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The minute I turned the corner I ran into a little thing. I looked down it was one of the Stark girls. The one that was causing trouble at dinner.

"Hello can you teach me how to do that?" She said smiling up at me.

"Excuse me?" I say some of my anger gone, somewhat amused by her already.

"I saw you fight Robb, can you teach me how to fight like that?" She says looking as if she won't take no for an answer as she was looking at me in a way I didn't particularly like. She looked like she was in awe of me.

"What is your name?" I was annoyed by how she didn't greet me properly but at the same time at least she got straight to the point. But then I started to feel nauseous. 

"You know who I am. I'm Arya Stark and I want to fight just like you" I can feel myself slowly losing balance.

"Fine meet me in an hour in the courtyard" I start to rush to the guest bed chambers I was staying at and upon arrival  I immediately collapsed on the bed that was conveniently close to the door but then I heard the door close and I froze up until I saw who it was.

"You know I must say you do have Lannister pride but your father's stupidity" Jamie was leaning against the door looking as if he was analyzing my condition.

"And what is that suppose to mean uncle?" moving up on the bed to the pillows, trying to sit up to hopefully be less nauseous. Jamie walks towards the side of the bed until he is looking down on me. He raisies his hand to my neck which makes me raise an eyebrow at him as he starts to caress it and then I feel a sudden pain.

"Ow" Then he pulls his hand back with it's fingers stained with blood and wiggles them in the air in front of my face. I tore my stitches to the cut from the wildling during the fight with the Stark. That would explain the nausea. I probably tore them when I poorly lifted him.

"You have to be more careful with yourself Ren" Jamie said as he went to a table near by coming back with a washcloth and a needle with thread. 

"What no wine" I say jokingly as Jamie sits besides me.

"I think you can handle it without the wine" he said as he started to remove the short cloak I had on. I realized the blood had gotten on it and my bustier. I've always been able to handle pain even when I was a child especially when I got Joffery as a brother. But Jamie really didn't know about Joffery or he chose not to. But he did know me, he always said I reminded him of my mother when she was younger.

"There will be another feast tonight" he says nonchalantly as he starts to wash the cut.

"Is Uncle Tyrion going to be there?" I say focusing on different aspects of my uncle's face as I'm trying to keep my mind off the pain. Him and my mother almost have the same exact face in how it's shaped. I also have their face but you can tell I'm my father's daughter as well.

"Most likely" He starts to prepare the needle.

"Ned Stark might actually be a challenge in a fight with you if his son is any indication of his skill" he started to stitch me and I started to remember blue eyes.

"Did he really impressed you that much? It's not like you were fighting at your best" That was a new distraction to the pain. What he really mean that? I thought I fought well but Stark boy was too close to winning.

"I suppose you're right" He almost finished the stitch about to bite the thread with his perfect teeth.

"Don't worry you're still one of the best female fighters I've seen" I'm the only female fighter you've seen I thought as I stared him down for that comment as he started to form a smirk close to biting the thread "but maybe why you find the Stark boy so impressive is because of other aspects" he biting the thread with a smirk that made me want to smack it off.

"Don't be a fool" I quickly got off the bed towards my luggage looking  for training clothes.

"No Ren you don't be the fool" Jamie said slowly walking over to me.

"Do you really think me so stupid?" I turn to him angrily as he is now standing in front of me.

"No but you're more soft hearted than you let people see" that's it. I swinged my hand in the air at him but he catches it easily.

"Is that such an insult to you" He chuckled with that stupid grin on his face.

"In the world we live in yes it is" His face almost softened as he forced the back of my hand to his mouth and placed a kiss to it then let it go.

"Quite right, make sure you remember that" he said seriously as he walked out of the room.

I eventually changed and made it to the courtyard with the younger Stark girl waiting for me while she practiced with a bow. I watched her for a bit. 

"You're not bad" She turned around to me "but can you hit a moving target?" She nodded but I knew she couldn't. I picked up my bow that I brought with me that was specially made to be of a lighter weight just like my sword is. I saw an apple near by, I picked it and threw it in the air. I quickly armed and loosed the bow that the apple was now split in half.

"How did you do that?" I turned to her as I reloaded my bow as she was staring at me in awe.

"Years of practice" I say playfully circling around her "And the proper bow, the bow you're holding is made for a man. Isn't it heavy for you?" She shook her head no immediately. 

"Here try mine?" I place the bow in her hands. I got another apple from the table with them and water. I placed the apple on my head. "Try me?" Her eyes got big.

"You mean shoot it off your head?" She almost stuttered but covered it well.

"Yes, I trust your aim" I stand there looking ahead. She stands there with it pointed at me. 

"You have to learn to be quicker with it, a real person won't just stand for you to hit them" I say waiting but I look down the girl is trying to impress me but she's scared.

"Don't be scare, trust your aim get a stool or stand back more if you're worried about my height" she goes couple of steps back. I can see her now. Her aim is true as she is about loose until " What is going on here?" Then her arm tilted ever so slightly as the arrow went and my arm flinged up immediately catching it in my hand. The little Stark gaped at me as her father did not look pleased and if he was impressed he was hiding it well considering what I just did. 

"Your grace what are you doing with my daughter?" He said taking my bow from his daughter looking down at it.

"Your daughter asked me to train with her Lord Stark, I thought it would be rude to say no to one of my hosts" I met his displeased gaze.

"And if you weren't lucky enough to catch an arrow to your head, what do you think would have happened to my daughter?" He pulled his daughter to him. 

"I had the situation in hand Lord Stark it may be uncommon but I am actually quite skilled at catching arrows. It's actually a little game me and my brother play" Lord Stark probably would never how much of a master I actually am at it. It's the only game Joffery ever enjoyed since we were children when he got his first crossbow on his fifth name day. At that time it was somewhat of a fun game when the arrows didn't have arrowheads but on his tenth name day the fun ended.

"Arya go to your room" The girl was about to protest but with one look from her father she pouted away. Lord Stark looked down at my bow in his hands again.

"Specially made is it? Like your sword" I tilt my head towards him and nod once.

"I feel like I haven't done my duty as your host of welcoming you to Winterfell, my wife says she hasn't been able to give you a tour since yesterday if you would like I could-" I noticeably roll my eyes but I suppose this is a good time for me and my future father in law to have a little chat.

"Lord Stark I have my whole life for a tour as we know, so let's get to something of actual interest. Reject my father's offer to be hand" As I grab my bow politely from him as he is slightly caught off guard.

"And why should I do that?" He says with his usually grim expression that I've seem him always have since I been here with his guard placed back up.

"Because honorable men don't last in Kings Landing" I say wanting to leave it at that but Lord Stark stopped me before I could pass him.

"Is that a threat?" He said in no way defensive but solemnly.

"Oh now Lord Stark I would think you now know with your many years of experience the difference between a threat....and a warning" he looks at me questioningly as if he's trying to figure me out but I am not as easy to read as him and his entire family are. I walk pass him but he continues to pry.

"And did you give same warning to Jon Arryn?" I stop in my tracks. What did he know?

"Whatever do you mean Lord Stark?" I turn to him and he looks at me with an unreadable expression. Time for me to pry.

"That is quite an accusation your making towards the princess my lord. I could only wonder why you would make it?" I say firmly as I'm now angry at myself for even starting this. I needed to know what he knew and by the look on his face someone must have at least told him that Jon Arryn's death was suspicious but who?

" Now your grace I would think you would know the difference between an accusation and inquiring question. Unless you do have something to be guilty of?" He says seriously that I lightly laugh at.

"I have nothing to be guilty" Though I laugh it does not reach my tone as I start to get angry now "Fool of me merely trying to give you a fair warning, now if excuse me I don't like my time nor breath being wasted" I'm an idiot for thinking I was going to help him by saying anything. I probably only fueled whatever he has in his head further. Shit. I heard a "princess" as I was walking away but I kept walking not wanting to make it even worst than I already made it. 

Stupid girl. 

Why did I even say anything?

Because I know what with happen to him in Kings Landing. 

Him with his honor.

The lions and snakes will eat him alive.

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