The Ultimate Challenge

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Ivy pov:

I was in my casual clothes and was with the winx in our dorm.

It's quiet and no creatures can be seem,which is what i'm afraid.

What are the Trix planning this time.

And where are Bloom...

Oh Daphne pls protect Bloom...I'm sorry if i failed you.

"Alfea has suffered serious damage.The Trix are getting more and more aggressive and i miss Bloom.How will it all end.I hope she and Sky are all right."said Stella.

I walk up to her and squeeze her shoulder.

"I'm sure she and Sky are on their way and they are gonna help us kick the Trix asses."i said giving her hope.

Honestly i was also starting to lose hope.....

We turn to the other winx.Flora look sad at pumpkin Murtha.

"Flora,you're not giving up on Murtha,are you."said Musa.

"There got to be a way to break this spell."said Tecna.

Flora went to Murtha did something that broke the spell.

There was such a bright light,that forced me to shut my eyes.

When i open them pumkinh Murtha was gone and it was replace by human Murtha.

"Murtha!"said Flora as she hug her.Both of them were giggle to see each other.

"That was the key,Flora,you see,you had to let your energy flow through both of your hands."said Murtha.

"How could i have ever thought that the Trix's magic could be stronger than my desire to help you."said Flora.

Stella walk to the balcony and looked down.

"I hate to change the subject so suddenly but there's talk,good looking guy pacing up and down right under our window and Musa i think he wants to see you."said Stella.

When Stella said Musa's name,i realised that Jason was there.

"Don't be silly,well i think i'll go for a little walk."said Musa going away.

"Uh-hmmm"said Murtha.


"Hey Jason!I think she's coming down!"yell Stella.

Seriously woman....

"Who is?"Jason yelled back.

"Oh come on,you who,don't play innocent."said Stella.

I look over the edge and saw Jason's face like a tomato.

"The boy is flustered."i coo which made him more red which i thought was impossible.

Then Musa came.

"Oh hi Jason!"she said.

"Um,h-hi Musa!Wanna go f-for a w-walk."said the flustered boy.

We watch them walk togther.

Then i saw Riven on the other side of the courtyard.

He was looking right at me.I kept thinking about what he said to me earlier.

Maybe i should forgive him or will he betray me again.

I sigh and walk back inside.


We walk in the courtyard with Murtha as we hear and see blue lighting.

It's almost time i can feel it.

"You know the Trix better than we do Murtha.What do you think they'll do next?"ask Flora.

"Your guess is as good as mine.I've never seen them so full of hate and so powerful."said Murtha.

"I think a facial and a manicure would help them relax."said Stella.

I gave her 'you-for-real-right-now' face.

"Must you always be joking Stella."said Tecna.

"What do you want me to do?When i'm serious,i think of Bloom and i go nuts.See even Kiko misses her."said Stella.

True Kiko look down.

Poor bunny...

"I'm sure Bloom and Sky are okay.Perhaps they're having trouble getting back to Alfea."said Musa.

"I have a good feeling that we'll see them very soon."i said getting their hopes up.

And maybe mine.....

We sat on the stairs,talking and trying to distract us.

"Any news guys?"Musa asked as Riven,Timmy,Jason and Brandon arrived.

"None at all Musa."said Riven.

Look away,avoiding eye contact with him.

"Everything is stopped,it's like everyone is waiting for the worst to happen."said Timmy.

"This dark sky makes me nervous."said Flora.

It makes everyone nervous.

"It's been days since we saw the sunshine."said Stella as a pink lighting strike.

"News from the dark forest,the nymphs are bringing us news."yelled a guy.

There were two nymphs and they went to Faragonda.

"Welcome to Alfea.What brings you here?"ask Miss Faragonda.

"It's Cloud Tower."said a nymph.

"The army is coming through the dark forest."said the other nymph.

"They're headed this way."said the first nymph.

"It's the most powerful army we ever seen."said the other one.

"And Icy,Darcy and Stormy are at the forefront."said the first nymph.

"Go get some rest inside."said Faragonda.

The final battle is here...

"Ivy,Flora,Where are they?"Faragonda ask us.

Me and Flora joined powers.With her power of nature and my nagic to sense the dark magic will help us pin point their location.

Me and Flora concentrated.

"A couple leagues away."i said.

"All right everybody,let's get ready.Take your positions.We won't be caught by surprise."announced Faragonda.

This time it will be very difficult.The Trix are coming personally.

Come quick Bloom..I'm waiting...Everyon is waiting for you...

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