He's an Asshole & I hate Science

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"Ella?" Minho's voice was gentle as he stroked her hair.

"Minho?" The girl spoke groggily, her mind still foggy from the anaesthesia.

"What did they do to you, love?" Minho gasped, seeing the girls state.

"What happening?" She asked, hearing shouts. Her hearing in her left ear seemed to have returned to normal, only noticing a small difference between them both now.

"We're getting out of here." He smiled, helping her up from the bed.

"They're coming! What do we do?" Frypan asked frantically.

"Fry, move out the way." Newt instructed him, flipping over a table and pushing it in front of the door.

"We gotta get outta here!" Minho shouted, now holding a gun pointed towards the door.

"Wait!" Aria stopped him, noticing a slightly younger looking brunette girl huddled in the corner.

"Stay away from me!" The girl threatened while holding up a scalpel.

"We're on the same side. I'm not going to hurt you. We're getting out of here, you want to come with?" Ariella crouched down to be level with the girl. She talked calmly, careful not to spook the girl even more.

"Get me out of this shit hole." The girl said, a small smile growing on Aria's face as she helped the girl up. While Aria was helping her, Newt and Thomas were smashing through a window so that they could escape the room.

"Come on. Come on." Thomas repeated, urging everyone to get through.

Ariaella helped the Latino girl over, before following after her. "Stay with me." Aria smiled, grasping hold of the girls hand.

"Thomas." Minho shouted, throwing him over the gun.

"Stay behind me!" Thomas instructed the group, leading them out. The group ran down the corridor, Ella keeping a tight hold of the younger girls hand.

"There it is!" Thomas shouted as he saw the exit. "Shit! Come on." he groaned in frustration as the key card failed to open the door.

"Thomas!" Jansons voice called out.

Thomas cocked the gun an electrical whirling sound being made as he did so. "Open this door, Janson."

"You really don't want me to." He disagreed, holding his arms up as a sign of peace.

"Open the damn door!" Thomas shouted once again. In the meantime Minho kept trying to open the door, hoping the card would miraculously work.

"Listen to me! I'm trying to save your life." Janson reasoned, him and some guards slowly walking closer and closer to the group.

"Fuck off, Janson!" The brunette girl shouted at him, flipping him off.

"You can't run from your own father, Georgina!" Janson shouted at the girl. Everyone's mouths hung open in shock.

"Your ratman's daughter?" Aria gasped.

"Long story short he's an asshole and I hate science." Gina summarised, showing the blonde that saved her that she meant no harm to the group. She hated Janson more than any of them.

"You can't kidnap her, Ariella!" Janson yelled. "You kids won't last one day out in the scorch. If the elements don't kill you, the cranks will."

"Shut the fuck up!" Aria and Georgina spoke in union.

"You have to believe me. I only want what's best for you."

"Yeah, let me guess WCKD is good?" Thomas spoke through gritted teeth, keeping the gun aimed at Janson.

Jansons body language immediately shifted when he heard those words tumble from Thomas' mouth. He knew they had caught on to what he was doing and knew who he actually worked for. "You're not getting through that door, Georgina." He clenched his jaw, smiling cockling.

Just then the door code beeped, Winston and another boy Ariella didn't recognise appearing on the other side.

"Watch me, bitch." Gina replied coldly as the group went through the doors.

"Thomas! Come on! Let's go!" Newts British accent clear as he shouted for the brunette to follow. Thomas fired shots, before throwing the gun at them and taking off in a sprint as the doors closed.

"Come on, Thomas!" The group yelled as he ran for the doors. Anxiety building in everyone as they waited in anticipation. Thomas slipped down through the doors at the last second. Any longer and he would of been squashed like a pancake.

Newt helped him up from the floor,  pulling Thomas into a kiss.

"About time." Aria commented, as everyone smiled at the two.

"We got to move!" Aris stated while smashing a metal rod into the control panel. Thomas stuck his middle finger up to Janson before the group took off, running into the scorch.

"What the fuck is going on?" Aria asked, as they went out into the storm.

"We'll explain later. We have to keep moving. Come on!" Thomas said, guiding everyone.

"We can loose them in the storm." Gina commented. "There's a building up ahead." She remembered from all the times she had tried to escape, but had never got far enough.

"I think we lost them." Minho said relieved as they made their way through the harsh winds. Sand blew everywhere, stinging as the small grains hit against their skin.

"Get inside!" Thomas said, as they neared the building.

Minho got out a flashlight from one of the many bags he had stolen from the compound. "Where the hell are we?" He asked, looking around at the foreign surroundings.

"We got to keep moving."

"No, Thomas!" Teresa yelled, gaining everyone attention. "Tell me what's going on."

"Yeah, I quite like to know what's happening." Aria agreed, slightly out of breath from running.

"It's WCKD." He stated simply. "They lied to us. We never escaped. Me and Aris, we found bodies. Too many to count."

"What do you mean? Dead bodies?" Minho asked, wanting clarification.

"No, but they weren't alive either." Thomas stated, only confusing Aria more.

"Whose Aris?" Aria questioned.

"That's me, Hi." The boy that had helped them escape spoke up, giving Aria a small wave.

"They had them strung up. With tubes coming out of them. They were being... They were being drained." Thomas explained. "There's something inside of us that WCKD wants. Something in our blood."

"It's true. They think the cure to the flare is within us." Aria added.

"Wait, you remember?" Minho asked his fiancé.

"Not everything, I just remember parts. I don't understand why they would give me back some my memories, they only made me hate WCKD more." Aria muttered confused.

"We have to get as far away from them as possible." Thomas said.

"Okay. So, what's the plan?" Newt gasped for breath as he questioned the boy he was falling in love with. Thomas just remained silent, not helping anyone's nerves. "You do have a plan, right?"

"Yeah." Thomas agreed but then changed his mind. "I don't know."

"Well, we followed you out here, Thomas, and now you're saying that you have no idea where we're going or what we're doing." Newt snapped slightly at the brunette boy.

"Wait. Janson said something about people hiding in the mountains." Aris commented, his voice shook as he was clearly nervous. "Some kind of resistance or army."

"The right arm." Thomas remembered. "If they're really against WCKD, maybe they can help us."

"People. In the mountains. Mountain people." Newt said in disbelief. "That's your plan?"

"It's the only chance we have."

"Hey, guys!" Winston said, gaining everyone's attention to where he was standing. "Check this out."

Minho walked over first, shining his flash light. "Someone else has been here." Minho said as the glow from his flashlight highlighted footsteps

"Let's pack some of this stuff up Anything you might need. We'll split up see what else we can find then meet back here." Thomas instructed, him and Minho taking off to find other recourses around the building while the others stay in a close area from each other.

"I'm sticking with you." Gina said to the blonde, only trusting her.

"I have no problem with that." Aria smiled at the brunette. "I'm Aria by the way."

"Gina." She muttered, shortening her name as she hated the one her father gave her. "I'm sorry for what Jansons done to you."

"It's not your fault. It seems as though you've had your fair share of dealing with him." Aria smiled saddened as every bad thing Gina's probably had to go through crossed over her mind.

"I've been stuck with him my whole life." Gina's voice was cold as she spoke about the man. "One of the biggest lies told is that, 'blood makes you family'. Blood makes you related. Blood means nothing to me. Loyalty, love and trust makes a family. Janson was never my father and he never will be."

"We're your family now. I promise that I'll never hurt you, and i'll kill anyone that dare lays a finger on you." Aria promised the girl, wrapping her arms around her.

"Enough of this sappy shit, let's get some supplies." Gina pulled away from the hug, the feeling of comfort unfamiliar to her. Being raised by cold eyes taught her not to cry, not to feel, she never thought she'd be free from him. The two girl grabbed some clothes and other important things they could find such as: bandages, food, clothes, etc.

"What's going on?" Winston asked as the group gathered.

"I don't know." Fry answered his friend. The lights were now on, illuminating the building they were in. Thomas' and Minho's shouts could be heard telling the group to run. Everyone stayed frozen, confused as to what was happening until they heard screeching sounds.

"Cranks." Aria rembered Janson warning them of the creatures and when they tried to infiltrate the compound when they first arrived.

"Shit!" Newt cursed, putting his back pack over his shoulder as the group began to run.

"Move! Move." Minho's voice sounded like an army sergeant as he shouted orders. Everyone stopped as another Crank appeared. It was like a human with deep black veins over taking the body. The creatures limbs unnaturally bent, making its walk terrifying. Its face and body severely deformed, making the group feel sick to their stomachs by the hideousness. Aris ran forward, swinging a baseball bat into the creatures legs making it fall to the ground near the group.

"Shit! Go, Go, Go." Aria urged Gina to go up the stairs first, before running after her. The monsters snarls could be heard as more surrounded them.

"GO!" Thomas shouted, him and Teresa following the two girls up the stairs while the others find another way around.

"Holy shit!" Gina exclaimed shocked as Teresa kicked a crank down the steps. "You're fucking mental."

Another one jumped over the railings, landing in front of Gina.

"Gia!" Ariella shouted in fear, grabbing hold of a random objected and heaving it at the creature.

"You just saved my life, again" Gia smiled thankful at the blonde. "Let's get out of here."

The group continued running, everyone reuniting at the top of the stairs.

"We gotta get out of here!" Frypan shouted over the screeching of the Cranks.

A sudden crash sounded along with a  familiar scream, making the group turn around.

"Newt!" Thomas screamed, bolting for Newt. He kicked the creature, sending it flying off the balcony.
"Newt, you good?" He panicked, inspecting Newt for any injuries.

"Yeah. Thanks, Tommy." Newt thanked him as he stood from the floor. The two didn't exactly have any longer to talk as more Cranks headed their way.

"Through here, let's go!" Minho guided them a narrow hallway only filled with locked doors.

"This one!" Thomas hollered, kicking the door repeatedly until it busted open.

"I'll hold them back." Winston informed them, pulling out a gun from his pocket and firing it at the zombie like monsters. "Get that door open!" He shouted, the Cranks moving closer and closer.

"It's open!" Aria shouted out to the forever slicer. Just as he was about to follow them through the door he was grabbed being pulled back.

"Help me!" He screamed out in pain as the monsters clawed their way into his skin trying to rip him backwards. Frypan and Aris managed to pull him through the gap while Minho and Thomas held the door back, stopping the Cranks from getting any further through.

"Go, Go, Go!" Thomas shouted, knowing the two ex-runners couldn't hold the door back any more. Minho ran first, catching up with the group quickly. Then Thomas, as he let go of the door letting the cranks run free.

Everyone sat huddled together, hiding underneath a piece of fallen concrete. The group was very cramped in the small space as they all listened to the frightening sounds of the Cranks. Aria and Minhos hands were grasped together while Ariella still kept a right grip on Gia. The only thing they could do was hide and hope for the best.

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