Chapter 30

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After a few minutes, the other members of the Winx start to shiver. I couldn't take it anymore. They were just messing with us! "G-Girls..." Bloom chokes out. "Roxy..."

I glance at her, realizing that she's unconscious. My eyes flash dangerously, as Nebula approaches us. "It's either Roxy or the wizards!" She states, as I nervously look at the other girls.

"I won't put up with this anymore!" I declare, glaring at Nebula. "You're a coward! You picked on my friends!" Nebula glares at me, before sending an orb of magic at me. I make a shield, which reflects it right back at her.

She gasps in horror, barely evading the attack. "A-Aqua, what are you doing...?" Bloom asks, as I ignore her. One of us has to do this for Roxy's sake, and I know they can't handle this cold that well.

"How about we settle this with a fight?" I challenge, as Nebula arches a brow. "If I win, then you guys will give up on your quest for vengeance; however, if you win, then we'll tell you where the wizards are." A smirk forms on her lips, as she puts her hands on her hips.

"Alright," she says, before putting a protective barrier around us. "This should help Roxy." Nebula walks away, as I look at the ground and think about what I just did. My mom once warned me about lashing out in anger.

That was anger. The last time we lashed out, we almost lost Bloom. If Tecna was there at the time, then she wouldn't have let us do it. I look at the ground, wishing that Jax was here to comfort me. "Aqua," Stella states, as I slowly turn around to face them.

"Yes...?" I ask nervously, as they intently stare at me. She engulfs me in a hug, as a small smile forms on my lips. A few seconds later, she pulls away, with a bright smile on her face. "Aqua, we would like to thank you," Flora says.

"Girls, Roxy is waking up!" Bloom states. I hurry over to her, as she slowly opens her eyes. "W-What happened...?" She asks, before grabbing her head.

"You almost died," Rena states, as Roxy's eyes widen in terror. "Then, this idiot challenged Nebula to a fight." Rena puts an arm around my shoulder, as Roxy stares at me with wide eyes. I force a smile, feeling extremely nervous.

All of a sudden, the place starts to shake like crazy. I squeeze my eyes shut, before falling to the ground for stability. If anything, we're about to die! When it settles down, we're on the balcony of the fortress. I look down, noticing a large space below us.

Roxy grasps her head, as a gasp escapes her lips. I look ahead, as Morgana comes into view. She walks over to us, before releasing Roxy from the protective barrier. "Morgana!" A voice comes, as Nebula scurries towards her. "I made a deal with one of the fairies."

Morgana arches a brow. "Really?"

"I made the deal with her," Nebula states, pointing at me. "We'll be fighting one on one. If I win, then they'll give us the wizards; however, if she wins, then we have to release them and give up our quest for revenge." Nebula smirks, before looking at Morgana.

"Which one challenged you?" Morgana asks, before turning to face us. I look in Nebula's direction, knowing that she's going down. "I did, your majesty," I say respectfully, as the queen looks at me for a moment.

"Proceed," the queen says. She snaps her fingers, as I appear right outside of the protective barrier. I glance in her direction, before shooting her a thankful smile. "Let's add more to the deal," Nebula says. "If you lose, then the Winx and Roxy will join the warrior fairies."

I glare at her, knowing that I wasn't going to lose. "You have yourself a deal," I say, with a casual smirk. "If you lose, then you'll join us." She sends an orb of magic at me. I pivot my feet to the side, knowing that I've faced stronger opponents.

Nebula fires another orb at me, as I stare at her in amusement. I heave a sigh, as my hair covers my eyes. "Nebula," I say sharply. "You really don't know that much about me."

She studies me. "Yeah!?"

She sends another orb at me. I hold out my hand, putting a shield out in front of me and blocking her attack. "One of the last enemies we faced captured and tortured me," I say, before showing her my permanent scar. Her eyes widen in shock, as she continues to send orbs at me.

"Why should I believe you!?" She proclaims. I shrug my shoulders, knowing that she wouldn't believe me either way. "I won't force you to believe me, but I'll beat you," I say calmly. "I guess it's time for me to get serious."

Her eyes widen. "What!?"

I smile softly. "Magic orb, defeat her!" I state. Orbs of ice start to surround her, before simultaneously slamming into her. Nebula let's out a scream, before falling unconscious and slumping to the ground. I look all around, as my friends stare at me in astonishment.

"You did it!" Roxy cheers. I smile in her direction, before looking at Nebula. I feel really bad for her. I slowly approach her, as she lays weakly on the ground. When someone wants revenge, they're emotionally weak.

"Magic orb, heal her," I say. Sparkles shroud her, and within seconds, she's completely healed. Her eyes slowly open, as she looks at me for a moment. Nebula glares at me, before sending a bunch of orbs at me. My eyes flash dangerously. I shouldn't have let my guard down!

"How pathetic," she states. I clench my fists in rage, as something comes over me. All of that rage from losing. Being almost there, being Valtor's prisoner, and almost losing Tecna.

"What did I tell you?" I say darkly. "I'm done playing games with you. Water stars: secret spell!" The spell rages towards her. At first, she tries to dodge, but the attack was too strong. She's launched across the ice, being unable to stand.

My eyes flash dangerously, as she launches a piece of ice off of the fortress and towards a nearby city. "Gardenia," she says. My eyes widen in horror, as I glance at Roxy and Bloom. Both of them have people they care about down there!

I run a hand through my hair, before closing my eyes in concentration. "Magic orb, make the ice falling towards Gardenia evaporate," I order. Within seconds, the ice disappears into thin air.

"Aqua, you did it!" Bloom proclaims, with a smile on her face. "Thank you so much!" I nod in her direction. A second later, Nebula fires ice at me. I hold up my hand, forcing her attack to evaporate.

"Nebula, that's enough!" Morgana declares, eyeing her carefully. "You've lost!" Nebula starts to go crazy, slamming her fists in the ground and breathing heavily. After a few seconds, Aurora freezes her from her toes to her neck.

"You'll pay for this!" She roars. Morgana shoots us a smile, before sending us through a portal. Once we're in the portal, the atheral fairies come into view. "This is the gift of healing," one of them says, as I stare at it in amazement. "You can bring anyone back from the dead."

I purse my lips, being terrified about the gift. Could this be their way of telling us that someone is going to die in the near future? As we get out of the portal, our transformations wear off.

We head straight to the fruity music bar. If anything, the mission was extremely stressful. As for now, I'm just glad that we're back with the guys.

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