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A/N: Okay so I caved. My time loop Max fic "All The Things That Never Happened" is out!

Chapter 3: Back Together

The majority has selected option 1.


I Know What You Did Last Summer: The group decided to lie to the cops.

5.29 | August 23rd - (Y/N)

Hackett's Quarry Summer Camp Lodge

"Okay. Let's lie then." 

You said. It was the most logical decision. You'd gone through hell on earth tonight and you were not about to continue it by going to jail over it.

Everyone stared at you, some in disbelief and some in agreement.

"The cop's right. There's no way they'll believe werewolves, especially with our current states. Our best bet is coming up with as logical a story as we can."

You reasoned. Travis gave you a look of surprise before just nodding.

Travis is surprised at your compliance.

"I think so too. Not even that dumbass there believed this shit when he literally saw his friend turn in front of him."

Laura said, flicking a thumb towards Ryan.

"I was in denial!"


"But for what it's worth, I agree. We should lie."

Kaitlyn sighed.

"Yeah okay. Makes sense."

Dylan was next to comply, followed by Max and Nick. Jacob voiced his agreement and finally a skeptical Emma gave in.

"So we're all in agreement then? We're gonna lie?" Travis asked. The group nodded. "Okay. Then tell me exactly what happened here. Start from the very beginning."

Not a word escaped anyone and an uncomfortable feeling settled into the air.

I don't know what to say. Nobody knows what to say...

Travis sighed.

"Why were you here tonight? Counsellors were meant to be home before nightfall."

The awkward silence continued for a moment before Kaitlyn finally spoke.

"We were all ready to leave camp, bags in the van and everything, but the van didn't start up."

She said in a flat tone, swallowing harshly towards the end. Despite that being exactly what had happened, something felt off about the way she'd said it. Was it just you, or was there a hint of guilt in her voice?

Just as you were convincing yourself that it had to be nothing though, you heard something you never thought you'd hear.

"I did it. I sabotaged the van."

You froze in shock as all eyes turned to Jacob. Nobody said anything for a moment. A million feelings raced through you. Shock, because what did he mean by I sabotaged the van?! Denial because Jacob would never that didn't make any sense...

This can't- Jacob wouldn't- Why would he?!

"What, did you say, Jacob?"

Emma asked, each word more pointed than the last. You mentally willed for Jacob to say that it was something minor he'd forgotten the day before and he'd only realized too late. That he hadn't purposefully doomed you.

Jacob exhaled shakily.

"I...sabotaged the van. I took the rotor arm so we'd be stranded for the night. I was hoping...Fuck, I- I was hoping we'd all get to spend some more time together, you know, and that I'd get to make things right with Emma! I didn't know about the fucking werewolves, if I did I never would've done this I swear! And- And I know it doesn't mean a lot now but I'm sorry, I'm so so sorry..."

He hung his head.

The shock and denial you'd felt just moments prior gave way to betrayal and anger instantly. Jacob had done this, on purpose. He'd made it so you'd be stranded for the night with no means of outside communication just because of his own selfish wishes of maybe turning his summer fling into a relationship, though he should've known and respected that Emma would've never wanted that. 

You'd gone through hell tonight because of him. You'd been attacked, you'd been forced to fight for your life, you'd turned into a goddamn werewolf, all because of him. How could he do this to you all? Why did you all have to be roped into his elaborate scheme of fixing his relationship?! What gave him the right to do this to you?!

You couldn't stay one hundred percent mad at him though. After all; he hadn't known about the werewolves, he would've never done this if he'd known, he said it himself. And without that knowledge could you really fully blame him for wanting to spend one more night? Sure, it was selfish and still a bad thing to do but in the grand scheme of things was it all that bad to want to have one more night together?

Everyone still seemed to be in a state of shock, ready to blow up on Jacob any second. 

"And I helped him. I told him how to break the van and I knew what happened to the van. I knew and I- I didn't say anything."

Kaitlyn added quickly, the same guilt present in her tone as Jacob. Hurt stabbed at you with the revelation that Kaitlyn, Kaitlyn who was the most capable and responsible out of all of you, had known about this and had chosen to keep it from you. How could she do this? Well, she hadn't know so she really wasn't to blame but still...


Better Left Unspoken: Jacob told the truth to the group about sabotaging the van.

The room exploded into screaming.

"Are you fucking kidding me Jacob?!"

"Jacob, oh my God- And Kaitlyn you kept this?!"

"You asshole!"

Emma jumped up from her seat, springing toward Jacob with a raised fist. Abi held her back and pulled her back down to where they were sitting together, trying to calm her down as she continued yelling. You, along with Nick and Max, just sat in silence; taking in the influx of information.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I didn't know, I'm sorry!"

Repeated Jacob, over and over again. Kaitlyn simply chose to sit with a distraught expression on her face and take whatever few insults were thrown her way.

"ALRIGHT ALRIGHT ENOUGH!" The sheriff yelled. "Scream at your friend later! We don't have much time if you don't want to go to jail!" He turned to Jacob. "And you, son, never even think about doing something like that ever again. Do you still have the rotor arm?"


He replied simply. You'd be surprised if he still had it after all of this.

"Okay then we're gonna say that the rotor arm was broken and so the van wouldn't start up and Chris took it. Nobody is to say a word about your friend over there taking it, understood?" 

Sounds solid enough.


He repeated when nobody said anything.



"Got it."

"Good. What else?"

"Mr H-  Chris, lost his shit." You continued. "Freaked out, told Ryan to make sure everyone was in the lodge and just fucking left us here." You paused. "Which at the time I thought was a low blow but now makes complete sense considering he was a fucking werewolf. Oh and what the hell are we gonna say about your family?"

"I'll get to that." He almost spit the words out. "You can recount all of that but leave out Chris freaking out. Just say he drove off to go home and that he'd pick you up the next morning. Continue."

"He left and Dylan had the idea to have a party."

"Ryan said it was a bad idea but we...I didn't listen and just kept insisting. I guess that's my fault."

Dylan said, looking down.

Dylan is feeling guilty.

"It's not your fault Dylan." Ryan said. "None of us could've known."

"Yeah but Mr H said we should stay inside. We just didn't listen. We all agreed to party but it was my idea. Maybe we'd all be fine now if..."

"Stop it kid. Just keep talking."

"Right, sorry...We all split up to prepare. Jacob and Emma went to the camps tore to get supplies, Ryan and I went to charge our phones in Mr H's office, (Y/N), Nick and Abi went to get firewood, and Kaitlyn prepped the firepit."

"Anything important happen?"

"I found a gun, some fireworks and these torn bags with blood on them. I took the gun and the fireworks.

Emma said.

"Say the gun was in case bears ambushed your party. Are all the fireworks gone?"


"Good, just say you fired them off for fun. Don't mention the bags, either of you. Those used to belong to some hikers who got in over their heads. Just don't mention it."

"Okay...You seem to have a lot of experience with coming up with cover-ups..."

Emma said suspiciously.

"He's a crooked fucking cop and a Hackett. What did you expect?"

Laura replied. Emma almost laughed at that.

"Are you two done?" Travis asked with a deadpan face. "Anything else?"

"Uh what do we say about Mr H's creepy voyeurism room?"

"Chris' what?"

"We found this side room in his office with all these monitors and what looked like trail footage...which I'm only now putting together was for watching for werewolves."

Ryan said.

Oh my God okay Mr H was seriously fucked.

"Oh, that."

"Emma and I were in there like an hour ago. We waited it out there, the two of us."

"Jesus, okay, we'll have to wipe the footage. With all you fuckers running around tonight that alone would probably be enough to condemn us. That's it?"

"Well, I had a photo on my phone of this creepy light in the treehouse on the island but my phone's uh..." Kaitlyn pulled her very broken phone from her pocket. "Yeah."

"Same here. I had a photo of this ranger box but I'm pretty sure I shattered my phone into pieces when I turned."

You added.

"Okay, go on."

"We got the firepit ready, nothing interesting happened except Nick, Jacob, (Y/N) and Kaitlyn having a shootout for some peanut butter butter pops. We had the party, drank a little and played truth or dare. My idea." Dylan continued. "Long story short, we kinda had an argument. Jacob stormed off (Y/N) followed him and then Abi went off into the woods on her own. Nick followed her. Emma also went off into the woods but none of us went after her so she could just have some alone time."

"What happened with you two?"

Travis gave you the cue for either you or Jacob to talk and you took it upon yourself.

"I found him at the boathouse pier. We sat there for a while, talked out all the aggression and then I suggested we go for a little swim to cool off. There were no towels but we went for it anyway. That's when we heard Abi scream. We ran off to go find her, without getting dressed."

You suddenly remembered the bloated corpse you'd found down in the lake. A work of the Hackett family no doubt.

"Oh yeah and I found a corpse in the lake so what do I say about that?"

Nick and Max give you confused looks but both their expressions faded a moment later. Nothing you could find here was all that surprising anymore.

Travis himself seemed a little surprised you knew of it.

"You can mention it. Part of the cover-up is exposing all the murders and shit my family committed without making it seem related to the werewolves. All the cops are going to think is that there were vicious will animals in the woods tonight and you all got hunted by my murderous family who wanted you for dead but they were all killed by animals before they could get to you."


"And what about you?"

Laura asked, her voice tinted with venom.

"Yeah, you're not exactly innocent."

Max added.

"Well I'm helping you now aren't I? And trust me, everything I've done was for all of your and my family's safety. So you're going to keep your mouth's shut about those two months and you two are going to lie about what really happened."

"And what do you want us to say exactly?"

"You changed your minds about being camp counsellors but went down to North Kill to have a vacation. Come up with some bullshit that you didn't want to face parental pressure for not wanting to be counsellors or something.

"Vacation? For two months?"

"Yes, for two months. You were returning home tonight but your car got ran off the road by some wild animal and you came to Hackett's Quarry to get help. We'll tie you in with the rest of the group after I hear the rest of the story." He turned to you. "Now what else?"

Let's fucking hope the cops buy that.

"Well, Jacob and I went off to find Abi but he got caught up in this rope trap. This big tall man came out through the bushes, attacked me, poured what I think was blood all over my face, freed Jacob and then left."



"Bobby, my brother."


"Yes. You can say all that though. As much blame as we can on my family."

"We went back tot he firepit after that."

"What happened with the others?"

"Me and Nick we...we talked in the woods for a little while. Then there were these weird noises so we went to check it out. One of those...werewolves attacked Nick. I tried to help him but the thing got on me so I had to run. It chased me but I managed to get away from it and went to the firepit to get help."

"When talking about it, avoid very specific descriptions. Sharp teeth and claws, big wild animal. Nothing more, nothing less."

Okay simple enough.

"I uh...I don't remember a lot of it but...I was on the ground after it...got me and this guy came, he was huge and he started...dragging me away."

Nick explained. His hands shook in his lap and you took one of them to calm him down a little.

"Bobby again. Keep that."

"We were at the firepit; Kaitlyn, Dylan and I. We cooled off and we were gonna keep playing the game but Abi came through the woods begging us to help Nick. I took the gun and ran through the woods. I found him a little while later, Bobby was dragging him away. I tried to shoot but I wasn't fast enough. Nick bit his finger and...he shot his finger straight off."

Makes sense but wow...That's fucked up...

"Don't mention that. It wouldn't make sense without context."

"Okay. Anyway he let Nick go and he somehow managed to get up. We went back to the firepit."

"Dylan and I were taking care of Abi."

Kaitlyn supplied.

"What about you?"

Travis pointed at Emma. The blonde rolled her eyes, arms crossed.

"I was in the woods for a while. Just walking around and uh...vlogging...It was a little creepy out there but nothing really happened. I thought, hey why don't I go for a swim so I headed to the boathouse. (Y/N) and Jacob weren't there when I got there, just their clothes on the grounds which should've been a red flag but I just ignored it. I went for a swim and then went to the island. Walked around for a little and then went into the treehouse. There were two bags there and I looked through them, found some bear spray, a taser and clothes."

"Those were our bags." Laura said. "You must've gone through Max's."

That certainly explained why Max was currently in Laura's clothes.

"Yeah. Sorry." Emma didn't sound apologetic as she said it and honestly? It made sense that she wasn't. You would've probably looked through two bags you didn't remember being in the treehouse too. "I pulled open the trapdoor and..." She took a deep breath. "One of them dropped down. I tased it and ran for my life. Managed to get a photo of it but my phone's long gone so that's gone too. It chased me all over the island before I finally managed to zipline off of it."

"Uh...Emma, right?"

Max asked tentatively and you already knew what he was about to say.

"Yeah uh...Max."

"I was the werewolf that chased you on the island..."

"Wait, what, that was you?! How?! I-" Emma cracked a small smile. "Oh my God, you were so ugly back then. Did you ever see yourself?"

Max seemed surprised at how well she was taking that but reciprocated the the smile.

"Yeah, no, I never did but I don't doubt it."

"Makes me wish I still had that attack photo."

"It shouldn't." Travis interrupted. "You have to change just about all of that. The swimming part's all fine but leave out the part about the bags. Just say you found some clothes and decided to put them on, not realizing you'd have to take them off later to swim back. The whole trapdoor thing never happened. You went outside to go back but one of those 'wild animals' attacked you. You got away by running and zip lining back."


"Good. Firepit group, keep talking."

"I tended to Abi, got her to try to draw what she saw. The drawing's in her sketchbook."

"Rip it apart."

Abi didn't need to be told twice. You watched as she took her sketchbook, flipped through it and ripped out a page. You saw a flash of a black drawing on it before she ripped the paper into pieces. 

"Good, put the pieces between pages of your sketchbook and don't talk about this to the cops."

"Got it..."

"Me and Dylan looked over Nick. He was hurt bad, really out of it. Dylan noticed this huge bite on his leg. The veins were all black and infected but we didn't think much of it. Dylan said we should cut it off but I just dismissed him."

Oh how terrifying that would've been. Coming back to the firepit and your summer crush is missing one of his legs with blood everywhere. A part of you argued that maybe it would've been for the best though, same with cutting your own hand off.

I'll have my moral arguments later. Not the time.

"Yeah, you can't say any of that. Nick had only a few scratches and bruises when you got to him. What with post transformation status and werewolf regeneration, you can't say that he got hurt badly."

"How do we explain the blood on us then?"

You gestured to yourself and to Nick.

"You play it off as if it's blood from the animals. It's something we can't really cover-up so we just gotta hope they buy it. When they ask why you have no blood on your clothes, you say you changed into clean ones afterwards."

Fuck...Let's hope they buy it...

"Sounds came from the woods but it was just (Y/N) and Jacob. Not much happened after that. Jacob went off to find Emma while (Y/N) joined us. We moved Nick to the lodge in a wheelbarrow."

Ryan continued.

"He walked on his own and you went to the lodge to call for help, scared by the animal attack and Bobby."

"Right. (Y/N) put on some clothes then came to look for a landline to call someone with me and Dylan. We called 911 from Mr H's office but the lights went out so we couldn't call anyone."

"Bobby must've cut the lights. And the water." Kaitlyn reasoned "Abi and I got Nick in bed and started tending to his injuries but he didn't seem to have any. He was already healing."

"Okay, just leave out everything about him being hurt."

"(Y/N), Dylan and Ryan found an extra gun in Mr H's office so (Y/N) gave it to me in case we needed it. Dylan and Ryan went off to the radio hut to try to call for help from there."

"I went to check on Nick. Him, me, Kaitlyn and Abi sat around for a little before we heard some sounds upstairs. Bobby apparently broke into the lodge. Kaitlyn and I took the gun and went to check it out. It was a close encounter and he nearly took our gun but we got away. We fled out through the window and headed towards the radio hut where we knew Dylan and Ryan would be."

"Sounds solid, again just leave out anything supernatural."

Ryan took over telling the story.

"Dylan and I went to the radio hut and called for help but the hunters- Your family- Intercepted the signal. We freaked out cause they knew where we were. Then a fucking werewolf jumped onto the roof. It was already bad at this point but it got worse when we saw (Y/N), Abi, Nick and Kaitlyn coming up the path. We told them to go hide in a cabin, that something was

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