I am what!?

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I woke up to the sound of a beeping monitor. I opened my eyes and looked up at Kurt. "Kaya..." Kurt said holding my hand. "Kurt..... what happened?" I asked him worried.

He looked uncomfortable and cleared his voice. "Vell um ve lost Sabertooth and um ve got you back to the mansion." Kurt said. I nodded my head slowly waiting for him to finish.

"Kaya my love, I don't know how to tell you zhis. I don't even know if you know but, you are pregnant." Kurt said.

My eyes started to water. "What did you just say?" I asked needing to make sure I heard him right. "You are pregnant." Kurt said with a smile.

I got up and hugged Kurt around his neck. The hug was cut short when I felt a pain in my abdomen. I placed my hand over it a gasped. "Uhhhhh. Am I ok?" I asked looking over at Hank.

"Is the baby ok?" I asked turning to Kurt. "Well we know that Sinister injected you with something. We just can't detect what is is yet." Hank said putting down his clipboard.

"One question though um when was the last time you two had sex?" Hank asked looking at Kurt and I. We looked at each other and I shrugged.

"7 weeks ago." I said making a guess. "Well this baby is only a few days old." Hank said. I looked at Kurt and then Hank. I grabbed Kurt's arm.

"Take me to Mystique right now." I said angrily. "How did you know she was here?" Hank asked. "I can feel her." I said to Hank before Kurt teleported me to Mystique.

I am getting answers right now!

I opened my eyes and Kurt and I were in a room with Mystique. I landed to hard and hurt my abdomen. I grabbed it and leaned on to a near by chair.

"Now you listen here bitch! You are going to tell me everything I want to know now." I said out of breath. I turned back to look at Kurt.

"C'mon Kurt help me out here. I am trying to look like a threat." I whined to Kurt. He walked over to me and helped me sit down. "Sorry." Kurt whispered to you.

Mystique looked at the both of us. "I have nothing left to lose." she said calmly. "Don't even think about lying. I can tell if you are lying." I threatened. She nodded on understanding. "Good know first who is this?" I said pointing to Kurt.

"Well he is Kurt Wagner, your boyfriend and a teache.." I slammed my hands on the table before she could finish. "Tell me what I really want to hear." I said. Kurt looked at Mystique waiting for her answer. Tears formed in Mystique's eyes.

"He is my son." she said softly. My look softened and I looked up at Kurt. "Your my mother?" Kurt asked, Mystique nodded.

"Why did Sinister want me?" I asked Mystique. She wipped her eyes and sighed. "He said that you had the ability to give birth to the next level six mutant. That is if you have the right sperm. He said that Kurt was the right match and that he would take your soon to be child and train it to do evil." Mystuique said.

"You said soon to be. How did you know I was pregnant?" I asked. Mystique looked from Kurt to me. "Because Sinister injected you with Kurt's sperm." Mystique said sadly.

My eyes started to water but I controlled it so it would not fall. "So how did Sinister get this sperm you speak of?" I asked calmly. Mystique wiped her eyes "Because..." I cut her off. "Was it because Sinister still had Kurt's DNA from when he experimented on him." I said looking Mystique dead in here eye.

She looked at me shocked as did Kurt. "How did you...." she asked confused. "I know more than you think I know." I said. "What I need to know from you is how Kurt's DNA can possible give me a level 6 baby." I asked confused.

"No offense Kurt but my DNA is self explanatory." I said looking up at Kurt. "How?" Kurt asked offended. "My dad is Wolverine!" I said making a point. He nodded in agreement.

"So now the only question is who is Kurt's father?" I asked Mystique. "Ja mother." Kurt said to Mystique. "Who is my father?"

"Well your father is....." Mystique said before I cut her off. "Is it Christian Wagner or Azazel?" I asked. Kurt and Mystique both looked at me shocked.

"Kurt shares the same last name as Christian but looks a lot like Azazel." I said. Kurt leaned in closer to me. "How do you know all this stuff about me?" Kurt asked.

I turned to the side and put my hands on his face. "Kurt I will explain everything later on but let me tell you that everything I have done is for you." I said looking into his eyes. He nodded in understanding. We turned back to Mystique who had tears streaming down her face.

"So who is his father?" I asked. Mystique put her face in her hands and cried. "Azazel is your father." Mystique murmured.

I would have smiled in victory if Kurt did not looked so shocked and confused. I stood up and leaned on Kurt's shoulder for support.

"Thank you Mystique for proving me right." I said before Kurt teleported us away.

Kurt teleported us to our room.

I felt dizzy. I put my hand on my head and Kurt helped me sit down on our bed. "So are you going to explain yourself?" Kurt asked. I sighed and started from the beginning.

"Well I know that you told me that you did not want to know but, I could not help it! I did not want you to be in the dark about your life like my father is now because of his past." I explained.

"Vhy did you not tell me sooner?" Kurt asked. "I was planning on telling you later this week but with everything that happened today I just thought no time like the present." I said trying to make a light joke.

I was surprised to see Kurt smile at my comment. "You aren't angry with me?" I asked surprised. "Kaya it touches my heart zhat you care zhat much about me. I vill always be zhankful for vhat you have done today." he said giving me a kiss.

"What about the baby?" I asked concerned. "Ve can talk about zhat in zhe morning. It has been a long day." Kurt said laying me back and pulled the covers over me. I looked up at him and smiled.

"Where are you going?" I asked sleepily. "I have to do something really quick. I vill be back soon." he said before he teleported off.

I pulled the covers closer to my face and fell asleep.

Kurt's POV

I teleported to the room where Mystique was being held. She was standing in the corner of the room crying.

"Mystique?" I said making my presence known to her. She turned and dried her eyes. "Kurt." she said looking any where but my face.

"Vhy are you crying? If anyone should be crying it should be me." I said sarcastically. "You left me vhen I vas a infant. You left me in zhe river to die!" I yelled at her.

"If I had the choice I would have not left you!" she screamed at me. "You could have done anything but, you chose to throw me into that river." I said.

She stepped closer to me. "No son that is not true. Everything I did was because I loved you." she said about to touch my face. I slapped her hand away.
"Don't ever call me your son!" I said angrily. "I'm just glad that Kaya will be a better mother than you ever were to me." I said before I teleported out of the room and into the hallway.

I was walking back to my room when I saw the professor. I was going to walk past him but he stopped me.

"Kurt, always remember that she was not always like this. You have to forgive her eventually." he said before he left me in the hallway alone with my thoughts.

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