Walkin' After Midnight

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The hours blurred together, the teens not being able to track how long they walked for. Stars now blanketed the dark night sky, the group deciding to take shelter by a shipment container. No one has dared to speak a word since leaving Winston's side. Ariella laid in the arms of her fiancé, Minho gently stroking her hair to relax her.

"I thought we were supposed to be immune." Minho asked, gazing at the fiery sparks as they danced in the light breeze.

"Not all of us, I guess." Teresa answered numbly, her head resting comfortably against a backpack.

"If Winston can get affected we should assume so can the rest of us." Newt concluded, weighing the facts in his head as he leant against Thomas. 'It's about time they happened' Aria thought to herself

"I'd never thought i'd say it... I miss the Glade." Tear streaks could be seen glistening down Fry's face as he spoke, the warm orange glow highlighting them. Aria completely agreed with his statement, missing spending time with Minho as they made jokes while running through the maze. Making flower crowns for the boys in the maze, dedicating it to the hardest working glader of the month. She missed the simpler times when all they had to worry about was the Grievers and if they had enough supplies. Too many people had been lost, the only thing Aria wanted was a happy ending for those she loved. The group decided to turn in for the night, knowing that they needed to try and get some rest. Ariella and Minho fell asleep, their bodies intertwined.


"Hey, get up." Thomas' voice came  out hoarse from the lack of water. "I see something."

"Woah, what is it?" Minho asked half asleep. The teens lazily standing up to their feet, looking out to the dessert. Flickering lights in the mountains, catching their eyes.

"You see that?" Thomas asked not believing his own eyes. "It's lights."

"We made it." Gia smiled. A sudden crack of thunder hit the ground followed by a flash of lightning.

"Oh shit, we gotta go." Aria gasped seeing the storm heading their way. The group scrambled their things together, moving as fast as their legs would take them, trying to out run the storm.

"Hurry!" Thomas' voice hollered over the rattling sound of thunder.

"RUN!" Teresa urged, the storm now on top of them.

"What does it look like we're doing?" Gina retorted.

"We're getting closer" Minho exclaimed, seeing the lights becoming more clearer. The loud thunder shook the ground as they ran for their lives, surges of power sending sparks flying around them.

"Get inside go!" Thomas commanded.

"Oh shi-" Minho began before being flung back by lighting. Aria tumbled to the ground as a strong force nocked into her.

"MINHO!" The blonde girl screamed as she stumbled up to her feet and ran to his side. Minho stayed lying there, his eyes closed shut, smoke emitting from his body. "Wake up. Please, wake up." She cried. Gina pulled Aria off of Minho, allowing Aris and Newt to carry his unconscious body. Ariella barely heard the noises around her, her hearing only getting worse from the impact of the lightning striking only inches away from her. The noise being so similar to the gun fire sounding near her ear when Chuck died. Gina guided the blonde girl inside, it seemed as though Aria was listening in her thoughts, currently not in the present moment. Aria was brought back to the present by the bright flash of a torch, shining down on Minho. Ariaella a hearing snapping back in her left ear, the girl now being able to hear again.

"Minho!" Thomas shouted, trying to shake him awake.

Aria left Gina's hold, crouching down next to her fiancés side. "Wake up, I can't loose you. I love you, I love you" She sobbed, running her hands through his hair. Her tears dripped down, dampening Minhos face as she clung to him. The teen, connected her lips against his, hoping that he was still alive. Minho let out a groan as Aria pulled away from the kiss.

"What happened?" he asked, keeping a strong hold of Ariella's hand.

"You got struck by lightning." Gia informed him while gently running her hand along Arias back, trying to calm her down.

"Let's help him up." Newt commented, slowly helping the asian boy up to his feet.

"You're an absolute idiot." Aria laughed through her tears, pulling Minho into a tight hug.

"I'm okay. I'm okay." He assured her repeatedly.

"You could have died."

"But I didn't. I'm okay, love." He repeated, his arms still tightly wrapped around the blonde.

"What is that smell?" Teresa mumbled to herself. She looked around the dark, dim lit room, searching for any signs of where the rotting smell was coming from. Teresa clicked her flash light on, shining it around the room. Suddenly, a crank flew at the girl, making her stumbled backwards into Thomas.

"She's so dramatic." Gia whispered to Aria and Minho. Everyone's flashlights, seemed to trigger more cranks, each one chained against something.

"I think they're sensitive to light" Aria realised. Every time they had come across a Crank it reacted negatively to the bright sensation of light and they always seemed to prefer dark and dingy places.

"I see you've met our guard dogs." An unfamiliar voice spoke. A woman with short dark hair walked forwards, dodging the chained Cranks with ease.

"Who's that?" Fry whispered.

"Stay back." Minho warned the short haired brunette.

"You guys look like shit." She commented on the groups state. The teens being covered in dirt and sweat so her statement remained true. "Follow me." She gestured for them to follow. Aria and Gia were the only ones to step out and follow her straight away before Minho stopped the two.

"Are you crazy? Why are you following her?" Minho whispered, although Brenda could hear every word.

"I can hear you."

"I trust her." Aria shrugged. Something inside her screamed that the short haired girl could be trusted.

"You really want to stay here with the cute little guard dogs?" Gia asked sarcastically. The two girl continued following Brenda, the others reluctantly following behind them.
The group of teens walked through the building, all eyes landing on them. Lights hanging above them along with barrels filled with flames, emitted a warm glow, lighting up the area they walked.

"No ones come out of the Scorch in a long time. You've got Jorge curious. And me too." The short haired girl said, glancing back at the group.

"Anyone else getting a bad feeling about this place?" Newt asked quietly, so that Brenda didn't hear.

"Let's just hear him out. See what he has to say." Thomas reasoned, wanting to know who this Jorge person was and if they could help them.

"Jorge, they're here." Brenda announced to an older man playing with a radio before she flung herself down onto a nearby sofa.

The man turned around, tracking his face as he placed his hands onto his hips. "Do you ever get the feeling the whole world's against you?"



"Finally, people that understand." Jorge smiled at Gina, Aria and Minho. "Three questions. Where did you come from? Where are you going? How can I profit?" Jorge questioned, getting straight to the point.

The teens remained silent, all looking at each other unsure of what to say or do.

"Don't answer all at once." Jorge said, pouring himself some clear liquid into a glass.

"We're headed for the mountains. Looking for the Right Arm." Thomas gulped before briefly explaining him their plan. Laughter erupted from the men in the room.

"You're looking for ghosts, you mean." Jorge spoke before taking a sip of his drink. "Question number two. Where did you come from?"

"That's our business." Minho answered, knowing it would be a terrible idea to mention WCKD.

A man suddenly came up from behind them, grabbing onto each one of the teens.

"Get off me." Aria snapped, trying to get out of the man's grasp.

"Get the fuck away from her!" Minho shouted, fighting against the men's hold to get to the woman he loves.

"She's fine, you big baby." Brenda shushed Minho, walking over to the blonde girl and pulling her hair to the side. A red laser scanned the back of Ariellas neck, scanning for something.

"What is that?" Thomas demanded, wanting to know what they were doing to his friend.

"They're tagged" Brenda informed the older man.

"What do you mean tagged?" Aria questioned confused.

"Janson." Gia muttered as realisation hit her like a ton of bricks.

"Sorry, hermano. You came from WCKD. Which means you're very valuable" The older man spoke sinisterly.

"Wait, wait, wait." Aria said as men went to take them somewhere. "Can't we make a deal or something? You don't need to hurt us."

"Please don't send us back there." Gia pleaded with tears in her eyes. Her punishment would be severe if she went back there again. Back to the place that was her so called 'home.'

"Leave us in peace." Jorge nodded for his men to leave. "Life has taught my men to think small. They want to sell you back to WCKD. I'm not like that. Something tells me that you're not either."

"This shank makes no sense." Minho muttered loudly to Frypan.

"Tell me what you know about the Right Arm then you got yourself a deal, Sunshine." Jorge said to Ariella.

"I thought you said they were ghosts?" Newt questioned from beside Thomas, their hands linked together.

"I happen to believe in ghosts." He smirked.

"This dude is crazy" Gia mumbled to Aria.

"Especially when I hear them chattering on the airwaves. So, what do you know?" Jorge asked again.

"They're hiding in the mountains. They attacked WCKD, getting a bunch of kids out. That's all we know." Thomas admitted.

"Pack what you need and do it quietly." Jorge instructed Brenda.
"It's real, Bren. These kids are our tickets out of here. The Right Arm can't turn us away."

"I'm happy for you to use us as long as you don't kill or maim us. I think that's pretty reasonable." Aria smiled to the older man.

"You've got yourself a deal, Sunshine." Jorge nodded, packing the last of his stuff. A helicopter whirling sounded above them, a large bright white shinning directly through the tinted windows.

"Good evening! This is the World Catastrophe Killzone Department. We have your compound completely surrounded. You find yourselves, through no fault of your own, in possession of WCKD property. Return them to us unharmed and we'll consider this a simple misunderstanding. Or you can resist and every last one of you will die." The sound of Jansons echoed, causing a shiver to convulse through Gina at the chilling sound of his voice.

"I'd rather die than go back there." Gia's eyes glossed over, the young girl refusing to cry.

"I'm gonna play 'em my favourite song." Jorge smirked, walking over to his record player.

"Oh, shit." Brenda mumbled, knowing what was about to happen. "You lot, follow me." Brenda commanded as the music began to play throughout the building.

'I go out walkin' after midnight out in the moonlight'

Aria smiled as she hummed along to the tune, something inside of her remembering the song from.

"Right this way" Jorge exclaimed, throwing open two doors, showing a thin wire hanging across the two buildings.

"Oh, you gotta be kidding me." Fry muttered to himself as his fear of heights settled in.

"Follow me." Jorge stated as he swung off.

"Like I said earlier, i'd rather die than go back. And this is a better view than most of what's left of this fucked up world." Gia said before following after him.

Aria screamed as she followed behind Minho, the young blonde being terrified of plummeting to her death. Ariella stumbled forwards, falling straight into Minhos arms.

"Are you okay?"

"I just jumped out of a building." Aria's eyes widened as she just realised what she had done. "I hate heights and I jumped out of a fucking building."

"Yeah, you did." Gia smiled, holding her hand up for a high five with the blonde.

"Where's Brenda?" Jorge demanded, wanting to know where the girl he viewed as a daughter was.

"Brenda ran off to grab something and Tommy went running after her. H-He said he'd be right behind me." Newts voice was quite as he told the group what had happened.

"The songs almost over, we have to keep moving." Jorge sighed, knowing they'd all die if they waited any longer.

"No!" Newt shouted. "We're waiting for them."

"Brenda and your little boyfriend will have to meet us there. If we wait any longer than we'll die." Jorge snapped, storming off.

"He has a lot to loose too. Brenda seems to be the only person he cares for. They'll both be fine." Aria assured him with a small smile before following after the Jorge.

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