Shadows of Secrets

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I couldn't prevent it. The wedding is happening despite my efforts. The guys are acting strangely, and I still don't know what's going on. I tried everything, from emotionally manipulating my mom to threatening her. She seemed convinced until Mr. Kim spoke to her, and now the wedding is still on.

We're at the church where it's taking place. It's quite simple yet elegant. Not many people are invited since they wanted to keep it a secret. I haven't spoken to any of the boys except Yoongi, and, of course, my stepbrothers. Calling them stepbrothers feels weird and, oddly, it hurts.


Feeling defeated, I slumped in one of the pews, watching as people quietly took their seats. The weight of everything was pressing down on me, making it hard to breathe. I needed answers, but every attempt to get them seemed to push me further away from the truth. Yoongi gave me a sympathetic look, but even he seemed distant.

As the ceremony started, I couldn't shake the feeling that something was terribly wrong. The boys' unusual behavior, my mom's sudden change of heart after talking to Mr. Kim, and the secrecy of the whole event—all of it created a sense of dread I couldn't ignore. I had to find out what was really going on, even if it meant confronting everyone involved.

When the wedding ended, I approached my mom and congratulated both her and Mr. Kim. Then, I asked if I could leave.

"Of course, honey. I'm sure you're tired. But please, take one of your brothers with you. Also, just so you know, I'll be leaving for my honeymoon right after this and won't be back for two months. Ji Sub and I decided that maybe you siblings could live together until then."

"Mom, you agreed to let me live alone. I'm old enough, so please don't worry about me."

"YN, we are worried about you, and we'd appreciate it if you all stayed together. It would be one less thing for us to worry about," Mr. Kim said in his steely tone.

I was about to argue further, but Taehyung squeezed my hand and said, "Don't worry, Dad. Just enjoy your trip."


Frustration bubbled up inside me, but Taehyung's reassuring grip stopped me from saying more. I knew arguing wouldn't get me anywhere, especially with Mr. Kim's firm stance and my mom's insistence.

As they left, I turned to Taehyung. "Why did you stop me? I don't want to stay with you guys."

Taehyung's expression softened. "I know it's hard to understand right now, but it's for your safety."

"My safety? From what?" I demanded, confusion and anger mixing in my voice.

"Just trust me on this, okay?" he replied, a hint of worry in his eyes. "We'll explain everything when the time is right."

I sighed, feeling defeated again. "Fine, but this better not be some trick."

"It's not," he promised. "Let's get you home."

I sat in the car with Taehyung, Jungkook, and Jimin. I waved at them and said, "Hey Kook! Hey Jiminie! Annyeong, long time no see."

"Hey, YN," they replied, their tones ice-cold and distant.

The cold reception left me feeling uneasy, but I tried to break the silence. "So, how have you guys been?"

Jungkook glanced at me through the rearview mirror, his expression unreadable. "Busy," he said curtly.

Jimin, sitting next to me, looked out the window, avoiding eye contact. "Same here," he added, his voice flat.

I shifted uncomfortably in my seat, glancing at Taehyung for some sort of reassurance, but he was focused on the road, his jaw tight. The tension in the car was palpable.

After what felt like an eternity, we finally pulled up to the house. Taehyung turned off the engine and looked at me. "We're here. Let's go inside."

We stepped out of the car and walked to the front door. I hesitated for a moment before entering, the cold atmosphere from the car still clinging to me. Inside, the house felt both familiar and strangely foreign, the weight of unspoken secrets hanging heavily in the air.

"Make yourself at home," Taehyung said, his tone softening slightly.

"Thanks," I muttered, trying to shake off the lingering chill from their earlier responses.

Once inside, I noticed the rest of the boys—Namjoon, Yoongi, Hoseok, and Seokjin—were already gathered in the living room. The air was thick with tension as I joined them.

Namjoon cleared his throat and addressed me, "YN, we need to talk."

I nodded, apprehensive. "What's going on?"

He glanced around at the others before continuing, "For the next two months, all of us will be living here together."

"What?" I exclaimed, looking around at their impassive faces. "Why? I thought it was just Taehyung, Jungkook, and Jimin."

"We all agreed it's for the best," Namjoon said firmly. "We need to stay together."

"But why? What's the big deal?" I asked, frustration creeping into my voice.

"It's complicated," Yoongi replied, his tone giving nothing away. "Just trust us."

"Trust you?" I echoed, feeling more confused and isolated than ever. "How am I supposed to trust you when you won't tell me anything?"

Seokjin stepped forward, his expression softening. "It's for your safety, YN. Please, just go along with it for now."

I looked at each of them, their faces a mix of determination and hidden worry. With a heavy sigh, I nodded. "Fine. But I want answers eventually."

"You'll get them," Namjoon assured me. "In time."

As I made my way to my room, I couldn't shake the feeling that I was being kept in the dark about something monumental. Living with all seven of them was going to be an adjustment, but I was determined to uncover the truth, no matter what it took.

The breakfast was just as awkward for me; the others didn't seem much phased. I picked at my food, trying to ignore the icy atmosphere. The boys chatted quietly among themselves, their conversations hushed and secretive.

After breakfast, we all headed to school together, as always. The ride there was silent, each of us lost in our own thoughts. When we arrived, the boys dispersed to their classes, leaving me feeling a bit abandoned.

During the day, I struggled to focus on my lessons. My mind kept drifting back to the strange dynamics at home and the secrets that seemed to be hovering just out of reach. At lunchtime, I found a quiet spot in the library to gather my thoughts.

Suddenly, I heard footsteps behind me. I turned to see Jungkook approaching, his expression softer than it had been all morning.

"Hey," he said, his voice gentle. "Mind if I join you?"

"Sure," I replied, surprised but glad for the company.

He sat down across from me, his eyes searching mine. "I'm sorry about how we've been acting. It's just...complicated."

I nodded, not knowing what to say. The library was quiet, the only sounds being the faint rustle of pages and the distant hum of conversation. Jungkook's presence was calming, and I found myself relaxing a bit.

"I don't want you to feel alone in this," he continued, his tone earnest. "We're all here for you, even if it doesn't seem like it."

"Thanks, Kook," I said, feeling a bit of the weight lift from my shoulders. "It's just hard not knowing what's going on."

He reached across the table and gently took my hand in his. "I promise we'll explain everything soon. Just hang in there a little longer."

His touch sent a warm shiver down my spine, and I felt a flicker of something more than just friendship. I looked into his eyes, searching for any sign of what he wasn't telling me. There was a depth there, a mix of worry and something else I couldn't quite place.

"Okay," I said softly, squeezing his hand. "I'll try."

We sat there for a few more moments, the connection between us growing stronger. Finally, the bell rang, signaling the end of lunch.

"Let's get to class," Jungkook said, standing up and offering me a smile. "We'll get through this together."

I nodded, feeling a bit more hopeful. As we walked to our next class, side by side, I couldn't help but feel that maybe, just maybe, things would be okay.

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