"You drive like an old man." Aria snorted, judging Vince's poor driving skills as she sat in the back seat.
"You can't even drive." Gia laughed beside Ariella.
"Gina has a point." Vince agreed, still concentrating on the train as they neared closer.
"B, we're coming up behind, keep them busy." Aria instructed through the walkie.
Vince dumped the car up onto the railway, almost throwing the teens out the car as they weren't prepared for the sudden movement.
"Keep it steady, old man." Gia spoke this time, almost being flung out the vehicle as he swerved.
"This is crazy, Thomas!" Vince shouted over the loud roar of the car engine.
"No, he's a fucking genius." Aria disagreed, thankful for Thomas having the plan in the first place.
"Aria, you're up." Thomas told her. The blonde hung out the right side of the car, carefully hoisting herself up onto the roof.
"Try not to die." Gina shouted up to her.
"I'm trying." Aria muttered while climbing across the car so that she was now on the hood of the car, clinging for dear life. Thomas was on the left side of the bonnet, the two teens both utterly terrified of the jump they were about to make.
"Get us closer!" Thomas shouted back to Vince.
"Move, Vince. I'm taking over." Gina pushed him out the way, taking over driving the car.
"WHY ARE YOU LETTING THE 15 YEAR OLD DRIVE!!!" Ariella panicked, seeing as it was now Gina driving. "I'm gonna die."
"Have a little faith in me." Gina smirked, pressing her foot hard to the ground. Thomas was able to attach the metal hook to the train cart, before grabbing hold of the ladder and swinging across. Aria was next, following closely behind Thomas.
"Vince, you're next." Thomas called. Vince climbed over the hood of the car then onto the train, holding onto the ladder next to Thomas.
"Gina, you better not die." Aria warned her.
"I got this." Gina said cockily as she steered the car, hanging half out as she did so. Once the car was lined up, she moved forward, steadying herself on the bonnet. The right tire gave out, forcing Gina to full flat on her stomach.
"Gina!" Aria cried out, watching her nearly slide off the car. "JUMP!" She screamed, watching the car move further away, the metal hook about to come loose from the train. Without thinking Gina leapt forwards, flinging her body into the air. Ariella grabbed hold of Gina, stopping her from falling to her death. Shortly after, the car lost control flipping over the tracks.
"I nearly died, again." Gina laughed seeing the situation funny.
"You almost gave me a heart attack." Aria scolded, still refusing to release the girl from her grip.
"We got trouble." Vince pointed out, seeing a jet in the distance.
"Bren, you got company!" Aria yelled into the walkie-talkie.
"You guys are on your own, don't die." Brenda's voice sounded through the walkie.
"We love you too, B." Gina smirked, stealing the walkie back.
"We gotta move, come on." Thomas urged as he began to climb the ladder. The four ran across the train carts, skilfully jumping across. Vince jumped down first, followed by Gina as they detached the train cart. Thomas and Ariella, shot at the soldiers that was heading for them.
"You might want to hurry up." Aria urged, seeing too many guards.
"We're set." Vince spoke, sticking the dynamite in the latch holding the trains together. The explosions went off, separating the train carriages. Aria and Gina smirked, both flipping the guards off as their carriage grew further apart. Thomas whistled signalling Newt to pop out from behind a rock, a cute little smile plastered on his face.
"Newt." Thomas called out to his boyfriend, waving his hand for him to join them.
"Minho! Love can you hear me?" Aria banged her hand against the train, yelling the boys name. Screams and shouts erupted through the carriage, Thomas signalled to Newt that this was the carriage but Aria remained unsure. Newt put on his goggles, beginning to use the blow torch to free the carriage.
"It's gonna be close." Vince informed them, watching the guards running over.
Meanwhile Brenda and Jorge were currently holding their hands up in surrender against the guards who just stormed out of a chopper. The guards aimed their guns up, before slipping under to a hidden trap. Fry appeared from under a cover, cocking his fun back and pointing it at the soldier who was targeting Brenda.
"Hey, Fry." Brenda smiled flirtatiously.
"Good to see you, Bren." Fry greeted the woman.
One pilot remained in the jet, just as he was about to leave Harriet pressed her gun against his head.
"Newt, how are you doing?" Thomas asked him from on top of the train.
"Don't rush me." Newt replied to his boyfriend.
"Shit." Gia cursed from on top of the rain as she helped Thomas and Vince, shots being fired at the group. Ariella had a right grip of her gun, firing at the masked men who dared to hurt her family.
"Newt, get up here." Thomas panicked, not wanting Newt to get shot. Aria moved to shield Newt as he finished working, still shooting every guard as she did so.
"Newt, go!" Aria told him, seeing as his job was done.
"I LOVE YOU GUYS!" Ariella cheered, seeing the jet the others had hijacked flying above them with a hook slowly lowering down. Ariella grabbed on last minute, crawling up the ladder as the carriage began to lift into the air. A sudden sharp pain smacked into her stomach, pain surging through her. Aria clenched her stomach, the warm crimson liquid coating her hand as she used her little strength to continue climbing the ladder.
"We did it, Tommy." Newt smiled before kissing the brunette boy he loved so much.
"Ari?" Gia gasped, seeing the red sticky substance seeping out from her best friend's stomach as she stood on the trains roof.
"Holy shit, your shot!" Thomas yelled, looking at the blonde.
"I would shrug this off as nothing but I think i'm dying." Aria laughed dryly before collapsing down onto the roof.
"ARIA!" Gina cried out, running to her friend's side. Gina applied pressure the wound, not letting Ariella bleed out to death.
"She's gonna wake up, right?" Gia asked hopeful to the doctor that had removed the bullet and stitched up Ariella.
"She lost a lot of blood." The doctor sighed before walking out of the room.
"Moody bitch." Brenda snarled, not liking the doctor's lack of empathy. "She'll be fine. It's Aria."
"How are we meant to tell her that Minho wasn't on the train?" Gina sighed, holding tightly onto Arias' hand as she lay unconscious. "She's been through so much."
"The only thing we can do is support her through this." Brenda had a small smile plastered on her face as she soothingly stroked Gia's back.
Jorge entered the room, walking over to his girls. "How's she holding up?" he asked the two.
"She's awesome." Brenda replied sarcastically.
"Am I dead?" Aria grumbled, feeling overwhelmed with pain.
"You'rere alive." Gia gasped, a few happy tears streaming down her face. Brenda and Jorge leaned in, gently hugging the girl, careful not to hurt her.
"Nice to see I was missed." Aria smiled weakly. She looked around at the people she called family, each of them haply to see her awake but their was also a look of pity in their eyes. "He wasn't there, was he?" She asked, referring to Minho.
"No. I'm sorry, sunshine." Jorge apologies, comfortingly rubbing his hand over the girls shoulder.
"Sonya and Aris were rescued though." Gia informed her, hoping that might slightly improve things.
"That's good, Harriet must be happy." Brenda just nodded at the blondes comment.
"What aren't you telling me?" Ariella interrogated, knowing there was something else.
"We can't tell her, she's too weak. She'll want to go." Jorge said in a low whisper although she heard every word.
"Can't tell me what? What's going on?"
"There's a City." Gina answered despite Jorge and Brenda's protests. "Thomas thinks it's where they are keeping Minho."
"The Last City. That's what WCKD called it." Jorge sighed.
"Thomas, Newt and Fry have already left. We're going after them." Brenda enlightened the clueless blonde.
"I'm coming with you." Ariella said firmly, swinging her legs out of bed. She had to resist the urge to scream out in pain, wanting to prove she was up for the trip.
"You were shot yesterday. You're not going anywhere." Jorge stated in a fatherly tone.
"Try and stop me." Ariella said boldly, grabbing her bag and walking out the door.
"There's nothing we can do to stop her from going to him." Brenda smiled sadly.
"I guess we're doing this." Gina sighed while packing a bag full of bandages and medical supplies, knowing Aria would prioritise Minho and just let herself bleed out.
"You took your time." Aria complained, sitting in the back of the car waiting.
"Let's go." Gia smirked.
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