Pixie Village

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In past few days since we returned from Cloud Tower,Bloom was possessed by an evil shadow virus while on a mystic journey.She turned evil and destroyed Alfea's magic archeive.The Winx fought bravely but Bloom took the Codex and gave it to Kerborg,Darkar's crow, and it took it to Lord Darkar.Avalon finally cured her and Bloom is back to herslelf.

Ivy pov:
We knock on Faragonda's door.

"Come in!"we heard and we open the door to get inside thr office.

"Good morning Miss Faragonda,you wanted to see us?"said Bloom.

"Yes,we need to talk......Well Winx we've had a very difficult time lately,haven't we?"said Miss Faragonda.

"That's an understatement if i ever heard one."said Stella.

"As you all know,Lord Darkar already has three pieces of the Codex.Now if gr obtains the fourth one,his magical powers will be impossible to beat."said Faragonda.

True all that is left now is the Codex at Pixie Village.

"Aw that'd be so awful."said Flora.

" 'oh that'd be so awful!' Then do something about it instead of standing there complaining!"said Stella.

"You're the one who's all talk Stella."said Musa.

Great another fight....

We've been fighting alot these days.

And they get on my nerves...

The fights and the WINX!

"Like you could do anything against the Trix."said Stella.

"If you're sooo 'problem-solving' then why don't you do something Miss Sunshine except of criticizing everyone and everything around you!"i snap.

"As long as you fairies remain quarrelsome and divided you are useless in the struggle against Lord Darkar.In light of the situation,i feel the need to take drastic actions."said Faragonda.

And what will it be.....a new friendship class?

"Well then what do you have in mind?"ask Bloom.

"I'm sending you on a vacation."said Faragonda.

"HUH?!"we said.

Vacation!...with these Motherfuckers!

"Excuse me but it doesn't seem logical to take a vacation at such a critical time."said Tecna.

"On the contrary,a vacation is exactly what you need.Now listen carefully."said Faragonda as she projects where we are going on a screen.

"The wildlands are three habitats in one:in the mountains you will find the winter paradise with excellent skiing facilities while the great wildland desert and savannah region host a wide variety of animals and exotic plants."explain Faragonda.

"Oh look how beautiful that one is."exclaim Flora.

Keep it in your pants,we're not there yet.

"You'll be leaving today for the city of Adquistic,where you will buy supplies and clothes."said Faragonda.

"Yes!Shopping!"exclaim Stella.


"For crying out loud,can't you think of anything else."said Layla.

"As if you weren't all thinking the same thing."said Stella.

"No."i said with a straight face to her face.

"Calm down girls,this vacation will help you relax and regain your spirit of cooperation."said Faragonda.

"But what about all the classes we will be missing?"ask Flora.

You're thinking about classes when we are literally having a free vacation.

Were you drop as a baby?

"This is much more important.Also keep in mind that in the wildlands,magic energy is very low."said Faragonda.

"No magic!"said Bloom.

"Oh no,what if something goes wrong?What do we do?"ask Flora.

"Yay,burden free also!"i said.

"You'll have to use your wits but just to be one the safe side,i've invited a few specialists."said Faragonda.


It seem to perfect...

"Hooray!"cheer Stella.

"Can i stay here?"i ask.

"No."said Faragonda.

Oh man...:(

"Now easy does it with those boys,is that clear.Dismissed."said Faragonda.

We walked out of Faragonda's office and was walking in the hallway.

"I'm worried we'll miss something important in class."said Flora.

Still on the classes thing...

"Schoolwork is a pain.I for one deserve a nice vacation."said Stella.

Doing what...nothing.

"It's always about you,isn't it Stella."said Musa.

"When isn't it not."i said.

"Musa,Ivy,would you just lay off!"said Stella.

"Girls let's not argue.Okay?We don't want to ruin this vacation."said Bloom.

Time skip...

We all packed a bag and was waiting for the boys to come get us with the pixes.

"Oh this will be great!I hope you all brought sweet suit and long underwear."said Chatta excitely.

Can't deny we were all happy about this vacation.

The OWL landed and the boys were in thier casual clothes instead of specialists uniform.

"Hello ladies!"said Sky as he and Brandon get out of the OWL.

"Ready for some fun?"ask Brandon.

"During vacation you will be able to spend all your time with Brandon.That's your relationship stuff tomorrow."said Amore.

"Sweetie i adore my boy but what you're proposing sounds very stressful and a vacation should be fun and relaxing."said Stella.

We all ran and got into the OWL.

I entered the OWL and could see Timmy don't have a great relationship with Tecna right now,Musa was talking happily with Jason,then i saw Riven,who was reading a book.

He looked at me and made eye contact for two seconds before i went to stood next to Tecna.

"Boy..."we said.

The OWL took off the ground.

No turning backs now....


We were flying over the wildlands.

"Oh no!There's an amoled site.What in the world am i gonna do!"said Stella.

"I hope jumping out of this ship right now."i mumble.

"Ivy!"nudge Aurora.

She heard me..

Then there was a beeping sound.

"What you got there,Timmy?"ask Brandon.

"The sensors are picking up another ship just ahead of us."said Timmy.

"But we're above the wildlands.There should be no one else out here."said Brandon.

It was a big ass flying creatures infront of us.

The ship rotate which made us fall on the ground.

"It's all right ladies.Everything is under control now."said Brandon.

"I would like to thank you on everyone's behalf for saving our lives."said Tune.

How polite...

"Bloom are you alright?"ask Sky as he try to help Bloom up.

"Of course!I can take care of myself,i'll have you know."said Bloom harshly as she push Sky hand away and got up.

Great couple fight.

"I know i just-"

"Did you expect me to burst into tears or something?"said Bloom.

"No i-"Sky just walked away.

Poor guy....

But by the look on Bloom's face it seems like she regrets it.

"Everybody prepare.We're landing."said Brandon.

We hold onto the side as they land the ship.

We got out of the ship and entered a boutique.

I tried on different coats as we were going skiing after.

"That looks great."said Riven.

"Great!Not beautil or anything!"i said angrily.

Just feeling his presence makes me angry.

"Um it looks beautiful i guess."said Riven.

"I guess!?"i said.

"What do you want me to do!"he said.

"Nothing!Why don't you go back and train with your new buddy or should i say..minion...if you're going to annoy me all vacation!"i said.

He was about to say something but just groan loudly and went away.

"That was harsh Ivy."said Aurora.

"He'll live."i said rolling my eyes.

"Well i'm going with him.You're not pleasant these days."said Aurora as she fly to Riven.

Little traitor....

.....i am that bad lately?....

Maybe i should apologize.....



I groan in frustration...

After shopping....

We finally finished shopping and was at the bottom of the moutain.

All of us dressed the same...

"How do we get on top?"ask Bloom.

"We need to take the cable car over there."said Lockette.

"Well what are we waiting for?Let's go!"said Brandon as we cheer.

"Are you sure that thing is safe?Looks kind of old."ask Musa.

We waited till a car to come.

"Oh i'm terrified of heights."said Lockette.


"You can fly what's the problem?"said Tecna.

"All right.Come on guys,it's getting late and i don't want to miss out on any snowboarding time."said Brandon as he open the door.

We all got in and it was cramped up in here.

The car rode till the top and boy i was glad we could get out of there.

"It will be dark before long."said Timmy.

"To be exact we still have 43 minutes of daylight."said Tecna.

"Well then let's go.Last one down is a rotten egg salad."said Sky.

"That will be you Sky after i scramble you."said Riven.

Egg pun seriously....

"Fat chance."said Sky as he slide.

Riven went next.

"Come on Piff let's show them."said Layla as she went also.

"Yahhooo!"we all cheer as we also went down.

We all compete with each to go down and i glad to say i'm not last....nor am i first.

Layla won and Sky and Riven were embarrassed.

"It's getting kind of dark.Maybe we should head back."said Flora.

"Well according to my calculations,we have one last run down the mountain."said Digit.

"Come on what are we waiting for."said Bloom as i got into the car.

"Brandon anymore?"ask Sky.

"Sure."said Brandon.

We all got in and off we go again.

The car was shaking violently as it went.

"OH I HATE HEIGHTS!"said Lockette hiding in Bloom.

"It's alright Lockette.We're almost there."said Brandon.

He jinxed it and the car stopped half way up.

"There's a rood hatch here.Guys i think i'm gonna need a leg up."said Timmy.

Brandon took Timmy on his shoulders so Timmy could look what's wrong.

"Oh boy."we heard Timmy say.

This sounds bad.

"Timmy what's wrong?"ask Tecna.

"The cable is frayed.It's about to snap."said Timmy making us gasps.

Way to rip the bandage off.

"I knew it.We're doomed!"said Lockette in panic.

The car starts to drop down a little.

"We're gonna fall!"said Aurora.

"Come on let's transform!"said Stella.

"Magic doesn't work in this place remember."said Tecna.

"And the last convergence we tried had disastrous results."said Musa.

"We're screwed!"i said.

The car keep swinging back and forth because of the wind.

Bloody bitch...

"So we can't tranform."said Layla after we calm down a little.

"What now?"ask Stella.

"How i wish i could fly!"said Musa.

"Come on guys think if something!"said Tecna.

"Why don't you come up with an idea huh."said Brandon.

We were all arguing among ourselves.

"Quiet!Let's not panic.Let's keep our cool and work together okay."said Bloom.

"So Bloom what's the plan?"ask Tecna as the car drop even more.

Bloom thought for a few second and said,"Okay,i have an idea.First i need everybody to take off their snow jackets."said Bloom and told us that we had to do next.

We all helped and we made a giant glider.

We all hold on and glider off just in time as the car went down.

Though we didn't know how to work it so we crash into the snow.

At least we're safe now.

"You did it Bloom!"said Sky.

"No we did it together as a team.I'm sorry guys,i'll admit i'd lost faith in us as a team lately."said Bloom.

Aww....i love cuz♡

"Oh Sky i even lost faith in you!You forgive me?"said Bloom as she hug him.

"Of course and don't worry i'll always be there for you."said Sky.

Then something appeared on Bloom chest and disappeared.

"What's that?"ask Bloom in surprise.

"It's a Charmix.It's something a fairy can earn when she manages to overcome her weaknesses."explain Chatta.

"My magic it feels stronger."said Bloom.

New power up....Cool.

I can't wait for mine.....

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