The Secret Greenhouse

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Ivy pov:
The Winx,the pixies and I were back at Alfea.

"I just wish i could identify this flower."said Flora as she looks at the beautiful blue flower that Lu Wei gave us.

"But once we do,it will lead us closer to Eldora."said Stella as we walk through the hallway,going to see Professor Palladium.

"Who will then be able to help us find a way to lock the Legendarium."said Tecna as we were infront of his class.

Good points.

"After Palladium's class,we'll see what he can tell us about Eldora's flower."said Bloom as we enter the classroom and close the door.

We had to.

The pixies aren't allowed in Palladium's class.

We stood by the other fairies as we hear Palladium speak.

"Potionology happens to be very powerful magic science.It's not merely a matter of which potion and how much but it's also a question of when,why and how come.Now watch closely students.A few drops each,like this,and see how the Trix dark magic has been completely reverse."said Professor Palladium as he drops a few drops of potion of three frogs and they turn back into the three fairies that the Trix impersonate during our mission.

"It's the freshman students we thought we were traveling with!"said Aisha.

"Metamorphosis can be one of the trickiest types of spells to undo but i have 3 crucial yet simple points to remember.Number one-huh?"Professor Palladium stopped as potion bottles start moving on his table.

That made an explosion.

A little one but still made Palladium cough.

"Pixies?!Look what you've done."said Palladium and the pixies hurry away."Now..where were we.In order to nullify the effects of a metamorphosis,we are going to need a mixture of magic herbs."

Palladium put the mixture into some type of process.

"More like smelly herbs."whisper Stella.

"Hush."i whisper back.

"And the fairy with animal powers.After you Roxy."said Palladium and Roxy put crow Griffin on the ground."Now focus."

"Nullify the wild!"cast Roxy and used her powers to merge with the mixture and made that spell surrond Griffin.

Next thing we saw is Griffin back to human.

"Wow Roxy!You did it."said Bloom as Griffin fell back but thank god two fairies catched her.

"I must see Faragonda."said Miss Griffin weakly.

"Soon,headmistress Griffin.Girls,take her to the infirmary immediately."said Professor Palladium.

"Here,why don't you guys use this."said Aisha as she made a stretcher out of morphix.

"Easy."said one of the girls as they lay Miss Griffin on the stretcher and start to take her to the infirmary with Palladium.

"Oh no!We never showed Palladium Eldora's flower!"said Flora.

"Come on."i said as we start to run after him.

"Professor Palladium!Wait!"call Bloom as we catch up with him.

"What is it Winx?"ask Palladium.

"We need to show you something very important."said Flora.

"Carry on."said Palladium to the girls and they continued with Griffin.

"Do you know what type of flower this is?"ask Flora as she show Palladium the flower.

"Mmm...I've never seen anything like it."said Palladium.

"Uh oh.There goes that."said Musa.

"Well we're back at square one."i said.

"Don't worry guys.There must be another way to find Eldora."said Bloom.

"Wait a moment!Did you say Eldora?"said Professor Palladiu.

"Yes!Do you know her?"ask Flora.

"A long time ago,a fairy by that name lived here in Alfea."said Palladium.

"She did?!What else do you remember?"said Bloom.

"She taught floral magic in the Alfea Greenhouse."said Palladium.

Wait what now?!

"A greenhouse?!How come i never knew we had a greenhouse!"said Flora.

Everyone is thinking the same thing.

"Where is it,Professor?"ask Tecna.

"It's in the vaults.Ever since Eldora left Alfea,the greenhouse has been closed and abandoned but it still remains."said Professor Palladium.

"Let's go!Now!"said Flora as she runs.

Well damn she's excited.

"Thanks,Professor Palladium!"i said we run after Flora.

"A greenhouse!Here at Alfea!How exciting!"said Flora as we walk in the courtyard.

"Come on Winx,follow me.The vaults are over here."said Bloom.

"Hey,look who it is!"said Aisha as we stopped.

We look ahead and saw the guys coming on there wind riders.

"Brandon!"said Stella as the boys land.

"Jason!"said Musa.

"Hi Timmy!"said Tecna.

"Sky!What a surprise?!I thought you guys were training!"said Bloom as the girls went to their boyfriends.

Well almost everyone...

"Where's Riven?"i ask.

"Oh hey Ivy.Riven said he had to keep training but he wanted me to say hi."said Timmy as he return his attention back to Tecna.

"Oh."i said as i sigh.

Now that's the Riven i know.

Thank god.

Before we left for our mission,he was awfully nice for some reason.

I thought he was cheating on me for a second.

But he's training,so typical Riven.

Guess i'll walk to the side and wait for the others to finish with their boyfriends.

"Bloom!Bloom!"i heard and snap my head toward the sound.

It was a girl with green hair and waving at Bloom.

"Selina!You're here at Alfea!"exclaim Bloom as that girl walks over.

She looks familiar...

"Thought i'd drop in."said Selina.

I saw her somewhere before.

But where?

"Sky,this is Selina.My best friend groing up in Gardenia."said Bloom.

"Bloom,i'm so happy to see you."said Selina as she hugs Bloom.

"You too,Selina.But what happen to you on Egypt?Why were you there?"said Bloom.

She was in Egypt?

"Well i was searching for Eldora too.But then part of the ceilinh collapse and i couldn't find you.I knew Eldora,she was my fairy godmother."explain Selina.

I don't trust her.

"She was?!"said Bloom.

"Yes and because of my connection to Eldora and her magic,the Trix tried to kidnap me."said Selina.

That i can believe.

"Ugh seriously,what is their problem?"said Stella.

"They have a lot of problems."i said.

"Don't worry Selina,you're safe with us."said Bloom.

"So how did you know how to find Bloom?"ask Sky.

"My fairy instinct.Bloom,i have always looked up to you and i still do.I want to help find Eldora."said Selina.

I smell bitch!

"Definitely!"said Bloom.


"This is the part where i go off into the great unknown and you tell me how brave and daring i am."said Stella.

This isn't a fantasy,this is the real world.

Get your head out of the clouds.

"Be strong and brave,my fearless princess.I will be waiting for you."said Brandon.

Don't feed her ego,you dimwit.

"Bye!"the girls said as we walk away from the boys.

"Bye my fair prince."said Stella.

Oh my god.

I swear if you continue,i will kill myself right here and right now.

We continue to walk toward the vaults.

"So Selina,you don't know where Eldora is either?"i question.

I ain't buying your act.

"No...sadly.She left without a word.I have been searching for her for years and in all that time,i've had no one to learn from."said Selina.

"Now you can run from me Selina."said Bloom.

"You know,i swear i saw you somewhere before.Have we ever met?"i ask.

"Not that i remember.Why are asking so much questions?"ask Selina as she turn to me.

"Nothing.Just wanted to get to know you better."i said while fake smiling.

Fucking bitch.

"This must be the entrance to the greenhouse."said Flora as we arrived."Natural Gate!"

The entrance opened up.

"Should we go in?"ask Selina.

Us,not you.

"No,not with Selina.Faragonda needs to meet her first.Those are the rules."said Tecna.

Thank you!

For the first time in my life i gonna say this but thank god for rules.

"We can't waste any time.We've got to find clues about Eldora."said Selina.

Well aren't you a little shaky.

"I'll vouch for Selina.Faragonda will understand the situation."said Bloom.

"So gullible.."i mumble under my breath.

"What's that?"ask Aisha.

"Nothing."i said with a high pitch voice and a fake smile.

We were about to walk forward but Stella being Stella came infront of us.

"Everyone stop!We can't go in like this."said Stella.

By now,we all know just to go with it.

"What do you got for us,Stel?"i ask.

"Well since you ask."said Stella and used her powers to change our clothes.

Hmm not bad.

It's a shame tho,Selina didn't get an outfit.

How sad.

But anyways,i look good!

I mean,i look good in everything.

"Voila!Now we can enter!"said Stella.

We finally walk forward and enter the greenhouse.

"Damnnn."i said as we walk in.

There was alot of plants.

"Check it out.Just look at this place."said Aisha.

"Didn't know there was a jungle inside of Alfea."i said with a hint of sarcasm.

"This sure is a whole lot of greenhouse for one little fairy godmother."said Stella.

"You're telling me."said Musa.

"Maybe she wasn't little."i said.

I mean we deal with dealt with so many things,i wouldn't be surprise if she was a giant.

"Here it is.Eldora's favorite flower."said Flora as she made the flower appear.

"Selina,do you recognize it?"ask Bloom.

"No,but i know that Eldora had a passion for flowers and that the answer is in here somewhere."said Selina.

Are you ever gonna be useful?

"Let's spread out and find a match to the flower.If it exists, i know it must be somewhere in here."said Flora as we walk.

Can you just use your powers to locate where it is in the greenhouse?

Then Musa tap on a purple flower which was sounding like a bell.

"Guys,listen to this!"said Musa and start tapping on multiple purple bell flowers.

"So cool!"i said as i chuckle.

"Stella no!"we heard.

"The flowers must be left in their natural habitat.We can't pick them."said Flora as she smell some flowers.

Well i guess we can't argue with Flora when it concerns this greenhouse.

Look out kids,Flora will throw you out of you're bad!

"This is the most incredible greenhouse,i've ever been in.If only i could be it's caretaker someday."said Flora.

"No one would be better at that than you Flora.Just imagine what you could do with a place that has been closed and abandoned for all these years."said Bloom.

"Look,these roses are incredibly lush."said Flora as she went to the bush and smelled the roses.

All of the sudden Flora gasp and stumble backwards before collapsing on the ground.

"Flora!"we said as we run to her side.

"What's wrong?!Flora!Flora!"said Bloom as she held Flora.

"B-Bloom....h-h-help..."said Flora very weakly.

"Winx,those rose must have poisoned her.We must do something."said Bloom.

"But i don't know a counter spell for flowers."said Aisha.

That's because we aren't flower fairies.

If we were,we would have done the counter spell the minute she collapse!

"Only Flora has that power."said Tecna.

Kinda stepping on my point there,Tecna.

"We need an antidote."i said.

"Tell me does Alfea have a potion room?"ask Selina.

Nobody tells her!

"But how would you know which one to use?"ask Stella.

What did i just say?!

Read my mind,dammit!

"Eldora taught me everything about plants and their poisons."said Selina

How convenient...

"Selina and i will search for the antidote.We have no time to waste."said Bloom as they start to run away.

"In the meantime,i'll go and get Palladium.He should be able to help us."said Aisha.

Good idea.

Then suddenly,three plant monsters came out of nowhere.

"Look out!Those plants are moving!"said Stella.

"And moving right toward us!"said Musa.

"We can't let them hurt Flora.Winx transform!"i said.

"Magic Winx!Bloomix!"we said and transformed.

-"Ivy,fairy of the dragon flame of darkness!"

"We won't let them hurt you,Flora."said Stella as we were flying infront of Flora.

We all blast the trees at the same time but it didn't work.

"These plants are so strong!"said Tecna.

"Keep going!We can't give up!"said Aisha as we fly closer the plants and were dodging them.

"Bloom,better be quick!"i said as i dodge an attack.

We continue blasting and dodging.

"Burn to damn thing!"i said as i blast one but my fire didn't work.

Damn it!

"We can't keep this up much longer."said Aisha.

"We have too.Until Bloom comes back."said Stella as she blast a plant.

"I'm here!"we heard and saw Bloom with a green bottle in her hand.

"Finally!"i said.

"Just in time.We'll keep these guys busy so you can help Flora."said Musa.

We continue distracting the monsters while Bloom goes to feed Flora the antidote.

"Winx,all together!"said Aisha and we all blast the plants.

Pushing them back a little but not enough.

We heard talking behind us and saw Palladium and the boys.

Bloom had a shocked and betrayed face on.

To the time to care about that.

"Care to join us guys?"ask Stella.

"It would be our pleasure."said Brandon as the boys came to help us.

"Someone transformed these plants into monsters."i heard Flora say and then the monsters return back to being trees.

"All right!"said Aisha.

"Nicely done,Flora!"i said.

"Woohoo!"cheer Stella.

We finally got to know what happen.

News flash,Selina works for the Trix.

I knew it!

I said she was bad news and i was right.


Selina played with Bloom's emotions and almost made her feed Flora a very poisonous mixture.

Now we stood in the courtyard with Daphne as Bloom keep apologizing.

"Oh Winx,i'm so sorry.I put everyone in danger and i almost poisoned Flora."said Bloom.

Oh Bloom....

"Bloom,but you're not to blame for it."said Daphne.

"Yes Daphne,i am."said Bloom sadly.

"Bloom,it's okay.Selina deceived you."said Flora.

"I can't forgive myself.I'll never forgive myself.I can't stay here.I need to figure everything out."said Bloom.

"That's silly."said Tecna.

"Yeah,Bloom.We're your friends."said Aisha.

"Bloom...."said Musa.

"Don't go."i said.

"We'll give you all the space you need here at Alfea."said Stella.

"Oh Stella,i wish i could but i can't."said Bloom and starts to walk toward the gate.

Please!Don't go!

"It won't be easy but we need to let Bloom go for a bit."said Daphne.

"Please tell me this is not happening."i said as we see Bloom disappear.

And that was it.

She was gone.

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