Chapter 9

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I wake up, being in our new apartment. It has four bedrooms and three bathrooms, with a kitchen and a living room. I share a room with Stella, who lays fast asleep on her bed. I get out of bed, before heading into the living room. As usual, it was always messy. I walk into the kitchen and snap my fingers, before making food appear in front of me. As I start to eat breakfast, the other girls start to leave their rooms and walk into the living room area.

"Good morning!" I call, as they smile in my direction. "I made some breakfast. If you're hungry, there's enough for everyone." The girls quickly walk over, before taking some food and munching down on it.

Musa looks at Bloom. "What's the plan for today?"

"We're going to work on the apartment," Bloom states. I nod lightly, as Stella walks out of our room and then grabs some food. "Stella, we're going to finish the apartment today," Rena says.

"Okay!" Stella proclaims, with a bright smile on her face. "I'm thinking we paint the wall hot pink!" I eye her carefully, before shaking my head no. First, we're not going to live in Gardenia forever. Second, neutral colored walls would look even better.

"I don't think we should do that," I state, as Stella eyes me carefully. "That would take extra time that we don't have. Our main focus should be setting up furniture and unpacking our stuff."

"I agree," Musa says, nodding in my direction. "Tecna and I will be working on our room." I meet her gaze, before they enter a room and close the door right behind them.

Bloom looks at Flora for a moment, as they walk into another room, before shutting the door. "I'll be taking this," Rena states, holding up a cinnamon roll. Aisha nods in her direction, before they head into their room.

That leaves me with Stella, who crosses her arms in annoyance. "I understand why you think painting the wall is a bad idea," Stella admits, as her hair covers her eyes. "It just seemed like so much fun to me..."

I heave a sigh. The other girls wanted to avoid this, didn't they? "I'm sorry, Stella," I say, before turning to face her. "It sounds like fun, but we should set up all of our stuff. Besides, I think our room will look the best!"

Stella's eyes light up. "I think so too!" She states. "Let's do this!" We head back to our room, before setting up our furniture and unpacking our stuff. After a few hours, we were finally done.

"It looks amazing!" I proclaim, as Stella grins happily. I look at my side of the room, which is a under-the-sea theme, before looking at Stella's side, which is a galaxy theme.

We leave the room, before looking at the living room and kitchen. It was a complete mess. There were boxes everywhere. "Magic orb, set up the living room and kitchen," I say, as the boxes open and everything goes to its place. Within seconds, both of the rooms were complete.

"You couldn't have done that for our room?" Stella asks, putting her hands on her hips. I chuckle to myself, before sitting on the couch. She sits down right next to me, before turning to stare at me.

"I wanted to..."

Before I could continue, a knock comes from the door. Bloom hurries to the door and opens it, as Andy and his band stand there. "Hello!" Bloom greets, before welcoming them into the apartment.

"Welcome to our finished apartment," I state, as they look around in awe. Stella and I get to our feet, before approaching them.

"We came by to say hey," Andy says, as I roll my eyes in annoyance. "Also, you girls are invited to the fruity music bar tonight to see our concert." I nod lightly, before waving good bye. As I close the door, I turn to stare at the other members of the Winx club.

"Girls, I feel like we wasted our day," Rena admits. "We should be looking for the last earth fairy instead of setting up our apartment." I nod in agreement, as she purses her lips in concentration.

She's right. "Where do we start looking?" Stella exclaims. "This city is so big!" I furrow my eyebrows in concentration. If my orb can tell me what city she's in, then it can tell us her exact location as well.

"Allow me to handle this," I say confidently. "Magic orb, show us where the last earth fairy is." The orb glows, as my eyes light up. She's nearby, and that means we'll be able to find her!

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