Journal May 4, 2013
"Hi my name is Kaya Firefox I'm 21 and I am wolverines daughter. I know sounds crazy right being the daughter of a level 4 mutant. Well it's not as bad as you think. I have seen so many things. I witnessed my mother die right in front of me, I've witnessed my father get shot in the head twice, and all this happened when I was only 5 years old.
I am a level 3 mutant unlike my father. I can bend water and manipulate anything that has water in it. I never look down on myself for being a mutant it's who I am and I can't do anything about it. The professor tells us that mutants are not cursed but gifted. He's the whole reason I'm starting to write in this stupid journal. He says since I don't tell many people about my past or my worries that makes me stressed out.
So that's why I'm writing in this thing. I am apart of the X men a school for gifted youngsters.Here I teach dance and theater. I really don't know what else to write so I guess I'm done writing till tomorrow or when ever I have time to write. Um I don't know how to end in a journal do I just say bye or leave it as it is.......... I will leave it as it is. No it makes it look incomplete I will end it with a quote or something. Never let your stress get the best of you."
I put my pen down and closed my new journal. I can't believe I have to write in a journal now. I got up and shoved my journal in my desk drawer. I jumped on my bed and looked up at my ceiling. I sat there for about 5 minutes until I heard a knock at the door. "Kaya did you finish writing yet?" I all ready knew who it was before I opened the door. "Yes professor I already wrote in it you can come in." I said sitting up on my bed. The professor wheeled into my room.
"I know you don't want to do the journal Kaya but you have to remember everything I suggest is something that will benefit you and your mutant abilities." Professor said with a concerned look on his face. "Yes professor I know but how will this help my mutant abilities?" I said sarcastically. "Kaya you know as well as I do that this has nothing to do with your abilities. This is a way for you to vent out your feelings with out getting to emotional." The professor said patting my knee.
He knew me so well. I really do hate talking about my past. I cried to much back then so now I hate to cry. "Ok thank you professor. Was there something else you wanted to tell me?" He seemed like he was in a rush to finish our conversation. "Actually yes I am going to recruit a new mutant today and I was wondering if you would like to accompany me?" He said with a smile. "Ok sure who else is coming?"
"Just you." The professor said as he started to leave my room.
"Oh and you should pack a bag the mutants location is Germany so it will be a long flight."
Wait did he just say Germany!
"Professor wait.....!" Before I could finish my sentence he had already closed my door. Great well I guess I should start brushing up on my German. Was it cold out there right now. It's summer time but just in case I should pack some warm clothes too. I grabbed my suitcase and started packing but there was one thing I could not stop thinking about........ Why did the professor chose me?
There's my first chapter I hope you guys liked it. I will try to make the next one longer. I would also like to add that I got the mutant ability from a great writer named Missmizumiko. You should check out her nightcrawler story if your a fan of nightcrawler. She is a very great writer. She also has some lemon in her story if your into that, but if you are not into that she also has the clean versions.
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