Chapter 20

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He stuck his hand out to me and I gladly accepted it. We walked into the shores and sat down beside him. I set down my head on his shoulder and watched the waves pass by. I couldn't ask for a perfect night. Soon enough we made our way back to Chandler's house, he wanted me to meet his parent and his brother so I guess why not?. He got out the driver seat and jogged to my door then opened it. I held my hand and help me got out. We walked on the door and open it. I slowly walk inside to see the well looking living room. Frames are neatly hanged up on the walls. I noticed someone standing on the corner of my eye and I turned around with a women who has a kind of dirty blonde hair, Ocean blue eyes looking exactly like Chandler's.

"Hey mom" Chandler said giving her a hug and I just stood there awkwardly looking at my hands.

"So who is she?" Her mom asks referring to me.

"Oh yeah, Mom, this is my girlfriend Hana" He said while walking up to me and putting his hands around my waist.

"Nice to meet you Mrs. Riggs" I said shaking her hand lightly.

"Call me Gina" She smiled and I smiled back at her.

"If you guys need anything just tell me" She said walking back upstairs in her room.

"Come here I'll show you my room" He said as I followed him upstairs and to his room. It's not that messy, I'm surprised. I'm actually messier than him, I mean if you've been in my room it looks like a mountain. He then sits down on his computer chair. He taught me how to play League but I suck at it so we went down into their pool and swim. Just enjoyed each other's company. It's getting really late so I decided to go home. Once we arrived our driveway I hopped out his car.

"Thank you for tonight, I had fun" I said giving him a hug.

"I had fun too. We should do this again sometime" I smiled and nodded. I gave him a quickly peck on the cheek before he drove off. I watched as his car speed off, once it disappeared I walked to my door and got my spare key out. I opened the door and see Justin playing video games. I jump on his back.

"HEY JUSTIN!!! WHAT YA DOIN?!" I squealed like a little girl making him jump.

"Geez Hana. Keep it down." He said while covering his ears.

"Okay" I replied making my way to the kitchen searching for food. "Where's Mom and Dad anyways?" I ask while pouring a milk into the glass.

"Work." He replied with a sigh. I have never spent time with them ever since.

"How's college?" I ask.

"Pretty good, I would say. But sometimes you know, it's tiring." He said. I nod my head and decided to get some sleep.

"Goodnight Brotha" I said.

"Night Sissy" I giggle and made my way to my room. I went to the bathroom and wash the make up off my face and brushed my teeth before I got out. I throw myself on the face, shoving a face on the pillow. I check my phone to see that I have a text message from Brooke and 1 from Carter. I opened Brooke's first.

From: Brooke❤️👯 😘

Hey Hana! Mom and Dad got back from the business trip! I am staying at my Mom's apartment. It's not too far away from your's don't worry. I'll talk to you tomorrow! Love yaaa❤️😘

From: Reynolds✌️😎💕

Hey! What's up? I just want to ask something. So tomorrow the boys and I are leaving for Meet&Greet remember? We would like to invite you guys. Including your Bf and Brooke!

I replied back.

To: Reynolds✌️😎💕

Sounds fun! What time and where?

From: Reynolds✌️😎💕

Well, Bart said that we will pick you up at 8:30 cause it's 6 hours away. We will have to go on the airport early. So we won't be late.

To: Reynolds✌️😎💕

Alright. See ya tomorrow Reynolds! 😘

I decided to call Brooke and Chandler so they could pack already. I dialled Chandlers and it starts ringing. For about 2 ring he picked up.

H: Hey!

C: What's up?

H: My friend Carter remember him?

C: Yeah I do.

H: He invited us to go on the meet and greet with them. So you're in?

C: I'll ask Mom wait.

I waited for about 2 minutes before he came back breathless.

H: So?

C: She said she doesn't mind since I haven't had schedules from Twd.

H: Okay cool. So you need to pack your things. It's for 2 weeks so go pack everything you can.

C: Okay bye. Love you

With that I hang up and did the same to Brooke she said yes as well. I started packing. I grab my suitcase and jerked through my closet. I grabbed tank tops, crop top, high waisted shorts, bikinis, my undergarments, 2 pair of vans, 2 wedges, some sweatpants, everything you could imagine. Once I finished packing I flopped on my bed, still couldn't sleep. I went to tweeter and kept them updated.

@/hanahayes: Hey guys! What's up? Guess who's going to Magcon? ME!! I looking forward to see you all!! It's been a long time. Love you guys! Stay beautiful😘

Soon enough my notification started to blow up. I decided to read them since I'm not in a mood to sleep yet.(A/N I am just gonna make up some twitter names. Okay? Okay.)

@/yourremedy21: OMG!! Hana is back!! #wemissedyouhana

@/5sos__: Uh no. Don't. You're just gonna ruin everything! #stayawayfrommagcon

@/magconisbae: Why are these people hating on Hana? She's just a human. Get off her profile if you don't like her! Anyways, HANA BANANA IS BACK!! I'm so excited to see you again!! #wemissedyouhana

I kept on scrolling and kept on seeing hates everywhere. I just brushed it off for now, I didn't mind anyways. I felt my eyelids getting heavy every minute, before I know it I drifted to sleep.

New chapter!!! YAYAYA!!👏👏

Sorry for this short Chapter I finished it at 10:50 just to keep you guys updated.

Give it a vote if you liked it and yeah!

Love y'all❤️ #StayBeautiful #StayRAD #StayCloudy #StayWeird

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