"Hey, what's that?" Frypan asked, staring up at lights in the distance.
"Janson." Gia realised quickly, scrambling up to her feet. "We gotta get out of here."
"How did WCKD find us?" Ariella panicked, seeing the choppers moving in fast. A huge explosion went off, flames erupting around the camp as WCKD soldiers came from every direction. Peoples screams erupted as everyone fled, running to find weapons or somewhere safe. Gun shots went off, firing at all of the members of the Right Arm.
"Where's Thomas?" Fry asked as the group hid behind some barrels.
"Harriet! Ammo!" Aria heard Vince's voice shout commands urgently at the girl.
"Vince! Harriet!" Minho yelled, running over to the two. Vince was standing on top of a truck, shooting his gun at the soldiers. Harriet handed the groups weapons, most of them never even touching one before let alone knowing how to use it. Minho and Aria stood side by side, flawlessly shooting at the soldiers, the two ex-runners seeming to have the best aim out of the teens.
"There's too many of them." Newt realised, seeing how they were vastly outnumbered.
"Oh Shit!" Vince screamed as an electrical grenade got thrown at the van. The electrical sparks flew at them, shocking them all. The soldiers harshly grabbed hold of them, dragging the teens over to where they were keeping hold of everyone.
"Let go of her, asshole!" Minho yelled at the guard who roughly pushed Aria.
"Sonya." Newt gasped, watching the blonde get thrown down next to him and Aris.
"How many did we get?" Janson asked. The sound of his voice made Gina full sick to her stomach. "I told you, Georgina, you can't run from me." He smiled smugly.
"I can still make your life hell." Gina smirked, kicking the older man in the balls.
He let out a grunt of pain before slapping his 'daughter' across the face. "You bitch."
"All of them. Give or take." The man replied, unfazed by the scene that just unfolded before his eyes.
"Where's Thomas?" Janson questioned, noticing his presence was missing.
"Right here" Thomas answered, holding his hands up in surrender as he came out from hiding.
"Thomas." Janson smirked. He placed his hand on Thomas' shoulder before swiftly moving to punch the boy in the gut making him hunch forward in pain. Ariella went to lunge forward but Minho acted swiftly, grabbing hold of her hand as a sign of not to do anything stupid. The soldiers shoved Thomas down, sitting him at the end next to Minho.
"Why didn't you run?" Minho asked in a hush tone, not wanting to draw attention over to them.
"I'm tired of running." Thomas answered slightly breathless.
'Are you okay?' Newt mouthed over to his boyfriend, only receiving a small nod in reply. A new jet suddenly appeared, the bright white light almost blinding as it shone at the teens. The wind made the sand blow everywhere, making the small grains fly at the teens. Everyone tightly shut their eyes, shielding themselves from the painful sensation. A familiar woman that could be recognised as Ava Paige walked out from the Jet. The older blonde woman distinctly standing out from the rest in her clean white outfit.
"Start loading them in." Janson barked orders at the masked men.
Ava signalled for the guards to bring forward Thomas. "Hello, Thomas." The woman greeted coldly. Teresa shamefully walked over, joining Ava's side. "I'm glad you're safe."
"What the hell?" Fry gasped, shocked at the brunette girls actions. "Teresa?"
"Wait, what's going on?" Newt asked confused, not believing that she could of betrayed them.
"She's with them." Thomas croaked out, the boy fighting off tears.
Aria's mouth hung open in shock, glancing at the teen through her glossy eyes. "How could you?" Aria's tone filled with hurt and betrayal.
"I'm sorry" She apologised. "I had no choice. This is the only way. We have to find a cure."
"There's always a choice. You just made the wrong one. There's no undoing this. You knew this would hurt us but that didn't stop you." Aria spoke calmly despite the anger eating away at her.
"Teresa's always had an evolved appreciation of the greater good. Once we restored her memories, it was only a matter of time." Janson enlightened the group.
"This is all just a means to an end." Ava reasoned. "You used to understand that, Thomas. No matter what you think of me, I am not a monster. I am a doctor. I swore an oath to find a cure! No matter the cost."
"YOU EXPERIMENT ON CHILDREN!" Gia yelled accusingly. "We're just kids." Gina spoke through her tears, looking up at the doctor. Aria moved to the younger girls side, not caring about the guns aimed at her, she just wanted to comfort the girl while she cried.
"I just need more time."
"More blood." Mary added, stepping forwards.
"Hello, Mary. I hoped we'd meet again." Ava greeted the woman. "I'm sorry it had to be under these circumstances."
"I'm sorry about a lot of things, too. But not this." Mary spoke clearly, holding her head up high. "At least my conscience is clear."
"So is mine."
A loud gunshot echoed, startling everyone at the closeness of the sound. Ariella flew her hands up to cover Gina's ears. Her eyes flickered around searching for who it hit, her gaze landing on Mary. Vince screamed out her name, the whole scene heartbreaking as he held her in his arms trying to stop the bleeding. Gina gasped out, her whole body shaking as she looked at her father holding the gun that had shot the doctor.
"We're leaving. Load them up." Ava continued as things where normal, heading back towards the jet.
"Sonya! Aris!" Harriet called out to those she cared about the most as everyone began to be dragged away.
"Get back!" Thomas threatened, holding up a bomb and its trigger. "Everyone stand back. Stand back. Let 'em go."
"Thomas, please stop." Teresa finally spoke up, still cowardly hiding behind Ava and Janson. "I made a deal with them. They promised, they promised we'd be safe. All of us."
"Bullshit!" Gia called out, knowing it was all lies.
"I'm supposed to trust you now?" Thomas interrogated.
"It's true. It was her only condition."
"Shut up!" Thomas yelled at Ava.
"Do you really want all of them to die?" She questioned the teen.
Minho, Newt, Fry, Aria and Gina all moved to Thomas' side, showing their support. "We're with you, Tommy."
"Do it, Thomas." Minho encouraged. He would rather die than go back to being controlled by WCKD.
"We're ready." Fry nodded.
"We're not going back there." Thomas shook his head, tears filling his eyes as he looked at Teresa. Just as he was about to pull the tigger a car horn sounded. Jorge and Brenda coming to their rescue, driving straight into a chopper, sending parts flying everywhere. Chaos broke out, everyone scrambling to find weapons to fight against WCKD. Soldiers aimed their gun up at the teens, Thomas being quick to react through the bomb in his hand towards them.
Aria screamed as the explosion went off, Minho jumping in front of her to shield her from the blast. "Are you okay?" He asked her.
"Am I okay?" She repeated his words. "YOU JUST JUMPED IN FRONT OF A FLIPPING BOMB!"
"You can scold me later, we gotta move." The asian boy grabbed hold of her hand, helping her up from the floor.
Janson appeared from the smoke, running directly at Thomas. The ratman knocked him down to the dirty floor, putting his foot down on his chest to keep Thomas down.
"Such a waste." He muttered, pulling out his gun. Before he had time to shoot, Gina pulled out a pistol, shooting it at him.
"That's what you get for experimenting and torturing me, my whole life. Fucking bastard." Gina cursed, continuing to fire at him as he ran away like the coward he is. "PUSSY!"
"Come on." Thomas pulled her away, guiding her away from the shots being fired at the pair.
"Thomas! Gina! Move, get out of here!" Minho yelled, shooting his gun at the soldiers following them. "Go with them, Love. I'll hold them off."
"I'm not leaving you." Aria disagreed while shooting one of the masked men right in the head.
"GO NOW! I'm right behind you." Minho urged. The blonde quickly kissed his cheek before running behind the truck with the others. Minho fired a few more shots before turning around to run off with Aria. A group of men appeared, each one repeatedly shooting him with the electrical darts.
"MINHO!" Ariella let out a gut wrenching scream. Tears streamed down her face as both Brenda and Gina held her back from running to his aid. "MINHO!" She screamed repeatedly, her heart shattering as the love of her life got dragged away.
"We gotta go. I'm sorry." Gina apologised over Aria's screams as they pulled her along with the others.
"No." Ariella whispered out in pain as she watched the jet doors close before taking off. "He's gone."
"Where are you going?" Vince asked the distressed teen, watching her grabbing supplies before storming off.
"I'm getting my fiancé back" Aria replied coldly. She was no longer the kind, caring Ariella that everyone adored. It's like Minho had taken the sun with him when he left. All this pain and loss had changed her to become cold. She knew she had to become heartless, although that wasn't who she truly was. But she needed to survive.
"That's a suicide mission. WCKD just kicked our ass." Vince pointed out, looking at the scorched tents.
"If I don't try than i'll never know if I could've saved him, but if I die trying then at least I know I did something. I can't just sit around on my ass and do nothing while people are suffering!" Aria snapped at him. All of the emotions she had been holding back over the years from when she smiled and pretended to be happy while helping those around her had finally resurfaced, taking control over her.
"How many people have died at the hands of WCKD? Chuck, Gally, Winston, Mary, Ben, Alby. Shall I go on?" The blonde asked rhetorically. "They'll never stop. I'm going to hunt every single member of WCKD down and kill them if I have to. Enough people have suffered, I won't allow any more."
"I have to admit... I'd like some revenge." Harriet's voice sounded just as broken as everyone else's. She too had also lost too much to WCKD.
"Can't let you have all the fun." Brenda smirked.
"I call shotgun on killing Janson." Gina cheered excitedly.
"So what's the plan?"
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