Sunny x Starflight

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Third Person. Takes place when they are still living Under the Mountain.

Sunny scampered across the stone floor of the cave, her golden scales gleaming in the torchlight. Starflight watched from the shadows, a small smile crossing his snout.
     "Ooooooo, someone has a cruuuush!" someone whisper-yelled in his ear. The NightWing yelped, and leapt in the air with his wings spread out.
     "Glory!" he hissed. The RainWing smirked at him. "WHY?"
     "Because of the look on your face," she replied.
     "And NO, I do not like Sunny," Starflight continued. "I mean, I like her, but not LIKE like-"
      "Oh, shut your desperate love sick snout!" Glory interrupted. She slightly uncoiled her prehensile tail and rolled her green eyes.
     "AAAAAAH!" Glory and Starflight yelled at the same time. Sunny collapsed to the stone in a fit of giggles.

     "Am I really that scary?" the little SandWing asked.
     "Terrifying," Glory replied. Starflight clutched his heart as he steadied his breath. "You nearly stopped Starflight's heart."
     "Aw, sorry Starflight!" Sunny said cheerfully, wrapping a wing around Starflight's shoulders.
     The NightWing immediately stiffened, and a shiver went down his spine at her touch. Her gold scales radiated warmth, so it felt like he was being hugged by sunlight.
     As Glory finally slunk away to bother Tsunami, Starflight smiled shyly at Sunny.
     "Want to go read some scrolls?"

Sorry that this was so short!!!
Anyways, I'm imagining that this moment lead up to the scene where the two of them are reading the scroll that Webs gave him, that Kestrel took away.
Today is July 4th, so yay America? Idk
-Cassie (I really want food)

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