Clay x Peril

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Third Person POV. Takes place after the Jade Mountain Prophecy, before the Lost Continent Prophecy

     Peril stretched her wings as wide as they could go, letting the wind cool her steaming copper scales. The sky was wide. It was big. But most importantly, it was safe.

     No one could be burnt when she was in the air, flying alone. She did a flip, relishing the freedom of flying, when a familiar voice called for her from the academy below.

     "Hey, Peril!" 

     Peril messed up mid-flip at the sound of Clay's voice, and she scrambled to appear casual. "Hi, Clay!" she greeted nervously as the MudWing flew closer. 

     He smiled warmly. "You look so peaceful when you fly. Its kinda cute." 

     'HE JUST CALLED ME CUTE!!!!!!' Peril thought as she blushed. 'THREE MOONS, GET IT TOGETHER PERIL!!!' 

     "I just love flying," Peril replied. "I mean, its pretty hard to turn dragons into charcoal up here." She glanced off at a ledge just big enough for the two of them. It was on the western peak of Jade Mountain, and it faced the sunset. 'Maybe I can spark a little something...' 

     Clay seemed to notice it too. "Want to watch the sunset?" he suggested, his amber eyes and scales glowing in the light of the sinking sun.

      "Sure," Peril said, trying to sound casual. The two flew down to the ledge, and laid down on the smooth stone. Clay's scales brushed against her own, sending shivers down her spine. 

     "Hey Peril, can I ask you something?" Clay's voice interrupted the peace of the moment as they stared off at the sunset.

     Peril smiled at him. "Anything."

     He suddenly looked incredibly shy. "Well...I was wondering...If maybe you wanted to go on a date with me?"


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Author Chan out!!!

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