New Beginnings and Unexpected Friendships

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I was sitting in class, bored out of my mind and nearly dozing off for the fifth time in 30 minutes. I wasn't sure if I should talk to my desk, Taehyung, since he seemed popular and aloof. As I almost fell asleep again, I heard him chuckle. It seemed odd because he wasn't exactly paying attention either. I looked at him questioningly, and he casually shrugged, saying, "You look cute trying not to sleep."

I retorted, "Not everyone has your privileges."

"Don't worry about it and just sleep. I'll make sure the teacher doesn't say anything. You look like you need it," he replied. When I asked why he'd do that for someone who just started at the school, he just shrugged and said, "Just because," offering no further explanation.

I somehow made it through the class, and at the end of the day, I was walking towards the bus stop to head home, reflecting on the chaotic and coincidental day. Suddenly, I heard someone behind me say, "Get in the car. I'll drop you."

I turned around to see Taehyung and his friends. "It's alright, Taehyung-ssi. I can take the bus," I replied.

"Just get in, I don't like to repeat myself," he ordered, opening his car door for me.

Figuring I had nothing to lose, I got in and gave him my address. As we started driving, Jin asked, "So, I heard you got transferred here. Where did you live before?"

"Ah, I lived in Busan," I replied.

"Busan?! Jimin and Jungkook are from there as well," Jin said.

"Oh, that's good to hear," I responded. "We live near you as well; that's good. How about we go to school together?" Namjoon asked.

"Sure, I don't mind."

After dropping me off at my house, I watched them enter the house directly across from mine. What a coincidence, I thought.

"I'm home," I shouted, not expecting a response since no one was usually around and the maids had already left. I went to my room to freshen up. Feeling hungry, I strolled into the kitchen to find so something to eat seeing nothing is prepared as i remembered that the maid had taken half day so i started cooking Ramen since that's the only thing i know how to cook.

Suddenly, the doorbell rang. I looked at the clock and noticed it wasn't time for Mom to be back yet, so I opened the door and was shocked to see the person standing there.

"My mom sent some cookies to welcome you to the neighborhood," said Hoseok.

"Why don't you come in?" I asked him.

He shrugged and walked inside. "Your house is well-decorated and clean, I must say," Hoseok complimented.

"Thank you so much. Would you like something to drink?"

"Water would be nice."

"Alright, sit down. I'll bring water. Also, I just cooked ramen for myself. Would you like some?" I asked.

"Sure, I would be glad to taste something made by you!"

"Alright." He followed me to the kitchen.

"Do you live alone here?" he asked.

"Nope, I live with my mom, but she's at the office right now."

"And your dad?" he asked cautiously.

"My dad left us a long time ago, so I don't know him."

"Ahh, okay. I'm sorry for asking."

"Nah, it's alright. Don't worry about it." I served both of us ramen. While talking to him, I couldn't understand why people called him cold. He was such a sweetheart.

"I heard you're going with us to school starting tomorrow."

"Yeah, I thought since we live nearby if you guys don't have a problem, we could go together as well. By the way, I've heard people call you guys coldhearted heartthrobs. But ever since I met you and talked to you, it doesn't feel like that."

"Really? And what else have you heard about us?" he questioned.

" I heard you guys don't talk to any girls at school. Is it just me, or do you guys consider me as a male and therefore speak to me?" I pouted. I thought they talked to me because they either liked me or considered me a male.

Hoseok laughed. "No, it's not that. We just keep to ourselves mostly, but you seemed different. We're happy to have you as a friend."

"Ahh really! I'm happy to have you guys as my friends too."

We talked for a few more hours, not realizing how much time had passed. Suddenly, my mom appeared, making me realize how long we had been talking. I stood up and introduced Hoseok to her.

"Mama, this is Jung Hoseok. He's our neighbor and my classmate. He came here to give us the cookies his mom made."

"Oh, hello Hoseok. I am YN's mother, Lee Ji Hyun. It's nice to meet you. And please thank your mom for the cookies."

"It's nice to meet you as well, Ms. Lee. And about the cookies, I'll surely inform her. I should get going now."

"Why don't you stay a bit longer? I could whip up something to eat for you both."

"Won't you be eating with us today, Mother?" I asked.

"No, I'm sorry honey. I still have work left to do. I just came home to make you dinner."

"It's alright, but make sure you eat dinner as well. I wouldn't want you starving."

Suddenly, Hoseok's phone rang. "It's the boys. Do you mind if I take this?"

"Nope, go ahead. Answer the call, I'll be in the kitchen."

"Okay, Mom."

Hoseok finished his call and turned to me. "The boys are coming over. I tried to tell them not to, but before I could speak, they cut the call."

"It's alright. I'll just ask my mom to make some more food."

I went to the kitchen and told my mom that a few more friends were coming.

"You should have told me before! Anyway," she sighed.

I asked her if she wanted my help, but she laughed. "You, helping in the kitchen? Please, I don't want my kitchen burned down. I would teach you to cook, but after those horrific incidents, forget it. You're not setting foot in my kitchen."

I pouted and suddenly heard Hoseok laugh.

"What?" I asked, turning to him with a mock glare.

"Nothing, nothing," he chuckled. "It's just funny seeing you get teased by your mom."

I rolled my eyes playfully. "Yeah, yeah. Just wait till you taste her cooking. Then you'll see why I don't need to learn!"

The doorbell rang, and I went to open it. There they were, standing in front of my door in all their glory. Seeing them in their casual outfits did something to my heart.

"Hello, guys! Please come in." They all rolled into the living room, and then my mom shouted from the kitchen, asking if the guys were there.

"Yes, Mom, they're here," I called back, then turned to the group. "Why don't you guys sit down? My mom just prepared dinner. Please have dinner with us."

"It's alright, you don't have to do that. We just came here because..." Yoongi started.

I looked at him and asked, "Because what?"

Jimin chimed in, "Because we heard Hobi is at your house, so we just came here to pick him up."

Hoseok looked at them, annoyed. "I'm not a kid, guys. You could have just texted or called me if you wanted to say something."

My mom came into the living room and said, "Hello guys, I am YN's mother, Lee Ji Hyun. Please have dinner with us. I've already cooked food for you all. I just need to set it on the table."

She then turned to me and said, "Help me set the table."

"Okay, Mom," I replied.

As I headed to the kitchen with her, I glanced back at the boys. "Make yourselves comfortable," I told them. They nodded and began to settle into the living room.

In the kitchen, my mom handed me plates and utensils. "They seem like nice boys," she remarked with a smile.

"Yeah, they are," I replied, placing the dishes on the table. "They were worried about Hoseok and came to check on him."

"That's sweet," she said. "It's good to have friends who look out for each other."

We finished setting the table, and I called out to the living room, "Dinner's ready!"

The boys filed into the dining room, looking a bit hesitant but appreciative. "This looks amazing, Mrs. Lee," Namjoon said, taking a seat.

"Thank you, Namjoon. I hope you all enjoy it," my mom replied warmly.

As we all sat down to eat, the atmosphere became lively with conversation and laughter. It felt good to be surrounded by friends and family, sharing a meal together.

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