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Patty laid awake all night trying to figure out how to get Barry all to herself. She thought she could use Eddie to achieve her goal but she was wrong. The man had apparently grown smarter in the time she was away.
What was she going to do to get Iris and the kid out of Barry's life she thought............
An idea came to her in the wee hours of the morning and she couldn't wait to implement the plan.
She trailed Barry from his place to his father's place. She watched from afar as he entered the house.
On getting closer to the car,she found his phone inside the car and discovered to her surprise that he'd forgotten to lock the car.
She quickly opened the door,took out the phone,sent a message and deleted any trace of it before returning the phone and closing the car door.
She went back to her car with a smile on her face and drove back to her house to prepare for the last phase of her amazing plan.....
Meanwhile Iris received a message from Barry asking to meet at his grandfather's boat house.
She smiled as she hurried to her car excitedly. This was the perfect opportunity to tell him all she's been dying to say..........
Barry Allen has no idea about the plans I have for him she said aloud and giggled.
If only she knew what was about to happen.........

Iris arrived at the boat house and walked inside calling for Barry.
She was surprised to find Patty waiting for her inside the library with a gun.....
Iris: What are you doing here?
Patty: I tried to warn you but you wouldn't listen. I even kidnapped your son to scare you away. I gave you an out. I was going to let you walk away unscathed with that bastard baby of yours. All you had to do was leave Barry. I guess you love him more than your son.
Iris: Patty.....
Patty: Now, I'm going to kill you. You don't have to worry about your son. He'll join you soon. I'm going to give it a few days and then I'm going to poison him.
Iris: Patty, I'm begging you. You don't have to do this.....
Patty: I'm sorry Iris but you have caused me too much pain.
Goodbye Iris...........
Just as she was about to shoot, the gun was knocked out of her hands and she was surrounded by cops...
Cop 1: Patty Spivott you are under arrest for the attempted murder of Iris West and also the kidnap of Benjamin West.
Patty: How?
Iris: Did you really think I was going to sit back and let you threaten my family...
Patty: How could you have known....
Barry: Did it not occur to you that your plan was working out a little too well?
Patty: Barry.. I.....
Barry: Take her away Officer
Iris: Barry....
Barry: Are you okay? Are you hurt?
Iris: I'm that you are here....
Barry: I'm so sorry Iris
Iris: Don't be. It's not your fault.
They stood there holding each other,happy that they were finally free from Patty's madness.
They walked outside together and found Eddie waiting by the dock.
Barry: Hey Eddie
Eddie: Hi. Patty?
Iris: On her way to the station.
Barry: Are you okay?
Eddie: No but I will be..
Iris: I don't know how to thank you Eddie
Barry: I owe you a lot man. I can never thank you enough
Eddie: Hey, what are friends for? I'm just glad you two are okay. I'm going to head home now.
Barry: Talk later?
Eddie: Yeah.
Iris: Bye Eddie.
Eddie: Bye Chica.

* After Patty left Eddie's place, Eddie sent a message to Iris and asked her to meet him at their elementary school with Barry...
When they all arrived, Eddie told them about his relationship with Patty including their recent conversation.
Together, they came up with a plan to stop Patty's insanity once and for all....
When Barry left his house to visit Dad,he knew she was following him. He left his phone in the car and left the door unlocked on purpose..
What Patty didn't know was that when she sent Iris that message with Barry's phone, she was at his Dad's with Barry, Joe, Eddie and eight police officers.....
She thought Iris fell into her trap but she was the one who got caught in the intricate designs carefully woven by Iris West, Barry Allen and Eddie Ramon......

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