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Chapter : 36 - Dear Old Dads.

"Aryan!" I grunted trying to free myself from his large hands that were wrapped around my waist keeping me closer to him.

It's been a while since we were this close and it feels... wait, what? What I'm I even thinking?

"Aryan!" I hissed with a serious expression on my face my eyes still pierced into his.

"Anaaya." He said, his voice came out as a whisper and his breath smelt same, the intoxicating smell of cherries.

"Uh- wo-would y-you let me g-go?" I said and my voice came out cracking and I shuttered.

Uh- why the hell am I shuttering?

"No. Never." His firm voice said as he tucked a strand of my hair behind my ear from my face. And the grip of his other hand was more tighter.

"Aryan please-" I said but he cut me off placing his finger on my lips. My breath hitched and I jolted with electricity and my lips parted as the tingles spread across my body.

His finger traced my lips and I gasped at his touch. A tiny smile made its way to his face and his beautiful eyes softened. I closed my eyes and let those delicious tingles make their way all over my body and I felt the warmth of his, and his scent citrus and pinewood eased my senses and my palms landed calmly on his chest.

I feel nothing for him.. I feel nothing for him, but I still feel a lot of things! I don't wanna get closer to him but this moment is just perfect, like this is all I need. But I don't. I don't... I don-

"Aryan! Aryan? I heard someone call out for me, just-" I heard jay uncle walking downstairs and I immediately pushed away from him and sat right, I could still feel those green orbs gazing at me and I bit my lip.

"Aryan, are you even here? I heard-" Uncle said coming downstairs and his eyes immediately fell on me and he froze in his place. A toothy grin instantly made its way to my face and I ran to him.

"Annu!" He said and his handsome face lit up and he gave me huge smile as I ran and hugged him.

"How are you little doll?" He said ruffling my hair and I pulled away with same toothy grin.

"I'm really good! But I heard you aren't, and are you taking care of yourself? I was so worried when Aryan said me you had a-" I blabbered and he made me sit on the couch and my eyes caught a smiling Adyah.

"Beta, I'm absolutely fine. I don't know why Aryan exaggerates everything and tells, and this idiot worried you for nothing!" He says and I smile.

"And I'm a bit disappointed in you! You didn't even come to see me all these years." He said and guilt made its way to my face and bit my lip and Aryan's eyes scanned through me.

"Uncle, I'm really sorry. I was- well.. it's no excuse, it's my fault-" I blurted but he chuckled.

"No beta, I was just kidding. I know you needed time. You had your reasons." He smiled and my lips to formed a curve looking at him. From the corner of my eye I caught Aryan staring at me without blinking.

"Why are you staring at her like that?! Go get her something! Idiot." His dad said and he rushed inside like a kid blushing and chewing his bottom lip. Somehow it made me smile and my eyes followed his back.

"I don't know what happened to him these days, his mind's somewhere, he acts utterly like an Idiot. and he's suspended from college for a week. Did you know that?" He said and I scratched my forehead.

"Uncle.. actually.. it's not completely his fault, I mean it's mine" I trailed off as my eyes met his angry green ones.

"It's all that douche bag's fault! How dare he do something like that to you! It's not yours." He said thumping the glass of grape juice he got.

"He didn't do anything, and why did you even got involved with this?" I said a bit louder standing up.

"What? Annu he cheated on you! I heard you say it! And I know you're hurt! I just-" he yelled and his dad just switched his gaze between us confused.

"Firstly, he didn't exactly cheat Aryan! And secondly I'm fine! I don't need you beating him up for my sake! Whatever happens with me, it's none of your business! Do you understand? None of your business!" I was breathless as I yelled and my voice cracked a bit too.

"None of my business? Annu, I told you many times, warned you before about that asshole! But you never even bothered to listen to me! Now you see what he did?" He yelled.

"Aryan! I don't need you always being behind me and snap at my life at every chance you get! You've beaten him up for the second time damnit! This is not okay Aryan, why don't you say away from me?!" I yell back to see his green orbs in mirror a broken expression.

"What is going on here? Is anyone of you going to explain me?" Jay uncle snapped us from our stare game, more like glare game.

"Uncle it's-" I was cut off by his annoying voice again.

"It's nothing dad, if she wants me to go away, leave her alone I'd gladly do it! I'm done being hurt!" He said in a cracking voice which made my heart flinch with pain.

"Aryan?" I said and he turned back to me with glassy eyes.

"It fucking hurts Anaaya! You hurt me! I know I did some really fucked up things a few years ago but now, I just wanted to make everything right! I feel damn empty, lonely! I need you! But I think, I was wrong. You hate me no matter what! I'd go away Anaaya. For good." He said and walked away upstairs and I collapsed on the couch with my head in my hands.

"Aryan! Aryan! Come back here! Is it the way you talk to her? Apologise now!" His dad yelled at him and I stopped him.

"Uncle! It's okay. It's not totally his fault. He.. he's just lonely. Don't be mad at him. It's not his fault. He needs you." I said and his dad's expression softened.

"Annu, you and I both know he's been a sensitive kid, he isn't as strong as you. He just acts on his impulses. Since his mom passed away, he's been lonely. But I was happy he had you always beta. Even as kid, he always cared for you, and you too cared for him. He always talks about you. I don't know why you kids broke your friendship but he hasn't been the same beta, he was very upset, lonely." His dad said and I felt a pang of pain for him.

"I'm sorry uncle, I-" I said and he immediately shook his head.

"No Annu, it's not at all your fault. You're a strong child. Even after everything that happened to you, you are strong enough to move from it. You are brave and you just moved on from the past. I can see that you are more stronger and matured now. And I'm proud of you for that." He patted my back and I smiled at him.

I wish my parents could see the same.

"But Aryan, he acts all mature but he still didn't move on from his mother's death. And then, and your car crash changed him, trust me, it was the hardest time for him even harder than his mom's dead. He was scared of losing you, his best friend. Even when he first moved to London he wasn't that happy, he tried making new friends but he said no one is like you are to him, Annu. You are important to him." He said and I nodded with a smile.

"He just needs time now. And... it's late, I should go. See you soon Uncle." I smiled.

"Did you walk? Should I ask Aryan to drop? Or even I can drop you home." Uncle said and I shook my head.

"No Uncle, I have my bicycle. Anyways, I'll go now bye!" I said and came out and waved one last goodbye and rode back home.

All the way back home, my mind kept going back to what his dad said. Over and over again. Did I misunderstand him?

Aryan cares about me so much? I'm I that irreplaceable for him? No. No, he... he's an Idiot, I shouldn't think about him. I shouldn't, I shouldn't. I shouldn't.

"Ahhhhh" I fell as a huge car hit me.

Okay... let's not be dramatic, it didn't hit me with a huge force but I did fall off my bicycle badly. I swear I'm gonna punch is idiot how's driving.

"What the hell!" I said and turned to look at the black land rover that just turned off it's head lights making me blind all of a sudden and the driver's seat door opened.

Wait, I know this car...

"Papa?" I said as the person walked to me and I stood up hissing with pain.

"Anaaya." He said with his firm voice and I looked directly at him with a stern face.

"I was just coming from-" I said but he raised his palm stopping me.

"Get inside, let's go home." He said and I walked to the passenger seat door and hopped in.

We're just three hundred metres away, well who cares. I can't talk to him right now.

He got in and drove off. We reached the drive way and he tried parking the car for fifteen damn minutes. Just to make sure he parks the car perfectly parallel to the car next to it with his ideal distance.

Well guys, you're about to see a lot, this is just the beginning.

I got off and ran to the main door and was about to jump inside but stopped right in my tracks. I glanced behind me and undid the lace of my sneakers and held them in my hand and he gave me a look. My mom covered her mouth with her hand to hide her laugh, and I rushed inside to my room. I washed my face and cleaned up and dressed into another casual clothes and came downstairs to see the table already set and everything perfectly on its place. I tightened my bun as my mom readjusted her ponytail and we took our seats.

Can't blame her, her husband is basically a freak for perfection.

Well, I never talked about my dad right? Okay, let's do it. My dad Ashish Kumar is a well known lawyer in the state. Yeah, that's a bit too much but yeah, I have to agree he's a genius. He has his owns a law firm, atleast half of it, and he's basically a solicitor. Well that's the common thing, but let's jump to the interesting part, he has a weird obsession with perfection. And I call it a freak with OCD. Which he calls discipline. And also says which I lack since I was little. Meh.

I don't exactly know what he expected from me all my life but I can say, he didn't  expect anything after the crash. Let's say we don't talk much. Actually, we don't talk at all. And to be honest, I don't care anymore.

"What happened to your elbow?" Mom asked as I neatly cleaned up the would and dressed it. Coz, the blood will freak out your crazy husband and he may even faint at the ugly sight right?

"Let's say your beloved husband hit me with his car." I said sarcasm dripping from my voice.

"Did he see this?" She asked.

"Well, he did check his car's bonnet for a scratch, let's pray it isn't huge. I don't have a lot of savings this month." I said pouring a glass of water for myself.

Yes. That's my dad's way of teaching me discipline. Once when I was eleven, I hit his car accidentally with a basketball and there was a dent on his car, and I had to pay for it with my one year's pocket money savings. Let's see how much I have to this time.

Ugh.. let's not talk about the daddy issues. I seem to have a lot of them.

"Annu-" she said and I shrugged.

"Is he done taking a shower? I'm damn hungry! I'll start eating." I said serving my plate. And accidentally dropped some curry on the table. Shit.

"Let get it cleaned." My mom said.

"No. Let Anaaya do it." He answered walking to the table and I mentally groaned.

"I'll do it." I said and grabbed a cloth from the kitchen and some cleaning liquid and cleaned it spotless and took my plate back.

"You're not eating?" My mom asked.

"I'm not hungry." I said.

Well I am, but I right now I don't want to be anywhere near him and damn his rules of eating only on dining table! Having dinner in rooms is strictly prohibited. Ugh.

"But you-" my mom spoke but he cut her off.

"Skipping dinner for once is okay, if she's not hungry let her be." He said and I turned back and rolled my eyes. I quickly ran upstairs and sat on the jhula closing my eyes. My phone buzzed suddenly and I picked up. It was an unknown number.

"Hello? Anaaya?" A familiar soft voice said from the phone.

"Samaira?" I said and she chuckled.

"Yes! How are you Anaaya! I'm talking to you after so long time!" She squeeled and I smiled.

"I'm good. How are you? By the way congratulations on your wedding." I said.

"Well..thank you Anaaya, I'm actually calling you to tell you we're having a cocktail slash bachelorette party tomorrow night! And you are invited! I'm dying to see you after so long time!" She said in an excited voice and I gulped nervously.

"Samaira, I don't think that's my scene-"

"You are coming girl! That's it! And what's with you guys? Aryan was saying he's not gonna come! What happened to the old party animals?" She said in the phone with a fake weeping voice. That's a long long long time ago.

"Okay, fine. It's your wedding that's why I'm coming for this." I said and she squeeled.

"That's like the Anaaya I know!" She squeeled.

That Anaaya is no longer alive.

"Okay then, see you tomorrow night." I said.

"Yes, see you tomorrow night! Can't wait!" She said and hung up, and I chuckled.

Yeah, really.. can't wait for the drama. Let's see.

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