When Ashton left the previous day he made Luke promise that their cats would have a play date. No of course Luke thought this would be cute, but maybe it's too soon? But Ashton's Ash and he already made all the arrangements. 'Its gonna happen tomorrow, and you can't say anything about it. Sorry' that's all he heard when Ashton left. And Luke knew there was no way to get out of it.
So now he was getting ready for work. Luke wasn't very happy about leaving the kitten alone. He didn't know how Michael was gonna react without Luke at home. But Luke had to go to work no exceptions. So Luke pulled on a pair of slightly worn down black skinny jeans and put back in his lip ring. He decided to start taking it out at night just in case Mikey had to much fun with it (the kitten had taken to playing with it.)
He finally pulled his work shirt over his frame, he loved his job but hates this stupid shirt. Okay so maybe it's just Luke who has this problem but he lost his other shirt and now he stuck wearing this one that's too small on him. Well more his shoulders to be exact, it squeezed them awkwardly and it was way more form fitting then he wanted it to be.
He always get a size bigger but when he first started this was the shirt he got. But he immediately got the size bigger. Wiggling uncomfortably he stalked out of his room and there was the Michael sitting on the counter waiting for him. Just seeing Michael made him smile. Luke scoped him up in his hands and lifted him slightly into the air and went to kiss Michael's head.
All of the sudden Luke felt the tiny pads of the kittens feet pushing against his mouth. The kitten obviously didn't want any kisses today so Luke just kissed the pads of his paws. That seemed to make Michael even more frustrated and he pushed harder against Luke's face. Luke laughed lightly and gently set the disgruntled animal back down. Luke had a feeling Mikey knew he was leaving for work soon.
"Heyyy buddy, I'm gonna have to go to work today but I promise I'll be home realllll soon!" Luke said in a cooing type of voice. Mikey looked up at him confused at first then with a sad look. Luke once again lifted the feline in his arms and gave him a snuggle. He didn't want to leave him. But he had to so he put a little more food in the animals dish, grabbed his keys, and made his way to the booming shop.
Finally Luke was free, don't get him wrong he loved working at the Hoods' Music shop/Comic shop. But it was a long day, the bosses son was supposed to come in today but he flaked out so Luke was left alone. Having to deal with the rush of costumers that day. He didn't like him very much because whenever he was scheduled he would never show up, Luke's only seen him once when he was getting off his shift but other than that never.
Luke texted Ashton saying that he was on his way home and the sandy blonde boy responded okay. So when Luke finally arrived at his apartment he slipped of his shoes and located his sweet little baby. The little kitten was sleeping right in the middle of Luke's queen size bed. He gently scooped him up and carried him into the living room, he hated to wake Michael up but he had to get him ready for his play date.
Luke gently sat down and put Michael in his lap while grabbing the collar Ashton gave him. When he leaned back he saw cloudy green eyes looking at him with a sleepy expression. Luke petted Michael behind his ears and slipped the collar on. Michael didn't seem to happy with the choice of color, pink, Ashton told it was the last color in his size so Luke didn't care.
Luke moved Mikey off his lap and set him on the couch and played with him. He scratched at his belly which soon turned to his hand play wrestling the kitten. And before Luke knew it Ash was there with a grey crate by his side. He set it down and opened the gate while the new cat was welcomed to Luke's apartment. This want the first time Sniffles had been here, And yeah he had no idea why the cats name was Sniffles Ashton was weird.
Sniffles stalked out and to Luke but froze when he saw that there was another fluffy ball in the room. Across from Luke there was a very unhappy kitty. Michael looked uninterested with the other cat in the room. But soon after Sniffs' playfully tackled Michael to the ground they were playing. Shooting off around the apartment causing mayhem. Jumping on top of each other, it honestly was a cute sight to watch.
With Sniffs' being a big ball of grey fur with a white stripe down his chest and Michael being the tiny kitten he is. They didn't have the hear to split the two up after they got along so well. The night ended with not only a nice kitty play date but a nice sleepover for the two older boys. They didn't have the heart to split the two up.
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