Stella's Big Party

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Ivy pov:

We forge the Legendarium key and went to Cloud Tower to close the Legendarium forever but Cloud Tower became invisible.We needed to get permission from King Radius to enter his library.The largest library in the whole magic dimension.But the entrance was only granted for the king.Stella still brought us to Solaria.Apparently all 3 sun of Solaria appear in the sky that day and that means King Radius has to give up the throne for one day.Stella was queen for the day and she granted us permission.We found a solution and went to tell Stella but she changed.The power went over her head and let witches enter the castle.Now we are fighting the witches.

End of recap.

"You may have been invited here but you have overstayed your welcome."said Bloom.

"Oh...but we're having so much fun!"said a witch as she blast but i dodge.

Another witch trapped Tecna and Musa in spheres and was playing with them.

Three witches blast toward me,Bloom and Flora,we had to step back to avoid it.

Then Daphne blast the witch,which was playing with Musa and Tecna,and free them.

"Maybe Solaria should rethink the whole Queen for a day tradition."said Musa.

"If only those guards could actually help us."said Daphne,motioning to the guards who were protecting King Radius and Queen Luna.

Aisha blast two witches back to the others.

"It's time to give up witches,you're not gonna win this one."said Bloom and we blast them all at the same time.

"This isn't over,Winx!"said a witch as she made a lot of smoke.

"What was that?!"said Bloom as the smoke clear the witches were gone.

"Looks like a disappearing act to me."i said.

"Hold on,Your Majesty."said Bloom as she free them from her orb.

"You've done it,Winx.Thank you."said King Radius.

"Now let's try to find Queen Stella."said Bloom.


We were infront of Stella's room and could hear voices.

"Sounds like she's in here."i said.

"Let me check."said Daphne as she was about to open the door but it opened and mad Brandon stormed out.

"Brandon?!What's going on?"ask Bloom.

"I think you should ask her Royal Highness."said Brandon as she walk off.

We entered Stella's room and she began to tell us everything.

Good thing she was back to normal.

Apparently the Trix sent an evil mirror as a present and turned Stella.

Now we're sitting on her bed listenung to her cry about Brandon as Tecna analyze the mirror.

"He was so upset."cry Stella.

"Just give Brandon some time,Stella."said Aisha.

"So i take it my parents are upset with me too."said Stella.

"Something like that."i said.

"They'll understand.There are clear traces of sorcery here."said Tecna.

"Being a queen is so much harder than i thought."said Stella.

"I think the secret is to treat everyone as your equal."said Bloom.

"I've got to find a way to make it up to them.Especially Brandon,i was so awful to him."said Stella.

"Don't worry,Stella.We'll help you."i said.

I mean someone was going to say it eventually.

"Count us in too."said Amore.

"Thanks Winx.You guys mean the world to me and so does Brandon."said Stella.

"We've got this."said Amore.

"All we need are some fresh moves."said Musa as she drags Stella to the center of of the room.

"A pretty spring aroma."said Flora as she snaps her fingers and flower petals falls down.

"The right lighting."said Tecna as she snaps her finger and the room went dark and romantic lights goes around the room.

"And an apology straight from the heart."said Bloom.

I think Stella got the message.

"Let's do this right and make it a big party.Not just for Brandon,but for the whole royal court."said Stella.

"I'll take care of the food.It's going to be perfect Stella."said Bloom.

We were all in the kitchen.

We had our aprons on and ready to cook.

Even the pixies were baking.

I was assembling small sliders.

I turn around and saw the pixies taking out their cupcakes.

They were Kara's specialty.

They were so mini.

I went over and put one in my mouth.

"Taste good but maybe make them a little bigger."said Bloom.

"Of course,my legendary better growing spell."sair Kara and she cast her spell.

The cupcakes were bigger but as they float upwards,they kept getting bigger and bigger.

At a point,they all exploded and went everywhere.

I got cupcake right in my face.

"They don't call it legendary for nothing."said Kara as i wipe my face.

Anyways we return back to making food.

Now we were making pizza.

I was turning turning the dough around in the air with magic.

"The sauce is almost ready."said Aisha.

"Here comes the dough."i said as i lower the dough on the table and Aisha add the sauce.

"And some fresh veggies."said Bloom as she add them on.

"You girls have been amazing.How do i even begin to thank you."said Stella as she entered the kitchen.

"You can start by giving us a hand."said Bloom as she changed Stella's clothes to kitchen appropriate ones.

"You got it,Bloom."said Stella and Bloom drags her.

Stella bump against Aisha and made her face cover in sauce.

"Stella,didn't you learn not to run in the kitchen."said Aisha.

"Uh sorry."said Stella as Bloom show her the work.

"This pizza is ready."i said.

"And the oven also is ready."said Musa.

"Okay."i said as i made a pizza peel appear and slide the pizza on it.

I walk to the oven and Musa open it for me.

I put the pizza in the oven and close the door.

"Now we let it cook."i said making the peel disappear.

"Shh!"we heard.

It was Flora.

"Oh hello.Please come in."she said as King Radius and Queen Luna enter.

"What's going on in here?"ask King Radius as they look at Stella kneading pizza dough.

"Who said a Queen can't get her hands dirty."said Bloom as Queen Luna looks happy.


We set up everything and now it was time to party.

The pixies were going around serving people.

Stella clap her hands to gain everyone's attention.

"Welcome.Please enjoy this dinner as a sign of my gratitude and appreciation for all of you."said Stella.

Man i was hungry.

I went around and got some food.

I went to Bloom as we look at Stella and Brandon making up.

"The plan worked."i said as we high five.

Everything was going well until we heard and roar and bright light appear in the room.

A giant appear.

That giant roar and went around the room,eating all of the food.

"How did such a beast get into my palace?!"said King Radius.

Something tells me,Selina and Trix had something to do with it.

"Guards,protect the guests and my parents."said Stella and guarda went into action."And as for that giant.."

"Leave it to us."said Bloom.

"Magic Winx!Bloomix!"we said and transformed.

-"Ivy,fairy of the dragon flame of darkness!"

"Burning Fire!"i blast the giant in the stomach but it did nothing to him.

It went on destroying everything.

"Everyone,take cover now!"said Stella.

The giant turn to some guests and Brandon went to help but Stella blast it to divert its attention.

"How are our powers not having any effect on him?!"said Stella.

"It looks like he's completely resistant to direct attack."said Bloom.

"Gargantua is a legendary creature,whose only goal is to eat whatever is around him."said Daphne.

"I have got to stop it."said Stella as i held her back.

"Take a breath,Stella.We need a plab first."i said.

"A perfect party completely ruined."said Aurora.

"And i didn't even get to serve my giant cake."said Kara.

"That's it!Pixies i've got an idea."said Stella.

Stella told us the plan.

Make the giant explode with Kara's growing spell.

"Follow me to all you can eat cupcakes."said Stella as the pixies put cupcakes on the floor and the giant was eating them."Come on,there's more where that came from."

The pixies continues to put the cupcakes down and was leading the giant to the kitchen,where cake was.

"Good job pixies,you're almost there."said Tecna.

"Just a few more."said Aisha as we were over the cake.

"Get ready."said Bloom.

"It's coming."said Stella as shs flew in with Gargantua on her tail."Presenting..."

"A giant cake to feed your giant appetite."said Bloom as Gargantua look at the cake.

He instantly grab the cake.

"Everyone remember Kara's batter growing spell?"ask Stella and we nodded.

Just as Gargantua was putting the cake in his mouth,we all cast the spell on the cake.

Then his stomach started growing and before you know it,he was gone.

Exploded and magically disappeared.

"Well done Stella."said Bloom.

"I couldn't have done it without all of you."said Stella."I just wish our perfect meal wasn't ruined."

"Next time,we should increase party security."said Musa.

"There's gonna be a next time?!"i said and that made them laugh.

We all stood in the throne room.

"As my final act as Queen,i want to apologize to everyone and i want to thank my parents,Brandon and ny friends for their support."said Stella as she hug Brandon before walking to her parents."Mom,Dad...i realize that being a Queen is a serious job,which takes patience,humility and a lot of love.Thanks for giving me the chance."

Stella took off the crown and gave it back to King Radius as everyone cheer.

"Thank you Solaria.Come on everyone,let's go."said Stella as she grab Brandon and Bloom's hands and drag them.

The next day...
We were at Alfea and prepared something for Stella and Brandon since their date was interrupted.

"Welcome."said Bloom as Stella and Brandon arrived.

"Please follow me to your table."said Flora as the rest of us was cooking the pizza.

We serve them their pizzas and sat in a booth away from them,to give them privacy.

"You know even after everything that just happened,i can honestly say i'm starving."said Bloom.

"Me too."i said as we all take a slice.

"Let's eat."said Bloom.

Stella and Brandon did get their happy ending at the end.

Happy late Christmas and it's New Years eve today.

Finally the year 2023 is coming to an end.

See you tomorrow❤️❤️

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