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It was a peaceful Sunday morning, Yoongi was in his office trying to locate where Y/n was. He was devastated, he didn't even knew Y/n was alive until two days ago. Most importantly, how was Chanyeol even in contact with Y/n. Then this happened...

???: Here I come kick in the door, uh. ( A person comes kicking through the door )
Yoon: What the hell is going on, I thought I said... ( His voice died down as soon as he saw the person in front of him )
Worker: Sir, you can't be here. You need to go out now or I'll call secur-
Yoon: No need for that, you can leave my office.

The worker walks out the office as the person sat on the couch directly facing Yoongi.

???: Long time no see, Yoongi.
Yoon: Long time no see, Chanyeol.

[ awkward ]

CY: Okay cut the crap. Where is Y/n.
Yoon: Shouldn't I be asking you that, I literally heard her saying your name in her phone call with you.
CY: Yeah, that was two days and yesterday Y/n didn't came back so where is she.
Yoon: So your assuming that I've kidnapped Y/n, when I've been sitting in this office trying to figure out Y/n's location for two whole days.
CY: Well, yeah. If it wasn't you then who. Do you remember anyone from the school that might hate her or have tried to hurt her because of you.
Yoon: Now that you say that, there is someone, have you heard of the crazy girl that went to our school, she had a huge crush on me.
CY: Wendy?
Yoon: No, Let me think of her name...... YERI!!!! That's her name!!!

Y: You mean that one who bit that was sent to the mental hospital then escaped and bit Y/n.
Yoon: Yeah, that one.


An unknown number had just dialed Yoongi's phone out of nowhere.

Yoon: Who is it.


Yoon: Hello this is the CEO of Minco Company, how may I help you.
???: Oh, Yoonie baby look how much you've grown up. The last time I saw you you were asking the boys to take me out of the school. How are you and Y/n. Oh!!! You can't ask her because she's not with you.
Yoon: ....
YR: Do you need me to ask her, babyboo. Oh, she's still unconscious, right next to me. She looks so pathetic.
Yoon: What do you want, Yeri.
YR: You know what I want, I want revenge and you babyboo. Well if you want an exchange, you can come here alone and be mine while Y/n's life is spared. I'll text you the address and time so I hope to meet you soon. Toodles, baby boy.




YR: Hi baby boy, let's meet up tomorrow at 10 pm and xxx xxx waterfront.

YR: Don't try something funny or else there will be a bullet in her head.

YR: Love, ya.

End of message

CY: Let me look at the phone number, I think we may be able to help.
Yoon: How??
CY: I just need to make a phone call.
Yoon: Then do it.
CY: Okay jeez, you got to be calm.
CY: Kindly shut up will you, I need to make the phone call.


CY: Hey Kook, can you help me trace this number, xxx xxx xxxx.
( Behind you can hear chen saying "AH WAE~")

JK: Okay, hyung. It will take some time.
CY: Tell me about it when I get back to base. Prepare a meeting, and I want everyone there, no excuses. There is also a special guest.


Yoon: Is that Jungkook and did I heard Chen's voice in the background. Did I misheard or was it all real. And why did you say that your going to bring a special guest.
CY: Yes, that was Jungkook and that special guest is you.
Yoon: I can't believe it, they all left me and now they appear out of nowhere talking to you. I don't want to be your special guest, you can go back without me.
CY: It looks like you don't want to save Y/n.
Yoon: W-what, save Y/n.
CY: Yes, do you still want to go or not.


School finally started so that means that I will take a longer time to post than usual. But I'll try my best to post more often.

Be happy and stay safe.

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