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Hello 👋, thanks for following the story from ep1 to ep8. I actually pre-written the story in my school note book but I'm not done yet. When I finish the story, I think that there will only be 10+eps.
Now back to the story.


CRASH, a wave of pain began to spread throughout her body. Puddles of blood began to form surrounding her body, she was losing her consciousness due to the pain and the amount of blood lost. A man running toward her while calling someone, asking her stay awake. She couldn't identify the person and passed out after that.


"RINGGGGGGGGGG [the alarm]"
???: Hello, may I ask who is this.
Hospital: This is Hunchi Hospital, and is Wang Y/n your relative.
???: Yes, she's my sister.
Hospital: I am so sorry to inform you that your sister, Wang Y/n is in the hospital. She got into an hit-and-run accident a few minutes ago and is in a critical situation, we are preparing for surgery. There is a 70% chance that she will die.


Hospital: Hello sir, are you still there.
JS: A-ah, yes. Th-ank you for te-telling me th-this. (hangs up)

At the hospital (a public hospital that werewolfs share)

Jackson and his parents were rushing toward the surgical room as they found a boy sitting outside crying.

???:You must be Y/n's family.
JS: Yeah, who are you and what are you doing here.
???: I'm Park Chanyeol, Y/ns friend from school. I was also the one that reported the incident.

Soon all the boys and girls came running towards them in a hurry while crying. They were shocked that Y/n hot into an accident and that Chanyeol informed them before Y/n family. (Yoongi and Wendy were not there)

Irene: We heard what happened to Y/n, is she okay and where is Yoongi.
JS: We just know that when she was admitted she was in critical condition. We don't know the resu-

He was cut short by the doctor yelling and running towards them.

Doc: Does anyone here has the blood type A here, the patient Wang Y/n needs a blood transfusion and we just ran out of type A blood.

Before anyone could say anything, Chanyeol quickly said that he had the same blood type and went with the doctor to have a blood test before the transfusion.

After surgery

The surgery was a success, but without the blood transfusion from Chanyeol , Y/n would had died from excessive blood lose.

JS: Thank you for everything, without you I don't think that Y/n would have survived. Now where is that Yoongi, he hasn't been here at all does he even know about Y/n. (He was wss trying to call Yoongi when)
CY: Stop, Y/n was crying before she got into the accident. She called me to meet up at her house to talk about the something. But when I reached there, I saw...
JM: What did she want to talk about and did you saw.
CY: I promised her that I would keep it a secret.
BH: Just tell us, Chanyeol.
PY: She wanted to talk about the threats-
Jin: Who would do that to her. That person's a psycho.
CY: Wendy.
RS: You mean that girl that's always with Yoongi.
CY: Yeah.
LS: Then what happened, you said Y/n was crying.
CY: I was almost at her house, when I saw Yoongi screaming at Y/n that he doesn't want to see her again and kicked her out of the house. I think that they got into a fight. I tried following her, but I lost her at a turn as she was walking very fast. When I finally found her, a car was driving straight towards her and... I tried stopping the blood but-
JS: It's not your fault.
CY: If I had just followed her quicker maybe this wouldn't have happened in the first place.
Y/d: This isn't his fault, it's Yoongi. If he hadn't made a friend like Wendy this wouldn't happen, if he didn't kicked Y/n out the house this wouldn't happen, if he didn't break her heart this wouldn't happen. Call him, I want to meet him at *** Park.

CY: Okay, sir.
Y/d: It's okay, you don't have to call me sir, dad will be just fine, since you treated Y/n like your own sister and without you she wouldn't have survived.
CY: Thank you, si- dad.


CY: Yoongi, please come to *** Park in 20 minutes. Y/n's dad would like to meet up with you.
Yoon: If it's about me kicking Y/n out of the house, it's her fault not mine.
CY: Just come, he has something to say to you.
Yoon: Why. Why can't h- (Chanyeol end the phone call)
You've reached the end of this ep.
Stay tune for the next ep
Stay safe

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