot, I forgot to ask Ahsoka to punch him for me. She started to talk to him, but then Mandalorians flew in with their jetpacks and circled them. "Deathwatch." I said to myself. One of the Mandos spoke up to Lux, "Hey Kid, your late. You get us what we need?" Lux walked up to her, "Yes, I have the information with me." The Mando then turned to Ahsoka, "Who's this?" If they find out she's a Jedi, they'll kill her. I wanted to rush in, but that will make things worse. There were too many Jedi killers to take care of. Ahsoka stuttered, "I'm his...I'm his betrothed." she answered and pulled him closer to her. I got very angry and jealous, but I calmed myself down. This was only a lie to protect herself, if Lux doesn't expose her. Lux thankfully confirmed, "Right." "Betrothed?" the Mando said walking around her. "A little skinny isn't she." The Mando taunted and smacked Ahsoka's ass. This got me triggered. I almost gave away my position wanting to yell at them for touching her. Ahsoka jumped and turned to face her, "Why you.." Lux stepped in front of her, "She serves her purpose." I clenched my fist. I kept telling myself that this was all a lie for protection, but it felt so real. R2 then rolled over to Ahsoka with their sabers, but quickly hid them from the Mandos. R2 looked over to where I was hiding. I shook my head. R2 understood that this was not the right time to re-arm. The lead Mando spoke up, "We leave now. The snow is coming." She then walked toward the speeders. Ahsoka grabbed Lux's arm, "What have you gotten us into?" "It's all under control." He assured her. "Where's Axle?" Ahsoka gave an angry stare, "You didn't tell me about this, so why should I tell you about him?" "Fair enough." Lux responded and hopped onto the speeder. "I should stay with the ship." Ahsoka suggested. The Mandos stopped her, "No. You're coming too." With some hesitation, she hopped on a speeder. Blast it. I need to get her out of there without exposing her. Just another fantastic day in the Clone Wars.


I arrived at the camp where Ahsoka was taken. Conveniently one lone Mandalorian flew overhead. I force jumped up and continued to punch him right out of the sky. I took his armor and gear. Always wanted to wear Baskar. I then walked into the camp. Droids were being used for excitement all over the place. They were being blasted at and being used as full slaves. I saw Ahsoka and Lux with the other Mandos. She looked around until she felt my presence. Ahsoka looked directly at me. I gave a quick friendly salute toward her. She smirked and nodded as she was led into the main tent.

I pressed some buttons on the helmet's side to get an X-ray vision and long range listening device to hear what Lux and Ahsoka were talking about. I heard Lux explain how he found Dooku's exact location and put his hands on her arms. Again I clenched my fist at the thought of him trying to take her. Again I tried to relax even though he wasn't bluffing. Ahsoka tried to talk Lux out of aligning with Deathwatch as they were a terrorist organization and not to be trusted.

Just then, I saw Pre Vizsla approach the tent. There's no way to warn them fast enough. Lux saw them enter and quickly pulled Ahsoka in for a kiss. I was full on without a doubt pissed off. I knew this was only a diversion to keep Vizsla from thinking she was something other than a lover, but this crossed the line. The ground shook only a little. The other Mandos fell off their feet. I quickly relaxed my arms and the shaking stopped. Ahsoka knew that I saw them as she felt the ground shake as well. "Tell your women to leave us." Vizsla said and Lux agreed as Ahsoka was brought out of the tent. I saw R2 taken into the droid housing tent as he was told to repair all the destroyed mechs.

Ahsoka was pushed into what looked like a tent that housed other women. That is sick. They capture women and force them to be slaves. Ahsoka talked to some of them about how they are frightened by the Deathwatch. A Mando then entered the tent and told them to prepare a feast for the others. Once he left, Ahsoka looked outside where I was walking around. I faced her and gave hand singles telling her we need to find a way out of here and rescue these people. I also signaled that R2 was being kept in a droid tent and is ready to move anytime. She nodded and walked back inside.


I saw that all the Mandos were being summoned to the feast. I had to fix my look in order to blend in more. I took off my helmet and brushed my short hair down from my usual straight spiky top with mid fade style to a more curly and flat style. I also rubbed some dirt on my face as well. I walked in and found a seat. Ahsoka looked at me surprised. She hardly recognized me. I nodded to her as she nodded back.

Ahsoka walked over to Lux and Vizsla. She offered them some soup, "Hungry?" Lux reached out and grabbed a bowel. "Careful not to choke on your stupidity." She said with an angry tone. I smiled at her. That's my girl. Ahsoka then walked over to me and handed me some soup as well. "R2 still has our sabers and no suspicion as of yet." I whispered to her. "Once we get the slaves out of here, we leave." she whispered back. "And what about Lux?" I asked, almost wanting to ditch him. "If he doesn't agree with the plan, we leave him." she answered. I nodded and she walked away. Lux looked over at me and I just stared back, showing no emotion. He shook his head telling me not to interfere with his plan. I respected his wish and played along, for now.

All of a sudden, several other civilians entered the hut, "Vizsla." The head Mando stood up, "I do not remember summoning you." The chieftain continued, "You have taken our women, stolen our food, and threatened us for too long." Vizsla smirked, "Brave of you to come here with such bold words." "You are no longer welcome here." the chief finished. "Well if our presence here isn't welcome, we'll make ready to leave." Vizsla answered. Some of the others laughed a little, but the chief thought he was telling the truth. "And you will return our people to us?" the old man asked. Vizsla smiled, "Yes. Sun rise tomorrow. You have my word." The chieftain thought for a moment, "Very well. We will be waiting." he then left with his other fellow men. "See, they aren't the butchers you make them out to be." Lux whispered to Ahsoka. She looked at me and I put my hand over my face and groaned. What an idiot. They were clearly being sarcastic.


In the morning, we arrived at the village. The chieftain walked up to Vizsla, "You have kept your word. We are very grateful for your understanding." But then Mandos descended from the sky on top of the roofs of the buildings. I looked at Ahsoka and she could tell through my helmet that I had a very worried face. "If we're going to do something, we better do it soon." I whispered. Vizsla grabbed the chieftain's granddaughter, "I am a man of my word. Here is your granddaughter as promised." he laughed then stabbed her with the darksaber. Ahsoka ran toward her as she died on the ground. "KILL THEM!!! KILL THEM ALL!!!" Vizsla ordered. The Mandos did so without mercy as they burnt down the buildings and shot all the people within. "THAT'S IT!!!" I screamed and took off my helmet and threw it at a Mandalorian. I blasted as many as I could see. I force pulled some of them toward me. I then faced Vizsla, "How you doin." Vizsla then got smart enough, "TINGUARD!!!" he yelled and charged me. "Really? I always ask people how they're doing, but no one ever asks me how I'm doing. They only go with, TINGUARD!!!" I taunted back and force pushed him into a building. Ahsoka force pulled herself a metal staff and threw it at one of the Mandos on a roof stabbing and killing him. "Another Jedi? Subdue them." Vizsla yelled. He ran toward me once again and sliced my blaster in half. I dodged his attacks and grabbed his hand making him drop the saber. We engaged in a fist to fist fight. Lux looked at us as we rapidly punched and kicked each other. Mandos eventually tied up Ahsoka with their cables. I force pulled one of them toward me and threw him at Vizsla. He knocked the head Mando down, but I was then tied up as well and fell down next to Ahsoka. "Drag them back to camp." Vizsla ordered as they left the burning village.


Vizsla and his men held Ahsoka and I still tied up next to each other in the command tent. Lux was standing next to him. "Now Lux Bonteri, this does not look good. This does not look good at all. I asked you to join us in good faith and you bring not just one, but two Jedi into our camp." "They weren't meant to be here. Please, let them go." Lux pleaded. Vizsla pulled out the darksaber, "I'm afraid that's not an option." Lux was angered, "I believed you had honor, but you're just murderers. No better than Dooku." Vizsla faced him, "You call us murderers and yet it was your own lust for revenge to seek us out." "I wanted justice for my mother's death." Lux responded. Vizsla still wanted Lux to join them, "And you shall have it, but the Jedi are no different from Dooku and these two shall pay in part for their crimes against Mandalore." R2 rolled behind them ready to give the two Jedi their sabers. "There is however good news. You have brought Axle Tinguard here for me to kill him myself. He has destroyed my other settlements and lowered my manpower single handedly. Tinguard, it's time I return the favor." he then addressed Lux again as he ignited his saber, "So you see it's not murder at all. It's like you say, it's justice." Ahsoka closed her eyes waiting for the killing blow as Vizsla raised the blade up and swung at them, but something happened. Vizsla's hands suddenly stopped with the saber mere inches away from Ahsoka's face. I gave a cold stare towards him as he gasped in surprise. "If you want to kill her, you have to deal with me first." "LET GO OF ME!!!" Vizsla yelled. "With pleasure." I responded as R2 ran in and blew smoke all over the place. He rolled behind us and handed us our sabers. We cut our restraints and jumped up cutting the heads off of the closest enemies. We stood in front of Lux and Vizsla. The others went in to kill them, but Vizsla stopped them, "STOP!!! The Jedi is mine."

3rd Person POV

Vizsla attacked them, but Axle held him back. "Lux, Ahsoka go. I'm right behind you." he yelled. Ahsoka was hesitant at first, but then compiled and ran out following Lux. They ran through the camp as Ahsoka deflected the bolts away. Then out of nowhere, Vizsla flew through the air screaming and hit the ground hard. Ahsoka and Lux stared in shock for a second. Axle then caught up to them, "Run now, stare later." A rocket then knocked them off their feet. Axle was the first to get up and he helped Ahsoka try and stand. They looked up only to see droids surrounding them. "I guess R2 made some friends." Lux said. The

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